A group leader at a university or college is a person who has a slightly larger range of responsibilities than an ordinary student. This is the most responsible and organized student of the entire group, or rather, he should be one, for which he may be given some additional privileges.
Rules for choosing a headman
The process of choosing the head of the student group from among all students is established by the university individually. Sometimes faculties can decide for themselves how to appoint a prefect. In some universities, the election of the headman is practiced by the general vote of the students of the group. Others prefer to appoint the headman "from above", in the dean's office.
In the event that the elections are held by a group of students, a person nominated for the post of headman must immediately assess all the risks. In some groups, especially in colleges, the group leader can be perceived negatively, especially if he refuses to meet negligent students and note their presence if, in fact, they are skipping a couple. But this will be discussed later.

Duties of group leader
The headman is endowed with a number of duties that he will need to perform throughout the entire period of study. First of all, the headman will be perceived as the leader of a particular group, who will be able to represent its interests before the administration of the faculty and the university. Often the headman plays the role of an "ambassador" - he is given important information that will need to be conveyed to the rest of the students.
The duties of the headman also include filling out the journal. As in schools, universities and colleges maintain records of student attendance. The warden is given a magazine at the beginning of the semester, which he will have to take with him to all classes for half a year. Here the headman of the group is forced to use all his organizational abilities. He will need to reliably enter data into the journal and try not to spoil relations with classmates: after all, many of them will want to “make friends” with the headman in order not to go to classes and at the same time be formally present everywhere.

University-wide headman functions
The headman must also participate in general university events: be a member of the student council or the headman. A group in a college may be exempt from this, as such institutions sometimes do not have such organizations.
The Student Council deals with issues related to governance within the university in areas directly related to student life. The starostat is an organization that gathersmore often than the student council, and only group leaders enter there.
Depending on the university, these organizations may be scattered or merged into one. Often the second option occurs. But also not in all universities the headmen are obliged to participate in the life of student councils, in some cases there are enough activists from groups or faculties who will pass information to the headmen.

Privileges of the headman
Since the leader of the group has a greater range of duties, he is en titled to certain privileges and rewards. They are set in each university individually, in individual educational organizations they may not exist at all. In some universities, such students are given an allowance for scholarships, as a rule, no more than three hundred rubles.
Also, the trade union committee is called upon to monitor the privileges of the headman. For example, first of all, he can be given cheap or completely free tickets to a camp by the sea, provide a good vacancy for a summer part-time job, there can be a great many options - it all depends on the capabilities of the university.
At the end of the academic year, when the results are summed up and various awards are given out, the faculty management may decide to award the headman with a diploma or other, possibly valuable prize, for good work.

On the rights of the headman
The headman, in addition to duties and privileges, also has rights that differ from the rights of ordinary students. Among them, the following should be highlighted.
- May represent the entire study group, notonly yourself when contacting the administration of the faculty, university or college on issues related to the educational process and the life of the study group.
- Has the right to attend meetings of departments and meetings where issues related to the educational and educational process are resolved.
- Has the right to attend meetings related to issues of academic discipline, student performance and study groups.
- Represents the interests of the student of the group when contacting the dean's office or the administration of the university, if there is disagreement with the upcoming expulsion or disciplinary action against the student.

The life of a headman is definitely not sugar. He has to defend the interests of the study group before the administration. He should not be just a student, but one who will not be afraid to make any demand, if necessary. However, a good headman is a rarity, and not all universities appreciate efforts. Often, elders are required to fulfill their duties, but they completely forget about their rights, and even more so about privileges.
By the way, it is much easier for the headman to achieve a decision in his favor in contentious issues on disciplinary sanctions. This is due to the fact that he is initially treated as a more responsible and collected student and his mistakes may be less severely punished. However, you should not rely on this, it is possible that everything will turn out in a completely different direction and the punishment may be even more severe for the same reasons.