Class president: who is he and what are his duties?

Class president: who is he and what are his duties?
Class president: who is he and what are his duties?

The article explains who a class president is, what his duties are, what criteria are chosen and how to become one.

Elective position

At all times, in all communities and collectives, there was a need for the dominance of one person who would be the eldest (not necessarily by age) and solve certain issues relating to the entire team as a whole. This need continues to this day. In this case, the head of the school class is a student who is an intermediary between the rest of the children and the higher "bosses" (teachers, director, etc.). His duties are clearly defined in the charter of the school and may differ slightly, but usually such a document is rarely resorted to.

class monitor
class monitor

The meaning of this action is to simplify the interaction between teachers and students. After all, it is much easier for a person who is “their own” in a team to convey certain ideas and needs, as well as to engage in various organizational and social activities. It is worth noting that the head of the class does not receive any advantage or privileges over other children, and if there are such thoughts, then they pass very soon, since he isresponsibility for the actions of other members of the team. And in addition to his studies, he needs to engage in other activities, from which other students are exempt by definition.

So what is his job and how is class president chosen?


Because the prefect has certain duties, it must be a responsible student. Simply put, a hooligan and a loser will not be elected or appointed to such a position. As a rule, this is a person with good academic performance in most subjects who wants to do community work. And the last point is very important, they cannot be forcibly appointed to this position, a person must be interested in such activities, and the duties of the head of the class may run counter to personal interests and take away free time.

The choice is made either by a general vote for the students who nominated their candidacies, or by the direct appointment of a class teacher. But sometimes it also happens that there are no volunteers at all, and then they can appoint him by force, contrary to the charter. Naturally, such coercion is reflected in the activity - the student performs the duties of the head of the class reluctantly and poorly. But such cases are infrequent, because almost always there are people who want to take this post. But what are their responsibilities and what do they do?

class president duties
class president duties


The headman solves various organizational issues and manages the social activities of the class. For example, he appoints attendants, collects money for gifts forvarious holidays or travel cards for students. Also, his activities include mandatory attendance control - marking those present at the lessons and truants, and if there is a good reason - providing evidence to teachers.

In the days of the USSR, when this position was of higher importance, the headman also oversaw the progress of schoolchildren - he scolded the losers and assigned them additional tasks or worked with them himself.

What else does the class president do? For example, she organizes extra-curricular activities, such as going to museums, walking, visiting veterans of the Great Patriotic War, helping the needy old people and the poor. This person plans school concerts, performances, and other activities.

what does class president do
what does class president do

Heritage of the USSR

As already mentioned, such activities were especially widespread during the years of the USSR, and this position was more respected. All excellent students wanted to become a headman, they were respected by both students and teachers. It cannot be said that in our time the attitude towards them has changed, but still now children are not particularly eager to take this post, since the importance of social and collective work has greatly decreased.

This position is found only in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union.

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what should the class leader do


The attitude towards the headman has always been somewhat ambivalent - both before and now. On the one hand, because he controlsattendance, he is not very fond of truants, and if an agreement cannot be reached, hostility only grows stronger. But on the other hand, having taken such a position, he frees other students from a number of additional work, and for this he is respected. A person can also be removed from this position in case of improper performance of duties or abuse of their status.

So we figured out what the class president should do.


There are also elders in student groups, their activities are not very different from school ones - all the same attendance control, organizational issues and so on. But with the difference that things at the institute are more important and "adult" in nature.
