What is MADI? Leading the Time and Preserving Traditions

What is MADI? Leading the Time and Preserving Traditions
What is MADI? Leading the Time and Preserving Traditions

In 2000, in the Chuvash Republic, for the first time, the Volga branch of MADI opened its doors to applicants. Since its inception, the university has gradually developed and expanded. This article about the history of the branch, its faculties and achievements may be useful for those who are curious about what MADI is. The necessary information will be found by high school students (and their parents), who are determined with the choice of their future profession and university for further education. Applicants may also be interested in this text. It is not advertising or recommendatory in nature and is for informational and fact-finding purposes only.

what is madi
what is madi

Moscow MADI. The history of the formation of the university

So, what is MADI? This is the Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University. He began his educational activity back in 1930 on the basis of one road department of the Moscow Transportinstitute, as well as on the basis of the Higher Road School TsUDORTRANS.

moscow madi
moscow madi

In 1987, on the basis of the Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University, an educational and methodological educational association specializing in road speci alties was created. It included more than a hundred universities in nine speci alties and nine specializations.

And only in 2000 the university opens the Volga branch of MADI (Cheboksary). The initiative to establish a university in Chuvashia with the aim of training workers for the road transport industry was initiated by the International Institute of Construction and the Federal Directorate of the Volga Highway with the support of republican ministries.

What is MADI in the Chuvash Republic

For several years of fruitful activity, the branch has developed dynamically. The higher educational institution began its work with the preparation of students in only three specializations that existed at that time. For comparison, let's look at the data for the 2014/2015 academic year: specialists are trained in three enlarged groups, seven educational programs, six enlarged groups in twelve speci alties.

madi reviews
madi reviews

It should be noted that in MADI (Cheboksary) there is an opportunity to improve qualifications and receive professional retraining for some categories of road construction workers. For this, additional education programs are being created and introduced. There is also an interesting opportunity at the university for organizations and enterprises: they can carry outan order to a branch of Moscow University for the purpose of retraining or advanced training of their personnel.


Over time, the structural divisions of the MADI branch underwent changes. Faculties and departments (some of them) were either abolished or transformed. Now the activity of the university is represented by the work of 3 faculties and 10 departments. The teaching staff includes highly qualified personnel: scientists, professors, doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences and associate professors. They share their rich professional experience and accumulated knowledge.

Automotive and Road Faculty

It has been operating relatively recently - since July 2012. It was opened on the basis of the Faculty of Road Construction and the Faculty of Transport Engineering. Automotive trains competent and competitive professionals in the transport, construction, road and engineering fields. The faculty has two departments.

Faculty of Management

It has been functioning since the opening of the Volga branch in 2000. It prepares competitive personnel who are able to implement the acquired knowledge in many areas (science, production, entrepreneurship) in order to develop the republic and the country.

The faculty is also represented by the activities of two departments.

Correspondence faculty

This faculty opened at the end of March 2002. It prepares highly demanded generalists with the aim of their professional development and implementation of the acquired knowledge not only in their own country, but also abroad. This faculty works closely withroad and management faculties and is responsible for the "supply and demand" of educational programs and directions, taking into account the wishes and requests for the creation of new faculties.

madi faculties
madi faculties

If you are thinking about getting an education in the field of road transport in the Chuvash Republic, then before making a decision it would be better to visit the Volga branch of the institute in order to better understand what MADI is, how it will be built and trained at each faculty. University address: Cheboksary, Traktorostroiteley avenue, building 101, building 30.


It should be noted that opinions about both the Moscow university itself and its branch in Cheboksary are ambiguous. You can meet both the highest and laudatory reviews of students and their parents, teaching staff and employers, as well as negative ones. However, in order to still have an objective idea of the university, as well as the quality of education at MADI, it will be useful to study the reviews. It makes sense to look at the rating of universities in the city and in Russia (it is provided by the electronic collection "Vuzoteka").

madi cheboksary
madi cheboksary

So what can you see there? The head university MADI itself ranks 82nd in our country, while the Volga branch is 683rd in the Russian Federation, but 5th in Cheboksary.

Be that as it may, the Volga branch of MADI is one of the universities that graduates specialists from the road transport complex in the Chuvash Republic. According to institution statistics sincemore than 6,000 specialists have been trained during its opening.

The university has a rather sonorous motto: "Ahead of time, preserving traditions, together - to the success of everyone!" And, judging by the slogan, it must be that it determines the vector of movement of the institution (its employees and graduates) in time and reflects the dynamics in development.
