When was the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire formed? To answer this question, we need to look a little into history. Why?
The fact that each state has its own history is a common and traditional concept. From the school bench we study this science, which tells about the education and development of both our native country and other countries of the world.
But is there a history of certain ministries and departments that are part of the political structure of the state? Of course, because they have their own beginning, the stage of formation and formation, the ups and downs of leaders and leaders, weaknesses and strengths.
Before we know the date of the establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire, let's take a short digression into the history of this state structure, consider its tasks and goals.
Goals of occurrence
At the time of the formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire, the state had already established a police department, which was responsible for security and law enforcement in all provinces. Therefore, the goalsthis department were slightly different.
The newly formed Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire (we'll talk about the date of foundation a little later) was supposed to ensure the well-being of the people and the state, as well as contribute to the prosperity and tranquility of the nation.
As you can see, the tasks facing this state structure were very difficult. For their implementation, it was necessary to carry out a well-planned and labor-intensive work.
What contributed to the emergence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire?
Exactly one year before the establishment of the new department, the Russian Emperor Alexander I ascended the throne and issued an important decree for that time abolishing torture. From that moment on, the sovereign became the legislator of his state, as he cared not only for the creation of new laws, but also for their careful implementation by all the inhabitants of the empire without exception.

In the summer of next year, the monarch begins to fulfill his intention. He secretly convenes a committee of congenial people who are important statesmen. The purpose of the meetings of this secret parliament is to find out the real state of affairs in the Russian Empire, with the aim of reorganizing some departments, forming new institutions useful to the people and creating a state constitution.
At the time it was a bold and progressive idea.
The moment of formation
When did the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire appear? Toanswer this question, you should know what is considered the starting point in the creation of this institution.
In short, the date of formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire is the approval by the emperor of a special Manifesto, which just implied the creation of this department.
According to the official paper, the newly created institution was divided into several departments, different in their field of activity:
- military;
- financial;
- marine;
- justice;
- foreign affairs;
- commerce (was abolished eight years later);
- interior;
- public education.
When did this document come out? This happened on the eighth of September 1802. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire is officially established and organized.
First figures and subordinates
According to the order of Emperor Alexander I, Count Viktor Pavlovich Kochubey was appointed head of the Committee, and Count Pavel Aleksandrovich Stroganov was appointed his assistant. By the way, these people were part of that secret small parliament, secretly convened by the sovereign a few months before the events described.

What institutions were transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire? Below is a complete list of them, according to which it is possible to more accurately determine the scope of this state apparatus:
- manufactory board (the committee in charge of bill paper was excluded);
- medical college;
- s alt department;
- postage commission;
- Council of State Economy and Home Economics;
- governors board;
- state chambers and public buildings;
- population commission;
- administrative and police departments;
- influential bodies established by city or nobility.
As you can see, the field for activity was diverse and extensive. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire was responsible for the peasants and their well-being, for the distribution of food and mining, for the profitability of industrial enterprises, the condition of hospitals, prisons, churches, and so on. Yes, there were too many functions and tasks, which, of course, made it difficult to perform them well.
First steps
The new agency started its work immediately. In less than ten days, in the same 1802, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire called on all governors to send to the center real data on the birth rate and mortality of the population, on the payment of taxes and duties, on crops and the state economy, on the activities of factories and plants, on the state of public buildings, law and order violations and the like.
Moreover, Count Kochubey urged the heads of the provinces to notify him in a timely manner of changes in their statements.
First activities. Police reorganization
Almost immediately after the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire was created, it began toperformance of their duties. The very first decree of this committee concerned the organization of police institutions. According to this document, the rights and duties of police officers were determined by a normative act. The requirements for law enforcement officers and their personal lives were also regulated. The changes, of course, also affected the police department itself, its structure and functions.
In addition, the first permanent fire brigade was founded, staffed by proven soldiers of the internal troops. The document, in addition to the head of the service and his assistants, regulated the number of trained professionals who were part of the fire brigade. In addition to the firefighters themselves (there were 528 people), the city brigade was supposed to consist of one pump master and a mechanic, two blacksmiths, 25 chimney sweeps and 137 coachmen. Later, similar fire brigades began to be organized in other cities of the Russian Empire.

The fire department itself has been reorganized and improved several times, in accordance with the newly issued directives.
Transformations. Creation of a new committee
A year after the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire was formed, it was decided to divide the powers of the department. For this, a new institution was formed, called the Department of the Interior. His staff consisted of 45 ministers, whose duties extended to:
- agriculture, industry, road conditions, mining;
- supervision of the peoplefood and s alt department;
- care of government buildings (hospitals, places of worship, prisons);
- observing peace and morality.
On the basis of the new Department, the Society of Nobles was formed, helping the department to systematically study information from the provinces.
Printed edition of the department
Two years after the founding of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire, it was decided to start publishing an official periodical under the authority of the institution itself and called the “St. Petersburg Journal”.
The edition consisted of two parts. The first section was devoted to imperial decrees and other legal documents. Also, reports of the Ministry itself were printed here, characterizing the situation in the state and subordinate institutions.
The second part of the magazine included information about the work of foreign government ministries, as well as popular science articles about the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in general.
In November 1809, this periodical was replaced by the Severnaya poshta, or Novaya St. Petersburg newspaper, which began to appear in print twice a week over the next ten years.

Utility conversions
From its inception, the institution began to pay attention to population control. Special quarter guards were introduced, who were supposed to help the work of city andjudicial authorities. Their functions included supervision over the observance of the passport regime and the activities of trade institutions.

Also, services responsible for public order were introduced, carrying out regular patrol work.
Later, address offices were created, in which people who arrived in the capital for permanent residence had to undergo mandatory registration. This requirement also applied to foreign citizens.
First committee structuring
In 1811, the official Manifesto was issued, defining the specific structure and divisions of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as regulating the limits of its power.
According to this document, the management of the department was entrusted to the Council of Ministers, which included not only officials, but also competent people - manufacturers, merchants, industrialists … The institution itself was divided into departments, which, in turn, were divided into departments, and those on the tables.
According to the Manifesto, the personal responsibility of each minister for the implementation of a particular activity has increased.
The powers of censorship were also doubled. The scope of its activities expanded. Now, not only printed publications produced in the empire, but also publications imported from abroad, theatrical and other performances were subjected to perusal.

What else did the document regulate?
EstablishedThe Ministry of Police, which had to conduct its work in a slightly different way than its employees were used to. From now on, this department consisted of:
- two branches of the Economic Police responsible for food supply and public welfare orders;
- Three branches of the Executive Police, dealing with the staff of law enforcement, the organization of prisons and court cases, supervision of large debtors, bankrupts, prohibited games;
- three branches of the Medical Police, which oversees the purchase of pharmaceuticals, the calculation of the necessary funds and other he alth issues.
Each department consisted of twelve people. In 1819, the Ministry of Police became part of the Ministry of the Interior.
Surveillance of exiles
In 1822, another Decree of the emperor was issued, developed by Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky, regulating the process of sending prisoners and convicts to the place of exile. For example, the rules and terms of movement on the way were described in detail. According to the document, the prisoners were to be shackled and branded (later half-shaven).
As you can see, the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs covered many different facets of the social and political life of society.
Awards and distinctions
Starting from 1976, at the behest of Alexander II, employees of this institution were awarded medals "For Impeccable Service". The senior officials of the Department were also awarded high distinctions. For example,The Imperial Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called granted such prominent figures as A. Kh.

End of story
Serious changes in the composition and structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire occurred in connection with the February events of 1917. Some posts and departments were completely abolished. An Extraordinary Commission was also formed to investigate the abuse of power of these subdivisions. As a result of popular riots, numerous destruction and destruction of state archives took place.
The Interim Police Department was created, the purpose of which was to provide citizens with personal and property security.
But the new ministry did not have time to achieve something radical. The October events of 1917 began.