Coup is Meaning and synonyms

Coup is Meaning and synonyms
Coup is Meaning and synonyms

Coup - what is it? When this word is pronounced, the first thing that comes to mind is a gymnastic exercise under that name. But if you think about it, you can think of other interpretations. More details about several interpretations of the word "coup" with comments will be discussed in the article.


The dictionary offers four possible meanings for the word "coup".

rear flip
rear flip

The first of them is characterized as a rotation around the horizontal axis. Such movements are, for example, in acrobatics. This sport distinguishes between forward and backward flips.

Among acrobatic movements such as:

  • Usual, when the performer gets up on his hands, with a push from the hands he turns over his head and rises to his feet. As a rule, for convenience, this movement is performed with acceleration.
  • Slow, across the bridge. The performer first stands on his hands, then turns over, goes into the bridge, after which he pushes off with his hands in the emphasis-bridge and returns to the rack with a roll. Perform from the spot.
  • Somersaults begin to do the same, then turn over on one leg. It is also called "wheel forward".
  • Flyak forward or tempo. The performer jumps on his hands, rolls over and returns to the rack with a push of his hands.

Another coup is such an element of acrobatic stunts as a wheel. There is also a side flip called rondat, it is done forward with a back transition.

The second type is heavier and also performed differently:

  • Normal, when the performer crosses into the bridge, but during the transition he throws one leg, while not performing a random jump to his hands ("wheel back").
  • Slow, over the bridge, when they go back from the rack, then throw a leg, turn over and return to the rack.
  • Flyak. The performer makes a jump back onto his hands, rolls over, pushes from his hands and goes into a stance. There is an option to perform without a push of the hands, as well as on one leg.

In aviation


In the sky, a flip is a figure during which the pilot turns the plane 180 ° around the longitudinal axis. This is done from flying in a straight line in a vertical plane inverted relative to the horizon. It is followed by movement in descending territory with the exit (in the direction, reverse course) in a horizontal flight.

This aerobatic maneuver is also known as "Reverse Immelmann". It is named after Max Immelmann, a German ace pilot (1890-1916). It was he who invented this figureaerobatics.

As a result of performing such a technique in combat, the attacking aircraft leaves behind and above the enemy vehicle, if before that they were on a collision course. This provides an advantageous position for a successful attack.

Figuratively, option 1

The dictionary offers two interpretations for this meaning.

The figurative interpretation of the revolution is a radical, revolutionary change in the development of something. It can occur in views, in worldview, in ideas about nature, in science, in industry.

Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution

An example is the industrial revolution, or the Great Industrial Revolution, which resulted in a massive transition to machine labor from manual, the transition to the factory from manufactory. It took place in the leading countries of the world in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

The Industrial Revolution coincided not only with the introduction of machines on a massive scale, but also with a change in the entire social structure. Labor productivity has risen sharply, urbanization and economic growth have begun, and the standard of living of the population has risen significantly.

Revolutionary changes began in the UK, moving to Europe and the USA, and allowed to move from an agrarian society to an industrial one.

Second figurative meaning

In the second case, the coup is the overthrow of the former government and the coming to power of those who were previously in opposition. Such coups are revolutionary, military, palace.

Brightan example is the era of palace coups in the Russian state, which followed the death of Emperor Peter the Great in the 18th century. Then the transfer of supreme power was carried out by guards or groups of courtiers. This phenomenon was facilitated by the fact that there were no clear rules according to which the throne should have been inherited.

Catherine II
Catherine II

Synonyms for coup

There are many synonyms, among them the following are the most famous:

  • half turn;
  • flyak;
  • turn;
  • rise-coup;
  • wheel;
  • sunshine;
  • somersault-mortale;
  • somersault;
  • roll;
  • turnover;
  • rondade;
  • somersault;
  • breakthrough;
  • change;
  • change;
  • revision;
  • transformation;
  • transformation;
  • metamorphosis;
  • modification;
  • rebirth;
  • revision;
  • perturbation;
  • tipping;
  • crisis;
  • fracture;
  • breaking;
  • cataclysm;
  • coup;
  • revolution;
  • pronunciamento.

Because the word under study has many shades of meaning, its synonyms belong to different areas. For convenience, they are arranged in the order corresponding to the sequence of interpretations of the term set out above.
