You must have read Nikolai Gogol's famous work "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". But what is a farm? Not everyone can indicate the correct interpretation of this noun, in modern speech it is not common.
It is important to know what this or that language unit means. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary indicates the meaning of the word "farm".

Let's look at them:
- A separate piece of land that belongs to the owner. That is, it is no longer common property, but a separate territory, the owner of which is one person. It is located separately and does not belong to the village. Also, farms could earlier arise in the process of settling new lands. Gradually, farms could grow and turn into settlements with a large number of inhabitants.
- Peasant settlement or settlement. This was the name of a village with a small number of inhabitants. It was often located far from large settlements.
Examples of usage
It's not enough just to know what a farm is. It is important to learn how to use this word in speech. Let's use it in severalsentences:
- In the distance one could see a small farm, in which two dozen people lived at most.
- The population of the farm did not know what kind of pan the great came to this godforsaken place.
- There was no electricity in the farm, in the evenings the houses were lit with kerosene lamps and candles.

Synonym selection
Now you know exactly what a farm is. This term is not so common in modern speech, but it is necessary to familiarize yourself with it.
To expand your vocabulary, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the synonyms:
- Village. A small village, crowned with flowering gardens, is picturesquely located near a fast-flowing river.
- Village. We lived in the village for five years, and then moved to a large metropolis.
- Settlement. The settlement was gradually devastated, people left it one by one.
- Station. A small Cossack village was our shelter.
- Tract. This tract has gained a bad reputation: whoever settled here, certainly met with trouble. Please note: this word is often used to refer to any place that stands out from the rest in some way. for example, a small forest in the middle of the steppe or a swamp in the planting.
- Outskirts. An old woman lived on the outskirts, no one visited her.
- Outskirts. Yes, this is just the outskirts of the world, you should move to live in the city.
- Location. This forgotten area is overgrown with weeds, although a couple of years ago life was in full swing here.
Now you understand what a farm is and, we hope, you know howuse this noun in sentences. You can also choose a suitable synonym.