SHRUS - what is this part? and how is it organized?

SHRUS - what is this part? and how is it organized?
SHRUS - what is this part? and how is it organized?

Cars equipped with front-wheel drive in the 60s were of great interest to engineers and developers of almost all car brands. It was believed that this arrangement of bodies makes it possible to get more free space in the cabin. To implement this idea, engineers came up with a mechanism that was quite complicated at that time. It allowed for the rotation of the front wheels and control them with a more compact design.

How CV joints were created

Since there are several types of angular velocity joints, it is very difficult to determine exactly which design was the first. But it is believed that the knot based on balls, one of the most popular today, was invented in the 20s.

SHRUS what is it
SHRUS what is it

The idea of creating a cam mechanism came up with the French inventor Gregoire. In the early 20s, he received a patent for this invention.

Coupled gimbal element of equal angular velocities usedmainly in American models of cars and in the transmission systems of the French "Panard-Levassor".

CV joints - what is it?

CV joint is a constant velocity joint. It is used in the design of independent suspension on front-wheel drive vehicles. This part provides not only rotational energy, but also allows you to control the rotation of the wheels. So, this unit allows you to rotate the drive wheel at an angle of up to 70 degrees. The part looks like a hand grenade, which is why motorists have nicknamed this hinge.

This design is also found in vehicles with rear or four-wheel drive, but only in models with independent suspension. In this case, the rear wheels have the ability to move horizontally and vertically. There is an external and internal CV joint. What part it is, you will soon find out.

How the angular velocity hinges work

Depending on the type of part, the design may be different. However, knowing how the SHRUS works, what kind of element it is, and what its role is, we can say the following. On the one hand, the shaft is connected to the wheel bearing, and on the other - to the differential. Equal speed joints transfer rotational energy from the motor to the drive wheels through bearings.

The main components of the product are the clip and the body. Both on the body and on the clip located inside the body, special grooves are cut where the balls are installed. The balls are very rigidly connect these components to each other, thereby transmitting rotation.

Thanks to the larger working angle that the outer CV joint has (what it is, you already know), the anglerotation can reach up to 70 degrees. The range of possibilities of the internal hinge allows it to move only 20 degrees. So, both externally and internally, the product uses various types of elements. From the outside, the drive shaft is equipped with ball joints, but on the inside - with tripod joints.

The outer product consists of a cage mounted on a shaft and grooved along the radius.

SHRUS what is it
SHRUS what is it

The case also has grooves. Balls are installed in them, with the help of which torque is transmitted.

Internal parts may vary in design depending on vehicle model and suspension type.

SHRUS what is it
SHRUS what is it

So, on VAZ models, the grooves are straight, not radial. On Ukrainian ZAZs, the rollers are mounted on three spikes rotating on needle bearings.

In our article we consider CV joints. You already roughly understand what it is, they work in rather problematic places, because there is always a lot of dirt and dust, so they are equipped with special protection. For this, a protective boot is used - this is a rubber pad that is securely held on the body with clamps.

Pros and cons

You already know a lot about CV joints (that these are important parts in the design of a car). Therefore, we can discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of these products. Among the advantages, one can single out such a property. When transmitting energy, there is no loss in power, as is the case when using other mechanisms with a different principle of operation. Also amongadvantages - simple replacement and low cost.

Among the shortcomings are the design features of the anther. After all, it performs several functions at once.

external CV joint what is it
external CV joint what is it

This is a protection mechanism from dirt and a container for grease. The disadvantage of such a detail as a CV joint is that this connection is located where it is impossible to prevent its contact with other objects. So, the anther can be easily torn, and without lubrication, the “grenade” will quickly fail.

Resource or a bit about service

The resource of these parts may depend on a large number of various factors.

internal CV joint what is it
internal CV joint what is it

Most often this indicator is different due to the features of the structure, as well as use. And if the car owner cannot change the design, then the mode of operation is completely in his power.

Depreciation of the "grenade" in natural conditions is inevitable. But often the capabilities of these nodes are sharply reduced due to the fault of the car owner.

SHRUS what is a lubricant
SHRUS what is a lubricant

Someone likes to start, so that the car slips with the wheels turned out. In this position, the external nodes are in a partially clamped state - these are increased loads. The result is a quick replacement.

Other car owners love tuning. Sometimes engine power is increased to serious limits, which does not lead to anything good. The more torque, the faster the wear.


Another group of drivers forgets to check the anthers. There is a factor thata significant impact on the life of such a part as a CV joint. That this is a lubricant is easy to guess. This means that regular maintenance of the mechanism is necessary. If the tightness of the anther is broken, then this will not only cause contamination of the mechanism, but also a lack of lubrication. All this will not in the best way affect the durability of the node.

To extend the life of the product, you need to regularly monitor the boot, and the driving style should be more relaxed. Then this knot will last a long time.
