All parents sooner or later think about where it is better to give the child. The choice is usually small: school, lyceum, gymnasium. It must be taken seriously, because the quality of a student's education and his future depend on the right choice of parents.
Unfortunately, many educational institutions speculate with the terms "gymnasium" or "lyceum", and in fact in our country the most ordinary school can be called a gymnasium. The attitude of parents to such a school is better, since intuitively everyone understands that a gymnasium is better than some ordinary school. This question requires clarification.

How is a gymnasium different from a lyceum?
In our country, the school is a general educational institution, and the program is established by the state. It is aimed at the overall development of the student (the first 9 classes for sure). However, the educational institution itself can set a higher bar for the humanitarian or technical direction, if it considers it necessary. From here, various gymnasiums and lyceums begin to form.
This educational institution boasts an improved educational program that provides the student with versatile and universal knowledge. Here the child is more likely to understand what is closer to him: science, art or any applied subjects. It is believed that in the gymnasium it is easier for a student to identify his strengths and decide on his future speci alty. That is, the gymnasium differs from the school in a more expanded general educational program.

Lyceum concept
Here the main emphasis is on a particular industry (say, construction). And in addition to general education subjects, specialized speci alties are taught in the lyceum. Quite often, the lyceum belongs to a certain university, that is, it concludes an agreement with it and prepares graduates for subsequent admission to this university. The level of education that a student receives at a lyceum is much higher than a school one, but it clearly does not reach the level of an institute. But for students who studied well at the lyceum and self-organized, it is much easier in the first two years of the institute than for students who entered after school.
This is the main difference between a gymnasium and a lyceum. In the first case, they expand the general education program, in the second, they make the program narrowly focused and often "tailored" to a specific higher education institution.
In any case, parents need to properly understand the mindset of their child. Perhaps he will not be interested in some highly specialized knowledge, but in some he willshow interest.
From history
This educational institution originates in Ancient Greece - that's where it originated. In the 5th century AD, gymnasiums were built throughout Greece, which were then an analogue of modern schools.
But lyceums do not have such an ancient history. In Russia, they appeared in the middle of the XIII century, and then they were the most elite educational institutions. Education in the lyceum took place for six years, but the students received the same knowledge as in ordinary schools. Later, 11-year education was introduced, which allowed the student to make a good career as an official in the future. Of course, today's lyceums are far from those educational institutions that have existed in Russia since the 13th century.
What to choose?

Now that we know approximately how a gymnasium differs from a lyceum, we can talk about choosing an educational institution. If you understand and see what subjects are given to the child at school, or he himself knows who he wants to become in the future, then you can find a lyceum with an increased study of the desired subject. For example, if a student is good at mathematics, physics, geometry, then it is quite obvious that in the future a technical education will come in handy. It is appropriate in this case to find some good lyceum at the state institute and try to enter there. In such lyceums, students are usually prepared for entrance exams, and quite well.
In the event that the student is good at technical and humanitarian subjects, then you can try to transfer the child togymnasium, where he will take an advanced course. However, it should be borne in mind that the difference between a gymnasium and a school today is illusory. Therefore, graduates of GBOU gymnasiums most often do not have any advantages or more knowledge than graduates of ordinary schools. And in general, it all depends on the school or gymnasium itself, the skills and professionalism of teachers, and the abilities of students. Even the simplest village school with good teachers can prepare children better than a prestigious city gymnasium.

From a legal point of view
And although now we understand how a gymnasium differs from a lyceum, there is a Federal law that makes it clear that there is no difference between these educational institutions. Legally, they differ only in name and nothing else.
The fact is that before the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (that is, until September 1, 2013) an educational institution received the status of a school, lyceum or gymnasium as a result of state accreditation. At the same time, the type of each educational institution was defined in the first paragraph of the provision. It was explained there which institution can be considered a gymnasium, lyceum or school.

Today there is no such division. There is only the concept of "educational organization", and the procedure of state accreditation only confirms the compliance of the activities of this organization with educational standards. This means that even the weakest school in any village can be calledlyceum or gymnasium, and this will not be contrary to the law. Moreover, only the decision of the founder (it can be a subject of the Russian Federation and even an individual or legal entity) is enough to turn an ordinary school into a gymnasium or lyceum. What is the difference between an ordinary school and a similar institution? Yes, nothing. It's just that such techniques can be used to raise the authority of the school, although in fact this does not lead to any changes: the staff does not change, the program remains the same, as well as the conditions of study.
Lyceum, school, gymnasium - the same thing?
Now you understand the difference. A lyceum and a gymnasium are educational institutions of the same level, so it should be assumed that the lyceum you choose yesterday could have been an ordinary school with a standard educational program. Unfortunately, many founders use the opportunity to change the name of an educational institution in order to tritely fool their parents, because it is not fashionable today to have the status of an ordinary school. Many parents still believe that a gymnasium or lyceum is higher than a regular school. This was before the entry into the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated September 1, 2013.

What to do?
In fairness, it should be noted that in Russia there are many really good lyceums and gymnasiums that have remained faithful to traditions and really deserve to have such a status. Therefore, before choosing an educational institution for your child, be sure to look at the rating of lyceums or gymnasiums, read a lot of reviewsabout the institutions you are eyeing, visit them in person and even chat with the principal or teachers.
This is exactly what needs to be done today, since the bill does not mention gymnasiums, lyceums, so their status is not regulated by anyone or anything. An ordinary and even the weakest school can legally have a similar status.