All people strive to know the past in order to better understand the present and confidently move into the future. When did the earliest civilizations emerge? How did the ancients live? Many stories that were true already seem like fiction to us - it was so long ago. Believe it or not, but now we will be transported to the 4th millennium BC. and find out who the Sumerians are.

So, what happened in such ancient times? On the banks of the rivers, settlements began to appear, which were built around the temple complexes. The Sumerian civilization settled in Mesopotamia. Where did they come from, what kind of language did they have and many more questions still have no answer. By the way, their language is unlike any other language in the world.
The ruler was the main person in the state. He personified not only earthly power, but also fulfilled the will of the gods. Therefore, the people unconditionally obeyed him, even if they did not agree - how can one argue with higher powers? The temple, around which the city was built, was also the main public place where important state events took place, and all the we alth of the city accumulated here.

Since there were several city-states at the time when the most ancient civilizations existed, they fought among themselves, and the strong, absorbing the weak, forced them to join an alliance. Of course, there could be no warm feelings towards the invaders, and therefore such agreements were not reliable.
The Sumerians believed that the appearance of the gods was humanoid. Their images were compared with various heavenly bodies and planets. It is worth noting that it was the Sumerians who were the first to engage in astronomy, discovered various planets, and learned how their change affects people. Thanks to this, the initiates could predict the fate of people and guess what would happen in the future.

The temple of the Sumerians was large and multi-stage, it was called a ziggurat. The most ancient civilizations have influenced modern architecture, as some modern buildings are somewhat similar to the ancient ones. People worshiped not one god, but several, i.e. there was polytheism. One of the rulers temporarily managed to force the people to worship a single god, but since this did not suit many, after the death of the ruler, the Sumerians returned to the belief in several gods.
Culture was highly developed. The most ancient civilizations valued medicine, mathematics, literature and many other arts that were held in high esteem and were constantly studied, and therefore the Sumerians cannot be called uneducated or wild. Libraries and schools helped people to be knowledgeable, so that the people of the ancient past were smart and understood a lot inphenomena occurring around.
The legacy of ancient civilizations, namely the Sumerians, is very rich. Many clay tablets were found, which still cannot be deciphered. A huge number of sciences and teachings appeared in the Sumerian days, and we still use them. The system of modern writing is also taken from this wise people. In general, one can list the skills of the Sumerians for a very long time, since they were surprisingly highly developed and owned many secrets of their crafts. It remains to be hoped that soon all their writings will be unraveled, thanks to which the most ancient civilizations will slightly open the veil of their secrets before us.