During the time of human civilization, many settlements arose, which became cities. But time, wars, natural disasters have turned many of them into ruins. Some of them have survived to this day. What are the oldest cities in Russia still standing today? This question interests many.
Some issues
It can be very difficult to determine the most ancient city in the country: the date of foundation of the settlement is not always known. Based on the data of chroniclers or historians, the date can only be determined approximately. Reading the annals, historians pay attention to where this or that city is mentioned, with what historical events its mention is connected. The ancient cities of Russia could have had other names in those ancient times. Therefore, the exact date when they were erected is sometimes not known. But this applies to ancient cities. There are also official statements about the date of foundation, then there is no problem of determining the age of a historical site.
To study the issue, historians turn to the Nikon Chronicle, which was compiled back in the 16th century. Information from Arabic sources, which date back to the 10th century, is being studied. The well-known historical work, The Tale of Bygone Years, also helps in this. The work of archaeologists, who are excavating and helping to identify the most ancient cities of Russia, does not stop. Their list is changing, there are objects, masonry walls, pavements, which give more and more information to historians. Today it is Veliky Novgorod, Staraya Ladoga, Smolensk, Murom, Pskov, Derbent, Kerch.

Veliky Novgorod
The history of Veliky Novgorod is still unknown. Nobody knows the exact date of its foundation. Everything is approx. But the fact that it is included in the most ancient cities of Russia is a fact. The date of the emergence of Novgorod is fixed - 859. From it the chronology of the age of the great city is conducted. Today he is 1155 years old. But this is not accurate either. After all, the date mentioned in the Nikon Chronicle was considered the year of its foundation: at that time, the Novgorod elder Gostomysl died. This means that the city was founded much earlier.

Chronicler Nestor in "The Tale of Bygone Years" wrote about the most ancient cities of Russia. The list, which was called Lavrentievsky, indicated that before the arrival of Rurik (in 862), Novgorod had already existed for a long time. It was founded, according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, by the Ilmen Slovenes, who settled near the lake. They called him by his own name - Ilmer. They founded the city and named it Novgorod.

For its history Veliky Novgorodsurvived many events: it was the capital of a free state, and was captured by Moscow, Swedish and Levonian rulers. Alexander Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod, repulsed the Swedes on the banks of the Neva in 1240 and the knights of the Teutonic Order in 1242 on Lake Peipus.
Ancient cities of Russia
Among the listed places, which are considered the most ancient, Staraya Ladoga is on a par with everyone else. Historians attribute this settlement to the 8th century. It is believed that this city was founded in 753. Historians suggest that it was from Ladoga that Rurik was called to rule and became the first prince in Russia. Neighbors attacked the city from the north, and the fortress suffered destruction and fires. But in the ninth century it was surrounded not by wooden walls, but by stone walls made of limestone, and Ladoga became a reliable northern fortress - the first in Russia.

What ancient cities of Russia can be put on a par with Ladoga and Novgorod? This is Smolensk. He is also mentioned in chronicles in 862. Through it, as well as through Ladoga, the well-known route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" passed. Smolensk became the defense of Moscow and withstood many wars and battles. Fragments of the walls of the fortress, which was built in the 16th century and was considered a miracle of fortification technology of those times, have survived to this day.
Murom is a no less ancient city that arose almost simultaneously with Smolensk. This city began to be called so from the Muroma tribe, of Finno-Ugric origin. His gaze is directed to the east: from there there was a constant threat of attack. ThatVolga-Kama Bulgars, then Tatar-Mongols. Such ancient cities of Russia as Murom suffered a terrible ruin, and for decades no one de alt with them. Only in the fourteenth century it was restored, and at the very beginning of the XV century, Murom was already subordinate to Moscow.
Ancient cities can be listed endlessly, how deep is the history of the country, so many historical places in it: Rostov the Great, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Vladimir. But there is one city that is over 5,000 years old and still exists today.
"Darband" - narrow gates
No matter how much people argue about which city in Russia is the most ancient, it is Derbent. This is the territory of the Dagestan Republic, but it is part of Russia. So Derbent is the most ancient city in Russia. It was located near the Caspian Sea: this is a bottleneck that remained between the coast and the mountains of the Caucasus. It is worth noting that when the settlement of Derbend appeared, neither Kievan Rus nor the Russian Empire existed. Derbent was mentioned in chronicles as early as the 6th century BC. e., but settlements arose even earlier.

Today, the Naryn-Kala fortress, which is more than 2500 years old, and the ancient Juma mosque, built in the eighth century, have been preserved. Derbent controlled the Dagestan corridor through which the Great Silk Road passed. Many nations tried to take possession of the city, stormed it, destroyed it. During its long history, Derbent experienced both prosperity and decline many times. The protective wall - a fortification structure 40 km long - has survived to this day. The UNESCO organization considers Derbent the most ancient Russian city.

Crimean Peninsula
But there is another fact that makes its own adjustments to the issue under consideration: this is the return of the Crimean peninsula to Russia. Therefore, the city of Kerch is added to the list of ancient places.

It is located on the shore of the strait of the same name, in the eastern part of the peninsula. It is believed that Kerch was founded more than 2600 years ago. The city has preserved ancient monuments of architecture and historical sites. Archaeological excavations confirm the age of Kerch, which was founded by the colonists of Ancient Greece.

Talking about what ancient cities of Russia still exist today can go on for a very long time: the country is large, there are many interesting historical sites. The main thing is that the history of the country must be studied and remembered, and ancient monuments must be preserved for posterity.