Education in Norway: education system, schools and universities

Education in Norway: education system, schools and universities
Education in Norway: education system, schools and universities

Even in the 20th century, many could only dream of getting an education in Europe. Today there are many more opportunities for this. Among many European countries for education, you can choose Norway.

education in norway
education in norway

This cold Scandinavian country is mysterious and amazing. First of all, it attracts by the fact that the locals are famous for their hospitality and attention to others. In addition, the standard of living in Norway is considered one of the highest in the world. Everything that the locals do is of high quality. The Norwegian education system is considered one of the best in Europe.

What makes her so good? Where is Norway located? What are the requirements for applicants? Is it possible to get free education in Norway? What does that require? What are the most popular universities in Norway? First things first.

Norway - the land of ice and snow

This country is located in Northern Europe. It borders on Russia, Finland and Sweden, and is washed by several seas. The climate is very harsh, and winters are cold and snowy. But ifit does not scare you, then Norway is one of the most beautiful and fabulous countries in the world.

Most of the year everything here is covered in snow and ice. Mountain peaks, fog rising above the surface of the water, amazing beauty of the sky, sun glare sparkling in the midst of the winter kingdom - all this evokes thoughts of the Snow Queen's fabulous possessions. Norway attracts tourists from all over the world with its nature. Alpine skiing, winter fishing, reindeer rides, ice skating - everything for winter lovers.

Where Norway is, there are forests where no man has gone before. Sparkling waterfalls with the purest water and world-famous fjords evoke thoughts that fairy tales and legends about trolls and Vikings, whose ships conquered the sea, come to life here.

But not only the amazing beauty of nature attracts attention in this country. Education in Norway also deserves close attention. No wonder students from many countries of the world come here to gain knowledge. To have a complete picture of what education in Norway is like, the conversation should begin with information about the education system. What is it?

Education system in Norway

It consists of several levels:

  • Preschool.
  • School education. It is divided into partial and complete secondary.
  • Public schools.
  • Higher education in Norway.

At the end of the 20th century, an educational reform was carried out in the country. Its purpose was to increase the knowledge taught. Consider each level of the systemeducation in more detail.


Children in Norwegian kindergartens are accepted from the age of one year. To get a place there, you need to wait a bit. Usually the waiting time takes from a month to six months. Pre-school education in Norway is paid. Both public and private establishments.

Kids play here, sleep, go in for sports, swim in the pool. Educators conduct classes on the development of speech and thinking of the child. In kindergartens, first of all, they teach Norwegian.

where is norway
where is norway

Complete and incomplete public education

Education in Norwegian schools is completely free. Primary, middle and senior classes study in separate buildings. In Norway, you will not find a school where first-graders and seniors study together. Compulsory education is divided into complete and incomplete.

The last one consists of three steps:

  • First. Junior Primary School: Grades 1 to 4.
  • Second. Middle Elementary: Fifth to Seventh.
  • Third. Senior: eighth to tenth.

Full education is the upper grades from 16 to 19 years old.

Children in Norway start school at the age of six. First comes the elementary school, the time of study in it is seven years. Children are taught to write, count and read through games. Teachers introduce the flora and fauna of Norway, classes are held not only in Norwegian, but also in English.

Except for the main oneslessons, study religion and economics. Also, each child has the opportunity to choose an additional subject for learning. If the child does not cope with the school curriculum, a special commission is created that monitors the child, identifies learning problems, and then helps him cope with them.

When a child enters fifth grade, middle school begins. New subjects are added: economics, accounting and ecology. Also, each student has the opportunity to additionally study a foreign language.

Exams are not taken here. But the possibility of further education in high school depends on how a student graduates from high school.

In high school, subjects are added that help determine the choice of profession in the future. You can independently choose subjects for more in-depth study in order to enter the country's higher educational institutions in the future.

Even at school there is an opportunity to get a profession; for this, departments of professional skill are opened in the senior classes. For two years, students choose to get acquainted with various working professions: carpenter, carpenter, builder and other speci alties. Then comes the practice at the enterprises of the city. Only after a two-year internship is a diploma issued on obtaining a profession.

Exams are not taken by all students, but only a certain percentage. He is chosen by a special council, without having any information about the students. As a rule, they pass mathematics, economics, computer science and English. Moreover, you can choose from this list onlyone or two items. At the end of the studies, Norwegian and one more optional subject are added to the final exams.

Schools in Norway, from the very first year of study, are aimed at enabling the development of the creative and mental potential of each student. One of the overriding principles: children must learn to evaluate their own actions. Every child here learns to believe, first of all, in their own abilities and strives to realize them fully. The high level of knowledge of Norwegian schoolchildren is evidenced by the fact that almost all of them go to study at universities.


School education in Norway

Information about the achievements of students is recorded in a special notebook. This is done at the end of each school day. If there are any comments, a note is written to the parents.

Class meetings are usually held at the beginning of the year. In the future, if necessary, parents are called to the school individually. Very tactfully it is said that their child has small problems that can be quickly solved. Then the progress of the student is celebrated. Thus, parents are given to understand that their child has not done anything terrible, they just need to slightly correct his behavior or pay attention to a certain subject.

The grading system is interesting, especially for Russian schools. They are usually discussed with parents. No one else has this information. All performance information is completely confidential. Grades in Norwegian schools only begin to be given from the eighthclass.

Norwegian Folk Schools

After receiving a complete or incomplete secondary education, students are not always determined with the choice of a further path. For those who have not yet decided on the choice of profession, there are folk schools. You can stay here for a year.

The very first folk schools appeared in Denmark in the 20th century. Now there are about four hundred of them in all of Scandinavia. There are more than seventy of them in Norway.

Schools are located away from cities so that their noise does not interfere with learning. Each of them has its own direction. Sports, pedagogical, stage, musical, etc. After graduating from such a school, you can get a job in your speci alty, or you can go to university. When entering higher educational institutions, a folk school diploma gives additional points.

Folk schools help to choose a future profession and teach to work in a team. Every year students from different countries of the world, including Russia, come here.

universities in norway
universities in norway

The most famous institutes and universities

Higher education in the country can be obtained in several places. Consider the most famous and famous universities in Norway.

  • University of Bergen. It is one of the largest in Europe. Despite the fact that there are not so many faculties in it, only six, more than 10,000 students study here. If you are interested in a liberal arts, legal, medical and mathematical education, then the University of Bergen will provide you with it. Submission deadlinedocuments - the fourth quarter of the year.
  • University of Tromso. Among the graduates there are a large number of people who have achieved success in various areas of life. One of them: the creator of the legendary, fantasy world - Narnia, writer James Lewis. Scientific research was carried out here in various fields of knowledge: space, medicine, mathematics. A few years ago, the country's government decided to merge two higher education institutions into one: the University of Tromso and the University College of Finnmark. This was done in order to raise the level of science and education to a higher level. The new university is called Arctic.
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Among its graduates are Nobel Prize winners. The university ranks second in terms of the number of students and the prestige of education among higher educational institutions in the country. There are many scientific and technical specializations, as well as archeology and marine technology. Many students are pursuing degrees in medicine, architecture, philosophy and other disciplines.
  • The University College of Oslo and Akershus was founded by connecting two educational institutions in Norwegian cities. Research activity is very well developed here. There are special courses for bachelors and masters.

Every university in Norway has: a hostel, canteens, gyms and libraries. The state cares not only about the high level of education, but also about the rest of students.

Entry requirements

Higher education in Norway is available to everyonea resident of the country. There is no need to pay for studying at state universities, they pay mainly for accommodation and food. The main requirements for admission to higher educational institutions of the country include:

  • Availability of secondary education, supported by a certificate.
  • Good grades, they allow admission without competition and without exams.
  • Communicative English.
Bergen University
Bergen University

16 reasons to study in Norway

  1. No entrance exams.
  2. Relatively low cost of education. Full payment in Norway for the entire time of study is two times lower than for one year in higher institutions in Moscow.
  3. High level of knowledge taught.
  4. Language practice, especially for students from Russia.
  5. Introducing one of the most amazing countries not only in Europe, but also in the world.
  6. An opportunity to become fluent in Norwegian.
  7. The emergence of new friends and acquaintances from almost all over the world.
  8. There are many scholarship opportunities.
  9. State universities provide free education. You will only have to pay for textbooks.
  10. The state provides student loans, which in some cases do not even have to be repaid.
  11. Obtaining an international diploma.
  12. Living and studying in a country with a high standard of living.
  13. A large selection of training programs of different directions and degrees of complexity.
  14. Knowing Norwegian or English,education in Norway can be obtained without any problems.
  15. There are many job opportunities for students.
  16. Each university has a special department that controls how the student lives and rests.

Distinctive features of the Norwegian education system

  • Teaching is most often done with small groups of students.
  • In the classroom there is an informal atmosphere. Communication between the teacher and students does not stop even after class.
  • Each student is given great attention.
  • There are a large number of discounts for students: for medical care, transportation, admission to theaters, museums and exhibition halls.

Education in Norway for Russians

Many people choose this harsh but beautiful country for permanent residence. The high standard of living of the population and the constant care of the state about its inhabitants are worthy of increased attention. One way to stay here is to come to Norway for higher education. This is easy enough to do.

If you live in Russia and dream of pursuing higher education in Norway, the following information will come in handy:

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the university or institute in which you plan to enter. Study information about him, find out if there is a specialization you need or a discipline that you plan to study.
  2. Since Norwegians, like most Europeans, study for 12 years, then a full school educationinsufficient for Russians seeking higher education. Must have at least a year of university studies.
  3. Know English well and have documents confirming this fact.
  4. Write a resume that should include basic information about your education and skills. The document must be written in English.
  5. If you want to enroll in a university that teaches only in Norwegian, then you will need to take training courses.
  6. In order to be admitted to any university or institute in Norway, you need to write an application there. Approximately six months before the start of studies.
  7. If you enter a state university in Norway, then education will be free for you. But you will have to pay for passing exams and tests.
  8. To enter the country, you will need to obtain an entry visa. One of the conditions is that you must have a certain amount of money in euros in your account.
  9. All submitted documents must be translated into English or Norwegian, sometimes into Swedish. Must be notarized.
  10. You must provide a medical certificate stating that you have no he alth problems.
  11. The hostel is not available for students from Russia and other countries. Therefore, it is necessary to find accommodation or a hotel room in advance. You will also need to provide information about this.
  12. There is the possibility of obtaining a scholarship, it is better to look for information about all the possibilities of obtaining it on educational sites.

Despite the fact that the Norwegian authorities officially prohibitforeign students to work, there are still opportunities for part-time work.

free education in norway
free education in norway

Interesting facts about studying in Norway

  • Complete secondary education takes not eleven years, as in many countries of the world, but thirteen.
  • In schools, students are given free or for a small fee equipment: tablets, laptops.
  • Children with disabilities can study with everyone else, or they can in special departments.
  • Norwegian High School has two departments: Academic and Professional Excellence.
  • One of the oldest universities in the country was opened in the early 19th century.
  • Schools in Norway start from mid-August.
  • There are a large number of colleges in the country. Their total number is about one hundred.
  • Foreign children are provided with a teacher who teaches them Norwegian.
  • Parents only buy briefcases for schoolchildren, everything else is provided by the state.
  • At all universities and institutes in Norway, upon graduation, students, in addition to defending their diplomas, also take an exam in philosophy.
  • There are state student exchange programs with different countries of the world. With their help, free education of foreign students in Norwegian higher education institutions is possible.

Student feedback

One of the advantages noted by foreign students studying in Norway is free education. The amount that is spent on food and accommodation can really be earned. There are illegaljob opportunities for students. With this money, you can live and study very well in Norway.

The ability to independently choose subjects for study also attracts the attention of numerous foreign students. After graduation, most students have the opportunity to find a good job and stay in Norway.

Moreover, all the conditions for a comfortable stay are created here. The country pays great attention to the appearance of the streets. It is clean and comfortable, passers-by are always friendly and welcoming. Shop assistants are always polite and attentive, especially to small children.

A large number of students note that most of the time spent on learning is practical. Very little time is devoted to theory. Teachers prefer to give students the opportunity to discuss new information in the form of disputes and discussions. Everyone can express their opinion and not be afraid of being ridiculed, even if they don't understand something. It is very nice that the opinion of another person is treated very respectfully here, even if it does not coincide with yours.


Due to the fact that education in Norway is free and available not only to any resident of the country, but also to foreigners, studying here is very prestigious. A huge number of students from all over the world dream of entering Scandinavian universities. This is not so easy to do, because the competition is very high. But if you are lucky and you entered, then you will have many months of interesting, rich, but difficult study.

highereducation in norway
highereducation in norway

The most important thing that gives education in Norway, in addition to a high level of knowledge, is the ability to live and work with those who are nearby.
