The Russian language is very rich in old phraseological units with a distant history. They not only decorate our speech, but also help to express our thoughts more accurately. The meaning of "uns alted slurping" is also rooted in ancient Russia.
History of phraseology
Today s alt is available in every home. Food is s alted for personal preference and recipe recommendations, not for savings on this highly common product.
From the 9th to the 16th centuries in Russia there was a completely different picture. As historians say, s alt was a very rare and valuable seasoning, and it was very expensive. The reason for this was the lack of sources of production of the product in the state. It had to be imported from other countries, but the road was long and difficult. The situation was not improved by the robbers, who actively traded on the path of the Chumaks, and high taxes on the import of goods. S alt mining in the state itself began only in the 15th century.
Today, the hostess s alts the dishes in the process of preparing them. In Russia, however (due to such a shortageproduct) food was s alted into each plate separately. Often this was done by the owner himself, with his own hand. The head seated the desired and respected guests next to him. The closer the person was to the owner, the more honorable his place was considered. Trying to express a special disposition to the visitor, the owner could even s alt the dish well. It was considered bad form to let a guest go without feeding him, but it was quite allowed not to s alt the food served. As a result, those who sat on the other side of the table often left after eating lenten food, realizing that they were not welcome in the house. This is how the meaning of “uns alted slurping” appeared.

Use of phraseology in literature
When used in folk speech, phraseologism could not but affect folklore works. The folk tale "The Fox and the Crane" vividly describes the situation and uses the expression "not s alty slurped". After the fox's unfriendly reception, the crane repaid her with the same coin. The owner prepared a delicious roast, but put it in a jug with a narrow neck. No matter how the guest tried to reach the delicacy, she “went home like she slurped it.”

This tale vividly illustrates the use of phraseology in the old days. The fox went to visit, counting on a warm welcome, despite her cunning, but left in bitter disappointment.
What does the expression "uns alted slurp" mean
Earlier, idioms were used to determine a hostile reception, when a guest was left without honor and attention. It was also said about such a visitor that heleft with nothing. When the arrival of s alt in Russia was established, the meaning of "sipping without s alt" did not lose its popularity.

Today, using this stable phrase, it is given the meaning of disappointment, deceived hopes. The meaning of "uns alted slurping" is associated with unjustified expectations. The one who did not achieve the desired result leaves without s alt.