Phraseologism is a language tool. Since it is a fixed expression that can be replaced by a single word, it has a number of advantages.
Firstly, phraseological units retain their original form. Accordingly, they reveal to us the realities of the people in a certain period. Secondly, phraseological units create diversity both in colloquial speech and in written speech. Thirdly, they create a field for the authors' imagination in creating new metaphors, puns and many other stylistic devices.
Also, the phraseological units used in the dialogues help to create images of the characters. So the author can tell about their mind, education, culture and other characteristics.
Let's consider the catchphrase "not at ease" and study its origin.
Phraseologism "not at ease" has several interpretations.

- "Being in an unfamiliar place." They say that a person is not at ease when he is among people he does not know.
- "Feel uncomfortable." This meaning of the phraseologism "not at ease" is wide. So they say when someone is surrounded by strangers, and sometimes vice versa - in an empty deserted place.
- "To be in a bad mood." If you are in a bad mood, then they will say about you: "You are not at ease."
The meaning of a phraseological unit is always directly related to its history.
Phraseologism "to be out of your element" has a funny story. The fact is that this is an unsuccessful tracing paper from the French language. This means that when borrowing a word or expression, they simply translate (skyscraper - "skyscraper", departement - "department", etc.)
There is a fixed phrase in French that Russians decided to adopt in the 17th century. This phrase sounds like this: "Ne pas être dans son assiette". Translated, it meant "to be in the wrong position" (about the ship's draft). French even formed a phraseological unit with the meaning "to be in an unstable state".

Why a plate? The fact is that assiette is not only a state, but also this piece of utensil. The translator who de alt with this phrase mixed up the meanings and translated incorrectly. Most likely, he thought that this was an idiomatic expression and could not be interpreted differently. The French, probably, do not know the meaning of the phraseologism "not at ease", taken from themselves.
Similar casewas with the name of the city Paris. In French it sounds "Paris", and we say "Paris" due to the fact that we heard such a version from the Poles, who pronounced it that way.
Literary examples
The intelligentsia was indignant for a long time because of the "ignorant translator" and wanted to eradicate the idiom. Griboyedov could not help but play a joke on the intellectuals, so he endowed the speech of his hero Famusov with this catch phrase, which contributed to its rooting.

The hero of the modern writer Dina Rubina in "The White Dove of Cordoba" felt "out of place" in the company of a girl. The author suggests that he is her potential fiancé.
With this phraseology Dean Rubin emphasizes the awkwardness of the guy's position: he is burdened by being around.
But Vanka, the hero of D. Yemets, was also "out of his element", but for a different reason. He and Tanya Grotter had a feeling of understatement. Vanya and Tanya are close people, but still they can be in an awkward position nearby.