Words with double consonants: examples

Words with double consonants: examples
Words with double consonants: examples

Words with double consonants are some of the most difficult to spell. The thing is that these letters are not pronounced as a pair. As a rule, only one sound sounds in their place. Hence the difficulty - the inability to notice the spelling. That is why the spelling of words with double consonants starts from elementary school and ends only in the 7th grade. There are a lot of rules governing this spelling: they relate to the spelling of various parts of the word. Particular attention should be paid to those words where doubled consonants are at the junction of morphemes.

At the root

Words with double consonants in the root, as a rule, belong to the category of dictionary words (their spelling should be remembered). In Russian, this is a combination of LJ and SS.

So, the words "burning", as well as "reins" or "yeast" must be remembered - they do not obey any rule. Here you need to be especially careful and keep in mind that the roots with alternating consonants - zg (d) / -zzh-, with prolonged pronunciation [g], you should still write [zzh]. For example: squeals (im. p., singular) - you squeal [lzh] and.

words with double consonants
words with double consonants

As for the combination - ss-, it is used in the word "quarrel" and words derived from it (quarrel). You should also write - ss - at the root - ross -: Russia, Western Russian, Little Russia.

It should be remembered that - rus- should be written with one - with -, if there is no suffix -sk - after it: rusoved, but russian. The exception is Belarus.

Don't forget about numbers. So, in the word "eleven" doubled n is written in the root. The thing is that the lexeme came from the phrase one nadtsat (ten).

At the junction of prefix and root

Words with double consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root are quite numerous in Russian. There are a few rules to keep in mind here.

Firstly, if the first sound of the root is voiced, at the end of the prefix it is necessary to use a letter denoting a voiced sound: starless, provoke, threshold.

Alternation also plays an important role here, so the word "heartburn" will not be written double w (although it is heard), because there is a special alternation.

3 words with double consonants
3 words with double consonants

And the exact opposite principle: a double deaf consonant is used if the root begins with a deaf one: sleeplessness, disperse, shameless, dry out. It is important to adhere to the basic principle of the use of double consonants: they can only be used in pairs, in no case in triples. If the word-formation method involves the confluence of three identical lettersnext - one of them is truncated.

Let's take an example: we quarreled. This word is formed from the verb quarreled with the prefix ras-. Accordingly, there should be three s in a row: two from the root to quarrel and one from the prefix dis-. However, according to the well-known spelling principle, one of them is truncated.

It should be remembered that one s is written in the word "calculation". The same rule is preserved in derivative words, for example: prudent, calculated.

In suffix

Words with double consonants in the suffix are adjectives and participles. So, words like provocative or cranberry will be written with a double n. It's all about the suffixes - enn- and - onn -.

Let's give an example of 3 more words with double consonants in the suffix: constitutional, positional, revolutionary. Please note that all these adjectives are formed from с from nouns na –tion: constitution, position, revolution.

Two -n- have three exception words in the suffix: glass, tin, wooden.

hyphenation of words with double consonants
hyphenation of words with double consonants

In adjectives on -ovanny / -evanny and derivatives from them (for example, adverbs) double - n- is also written (exclusion words - forged, chewed): stuffed, pampered, uprooted, excited (excitedly), As for participles, in these parts of speech there is a suffix -nn-. It takes place if we have a passive participle in the past tense. This rule is often confused, because these words are difficult to distinguish from verbal adjectives,which have one letter n.

Let's analyze similar words with double consonants. Examples are: a book read (verbal adjective) - a book read all evening (communion) - a book read (communion). Another example: a wounded soldier (verbal adjective) - a soldier wounded in a heavy battle (participle) - a wounded soldier.

Looking at these examples, it is easy to conclude that a participle with a double -n- in the suffix is distinguished by the presence of dependent words or a prefix. These signs can be present both collectively and separately: a soldier wounded in a heavy battle.

On the border of the root and suffix

Words with double consonants can have them at the junction of the root and suffix. This applies, first of all, to adjectives and adverbs formed from them. Teachers say that students get confused in this rule most often.

For example, let's analyze word-building chains: fog - foggy - foggy. As you can see, the adjective foggy is formed from a noun whose stem ends in -n-. hence - a double consonant in the word, which remains in the adverb formed from the adjective - foggy.

spelling of words with double consonants
spelling of words with double consonants

Sleep - sleepy - sleepy - here there is also the formation of an adjective from a noun with a base on -n- using the same suffix (sleepy). Moreover, the double n is also present in the adverb.

Another case where a double consonant stands at the junction of a root and a suffix - words with the root -sk-. Only in this version will be written -ss-. For example:Odessa - Odessa (the third -c- was truncated according to the principle of the impossibility of confluence of three identical consonants); Gudermes - Gudermes; Rus is Russian, Kotlas is Kotlas. As you can see, the rule applies to all kinds of toponyms.

Dictionary loanwords

Dictionary words with double consonants, as a rule, belong to the category of foreign languages. It should be remembered that in the derivatives of these lexemes, the doubled letter remains.

dictionary words with double consonants
dictionary words with double consonants

Here are some examples:

- group - group;

- compromise - compromise;

- point - ten points;

- ton – two-ton;

- corrosion - anti-corrosion;

- mass - massive.

Algorithm for writing and transferring

To correctly write a word with a double vowel, you need:

  1. Determine what part of the word it is in.
  2. Find out how this word is formed.
  3. Check if a consonant is at the junction of morphemes.
  4. Identify the part of speech (participle or verbal adjective).
  5. Find out the lexical meaning. The fact is that there are words, a double consonant at the junction of the root and the prefix, which depends on the meaning. These are, for example: a fake (copy) - and a craft (a hand-made product). In the first case, two letters d at the junction of morphemes, and in the second case, the prefix po-. Another example: run around (run several times) - run around (be in several places in a short time). In the first word, the prefix o-, in the second - ob-

Word hyphenation with double consonants obeys the following rule: one letter remains on the line, the second goes to the next one: morning, dedicated, fog-no, get angry.

Place in the school course

In the school course, the topic of doubled consonants is introduced gradually: in elementary school, children are introduced to dictionary words and their derivatives, such as "group", "gram". Also, younger students learn the rules for their transfer.

words with double consonants examples
words with double consonants examples

Further, in high school, when studying morphology, the topic is introduced when studying the spelling of a particular part of speech. In grades 8-9, the studied material is consolidated, it is systematized (for example, the topic “Н and НН in various parts of speech”), knowledge is deepened (analysis of the most difficult cases).

It should be noted that in the GIA and USE tests, one of the questions is always devoted to this topic.
