Cockroach appears where there is pollution of the territory, and eats leftover food. This insect is a true orderly.

In any case, many will be interested in learning how to draw a cockroach, and especially children.
In this article we will try together with you to understand some of the subtleties and nuances of the image of this insect.
Required materials and tools
Before you start the creative process and learn how to draw a cockroach, you will need to prepare the following supplies:
- white sheet of paper;
- eraser;
- simple pencil;
- paints and colored pencils - to work in color.
Having prepared all the above materials necessary for work, you can safely start drawing.
How to draw a cockroach with a pencil, step by step
It will not be difficult for children and beginners to draw this "domestic" insect.
So let's get started:
- Use a regular simple pencil to sketch. Draw an oval and oblong torso. Draw a line in the middle of the insect where the wings should open. Mark the directions of the six paws, three on each side.
- Go to drawing the picture. First, outline the cephalothorax of the cockroach by drawing a small section of the torso. Then draw the end of the body (oval), in the future it will become the head of the insect. On its sides, mark the eyes of a cockroach with small semi-ovals. Next draw the mustache. Their location can be different - parallel to each other, forward, backward, sideways or slightly diagonally. Do not forget that the length of the mustache of the Prusak is slightly less than the length of the body.
- Draw the legs of the insect. Each limb of a cockroach is formed from three segments, while at the places of their joints the limbs can bend. Place two "needles" at the end of the legs.
- The body cover of the insect has a peculiar pattern. The head and torso are asymmetrical to each other, although visually this is very slightly expressed. The flaps of a cockroach are overlapped, like the petals of a tulip. Draw these cross contours. At the end of the body, draw two short "antennae" that grow from the belly of the insect. Use the eraser to remove all unnecessary and auxiliary lines.
- Apply hatching over the entire shape of the hull. Draw two dark spots on the cephalothorax of the cockroach. Do not forget to draw hairs on the paws. Next, after hatching with the end of the eraser, apply a fewlongitudinal lines along the flaps of the insect, in addition, you can highlight the eyes and make a highlight on the cephalothorax. Then carefully draw the main plan with a sharp pencil.

We have discussed in detail with you how to draw a cockroach simply and easily. If desired, you can add color to your insect with colored pencils.
Colorize and create a background
Try to complement your drawing by inventing and drawing a background: grass, a keyboard, cutlery, a table in the kitchen on which a cockroach sits - there are many options. The drawing can be done in color or left in black and white.
When working with paints, start your drawing by filling in the background. Then paint over the insect with the main color spot. After drying, mark the relief of the wings and shadows. Using a thin brush, draw the antennae and paws.
Using this article, you can learn and understand how to draw a cockroach, correctly, quickly and well. When drawing with children, use a simplified version of the image of an insect. Work on the drawing in a free game mode, this approach will interest little artists.
Open the world of creativity brightly and boldly, and perhaps you will get a colorful and funny masterpiece.