Such a concept as social tension has always taken place. This phenomenon can be comprehended at the level of common and scientific sense. If we turn to everyday consciousness, then we can give the following definition: social tension is a “time of troubles”. But from a scientific point of view, this is a complex phenomenon, which often acts as an object of interdisciplinary analysis. However, all this can be told in more detail.

About the concept in brief
In simple terms, social tension is a negative state of social behavior and consciousness, a specific perception of the reality that is happening. It is this that forms a favorable environment for the emergence of conflict and its development.
This phenomenon can be encountered anywhere. Social tension can be short-term and long-term, interpersonal, interethnic, intergroup, interreligious and global.
What causes it? The most common prerequisites lie in a certain situation that remains for a long timeunresolved. As a rule, it is associated with someone's needs, social expectations, interests. However, if something remains unresolved, unsatisfied for a long time, then this increases the aggression of people who are directly affected by it. Mental fatigue and irritability increase. And this leads to the emergence of the notorious social tension.
There are plenty of examples around. We can say that we live in them, exist and face them daily. For example, doctors and teachers have long been promised to raise salaries. But all these conversations have for a long time remained only words - they are not supported by actions. As a result, the irritability and moral fatigue of people who were promised a promotion. That is social tension. However, this is familiar to many when the boss keeps promising to raise wages, but still nothing. What is the bottom line? Conflict, and then the employee leaves in search of a better place. And there are many such examples.
The core of the problem
Social tension is also a massive adaptation syndrome. It reflects the psychological and physiological adaptation of different categories of the population to difficulties. They are usually lowering the standard of living and other social changes. It shows up in many ways. Society begins to conflict, behave anxiously, ceases to trust the authorities. There is general discontent, economic and mental depression. The demographics are also deteriorating. And of course, all this is accompanied by a manifestation of compensatory reactions, which are the search for enemies, the hope for a miracle and mass aggression.
Than everythingis it determined? The effectiveness of the authorities, the influence of the media, criminal structures, the opposition, the economic situation. What happens when everything is bad in the country? At first, people endure, put up, then they begin to be a little annoyed by the current situation. Gradually, the realization comes to them - they deserve better. And mass migration to other countries begins - abroad.
This is a simple, long-standing mechanism of social tension. People are experiencing mass dissatisfaction - they do not like that the standard of living has fallen. And if some migrate, then others go on strike, which leads to an even greater decline in production.

This concept should also be considered in more detail. As you might guess from the name, maladaptation is the loss by a person or a mass of people of the ability to adapt to the conditions that surround them. This is a violation of their interaction with the environment. People cease to see themselves as part of society and cannot realize their positive social role, which is consistent with their capabilities. This is where it all comes from.
There are four levels of maladjustment. The first one is the bottom one. Or, as it is also called, latent. It practically does not affect social stability in any way. A person experiencing disadaptation at a lower level may not even be aware of it. It is hidden in his subconscious.
The second level is half. It is already showing some changes. But it would be more correct to call them pertrubations. Because they come and go.
The third level is steadily entering. It is he who reflects the depth, which is enough to destroy the old adaptive mechanisms and connections. It has a noticeable impact on social life.
And the last level is a fixed disadaptation. The case when the manifestation of mass discontent entails performance. With it, a global disorganization of social communities and institutions occurs.
Most importantly, social tension in society can play two roles. The first is destructive. That is, when tension has a devastating effect on the state, government, economy and people. The second one is constructive. In this case, tension only mobilizes to overcome difficulties. But both in one and in the other case, it causes powerful motivation. It's hard to argue with that.

They should also be told in more detail. Situations of social tension are diverse, but most often this phenomenon finds us in the sphere of labor relations. Moreover, sometimes in the team everything becomes so bad that it becomes unclear how to resolve everything and bring it back to normal. And is it possible? In fact, yes, but you need to be aware of the essence of this phenomenon. Then it will be possible to prevent the destruction of the structure.
The causes of social tension can come from both inside and outside. Let's start with the first category.
Internal factors are the maximum dissatisfaction of the company's employees with the level andconditions of labor organization, management and production itself. The manifestation of indifference and apathy can also affect the growth of tension, as well as the dominance of negative emotions in the team. Naturally, there is also an unfavorable psychological atmosphere prevailing in the team. These are conflicts, disagreements, misunderstandings. If there is too high turnover among workers, then tensions should also be expected. And when the leadership loses the initiative in managing the situation, this also does not end well.
External causes of social tension are more global, as they affect everyone, not just production employees. These include an increase in crime, negative population growth, economic differentiation, an increase in the number of divorces, suicides and marginalization in society.
A few words should also be said about her, touching upon the problems of social tension. There is a pattern, and it manifests itself in several aspects at once.
So, the more uneven the distribution of material resources, the stronger the conflict of interest becomes. In particular, this applies to subordinates and leaders. If, for example, the salary has not been raised unfairly for a year or bonuses have not been paid, and the boss has a new Mercedes, then it is clear that the employees will not say a good word about him. And by the way, the better employees know about their freedoms, interests and rights, the more they doubt the legitimacy of the form of distribution of resources.
It's stillnot everything related to this sphere of social tension. The more employees doubt the legitimacy of the distribution of resources, the greater the likelihood of an open conflict between them and the boss. And the higher their ideological unification (for example, many of the employees are members of the Communist Party), the better developed their structure. This means that sooner or later leaders will appear in the team. This will lead to polarization (opposition) between employees and managers.
And the better its results are, the stronger the leaders will strive to achieve the goals in full, and not partial victory. If the full described regularity is observed, the level of social tension reaches considerable heights. The conflict is usually smoothed out by compromise. Unless, of course, all its participants are smart. Otherwise, the system, like production, collapses.

Actions being taken
Well, the factors of social tension at a labor enterprise are quite understandable and obvious. It is rare to avoid them completely. In some cases, disagreements arise on the basis of values - the most important attitudes in life. And they are difficult to resolve. In other cases, the main reason is the material component. If the problem is in the means, then it is much easier to solve it.
But one way or another, certain actions contribute to defusing tension. In this case, they are undertaken by employees. More often than not, they simply refuse to take action. From strikes, for example. Most often out of fear oruncertainty. Therefore, they solve the problem differently - they look for another job, quit en masse, sue. This is a moderate strategy.
The following form of action is called defensive. In this case, employees oppose the authorities. It can hardly be called a protest action, since usually everything ends with an ordinary dispute. Again, the reason lies in fear and doubts about the effectiveness of actions.
More results can be achieved if you use the protection of professional interests before the state. What is meant? Joint protests with the leadership against the state. Their effectiveness depends on the scale, namely on how important the protesters' enterprise is and how many people have joined the action.
The last form is the so-called coordination movement. That is, a symbiosis of active protests aimed at protecting their own interests. Often, socio-economic tensions are smoothed out in this way. When people are ready to do anything to achieve results in their favor.

Social tension is a must
Sounds weird? Perhaps, but it is. Of course, the growth of social tension is bad. But everything is necessary in moderation. And she included. But not permanently.
So what do you mean? The fact that a person, experiencing a small social tension, experiences it as stress. Faced with it, he gets used to this phenomenon. Simply put, he develops "immunity". And this is necessarypart of the culture. If, for example, something global suddenly happens in society, people will not be shocked. They will simply comment on the event as follows: "Well, that was to be expected." And since we live in a historical time, such examples are happening before our eyes. True, on a global level.
Take, for example, the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Perhaps this was a surprise for some, but in general, observing the emerging political situation, such an incident was really to be expected.
So social tension has long been "built into" civilized processes, and it seems to permeate the entire world community. And in some cases, it mobilizes society, enhances certain processes. A striking positive example is the environmental movement.
State level
Many factors of social tension were listed. But it is worth returning to the topic of the state, authorities and the economy. And to pay attention to the background and local causes, due to which the causes of social tension are determined. They have a certain meaning.
So, background causes arise due to typical conditions that develop on the scale of the state or its regions. And local ones appear in smaller places (cities, districts, production facilities, etc.).
One way or another, in such periods of crisis, people activate a strong psychological defense. And what are the consequences of social tension? They are serious. You can see how people depreciate their own behavior, apathy appears andgrowing distrust of the authorities. Many try to distract themselves - a part of society (fortunately, a small one) becomes an inveterate drunkard, begins to use drugs, get involved in porn films and not only. For others, the search for protection manifests itself in a more positive way - they begin to hope for a miracle, turn to the church. Some try to distract themselves by showing aggression. This is the worst, because people lose their adequacy, start looking for enemies, and many panic so much that they may even begin to exterminate those who seem suspicious to them.

Unfortunately, social tension tends to spread at an incredibly high speed. Having arisen in one place, it will quickly grow and cover the entire area that is possible. Take, for example, what is happening in the world right now. In all countries! But only a couple of years ago, our planet was relatively calm and stable.
The worst thing is when the so-called fracture syndrome occurs. That is, a situation where people and society cannot change the current picture of the world in any way. Generally. These are the times when things get out of hand. And the consequences in the form of mass discontent seem as harmless as possible. Because such phenomena as self-immolation, picketing, civil disobedience, hunger strikes are beginning to appear.
How dynamically social tension develops and what forms it takes depends on whether it is deliberately fueled or spontaneously. Unfortunately, oftenthis phenomenon is triggered. Who needs it is another question. But if tension develops on its own, then the method of its spread and forcing is suggestion and infection. In general, the psychological impact. As a rule, everything ends with mass indifference and depression. Why? People just get tired. Because their actions don't work. Someone loses the meaning of life. Others - their perspectives. Others come to terms with reality. Fourth drop everything and leave in search of a better life. And the rest fall into asthenic syndrome (a condition accompanied by severe weakness, emotional disturbances and lack of performance).

What can be said in conclusion? Global social tension is chaos. It can lead to unpredictable consequences. If this phenomenon is temporary (as in the case of a conflict between a boss and subordinates), then, as a rule, nothing terrible happens. After all, we are all human beings and are members of society. It consists of different individuals, differing in characters, values, worldview, attitude to the world. Conflict and contradictions are normal phenomena. The main thing is that the tension does not go beyond. But it depends on the people.