"Graceful" - this word comes from the Latin gratia, which means "pleasantness". Basically, the word refers to the characteristics of movements that are pleasing to the eye. This, for example, bow, jump, head turn.
A person who holds himself upright is said to have a graceful posture. An example to follow are ballet dancers who work hard on the beauty of the body. There is no fuss or sharpness in their movements, they are graceful.

While some people have to work hard to move gracefully, many animals, especially felines, are born with grace. Therefore, when they want to give a compliment, they say that a person moves like a cat. Doe is often cited as an example. These are graceful light jumps, proud landing of the head, beauty and grace arouse admiration and make you admire.

Earlier, the word "graceful" was used to characterize poetry orphrases. It could be a graceful song or a story, a fable or a story. Speaking about literature, A. Pushkin, A. Kuprin and other famous writers used this term.
Philosophers' opinion on grace
Who is this graceful person? In Greek mythology, the Charites, and in Roman mythology, the three graces characterized beauty, grace and joy. These are the daughters of Jupiter and nymphs.
Many philosophers have tried to define grace and gracefulness, characterizing them as random beauty that appears and disappears. It is believed that graceful are movements that are associated with spirituality, the manifestation of spiritual impulses that are expressed through movement.

F. Schiller compared learned graceful movements to fake hair.
What is a graceful walk?
What makes a woman look back? This is a graceful gait, light, flying, which can be obtained with the correct setting of the feet and a straight back, as well as an inner sense of freedom. Sophia Loren said that beauty is courage, and a heavy, clumsy, shuffling gait arises from a disdain for the beauty of movements, self-doubt and illness.