The social essence of human needs and functions

The social essence of human needs and functions
The social essence of human needs and functions

Knowing the essence of things guarantees its correct use and improvement. And what is the social essence, human needs and functions? How do they affect the quality and content of an individual's life? Are they subject to change at will? We will try to answer these and other questions in our article.


If we summarize all the synonymous meanings of this word, then briefly its meaning can be formulated as follows: essence is the main internal content of an object, which manifests itself in its external, visible forms and modes of existence.

the concept of social essence
the concept of social essence

Anthropology is the science of the origin of man, the ways of his existence in an ecosystem where he stands at the highest stage of development. Man is a biological object, and his natural essence is manifested in the fact that he, like the rest of the animal world, has a body, needs for housing, sleep, food, and various innate instincts. It lives in almost all corners of the globe. By studying this natural objectengaged in biology, physiology, genetics.


Being a biological being, man is at the same time a social being. This is an important feature that sharply distinguishes it from a number of animals. The social essence is expressed as follows:

  • a person knows how to control his feelings, emotions, instincts;
  • labor is his internal and physical need;
  • he is able to modify his habitat, make it safe, comfortable, aesthetic;
  • he has, in addition to physiological, spiritual needs.

A person, being born as a natural being, experiences such an impact, not typical for the animal world, as upbringing.

social essence of need
social essence of need

It is it that gradually introduces him into the world of human relations, that is, into society. The society is interested in that its citizen understands well the essence of social functions and strictly performs them. In addition, he must have certain human qualities that distinguish him from an animal, for example: diligence, kindness, honesty, patriotism, responsibility and others.

It should be said that the need for socialization is mutual. Just as society needs a person to adapt to its requirements and rules, so a person needs protection and help from society.

Social Needs

According to the definition, this is the need for something, the need for something that will satisfy the desires and requests that have arisen. The social essence of human needs is manifested in the fact thatwhich is not characteristic of animals and is explained by its belonging to the human race:

  1. He needs communication and recognition of the merits of his personality by other members of society, self-respect, achievement of a certain position in society, in power.
  2. He wants to be useful to others, to help the weak and sick, to love and be loved, a good friend.
  3. He is ready to defend freedom, peace and justice.
essence of social function
essence of social function

Of course, these and other personal needs are not expressed clearly enough in all people. A person can have different negative qualities: be selfish, with hypertrophied self-esteem, in critical situations - a coward, a traitor. His personal qualities and social needs are the result of family and social upbringing, education, and cultural development.

Will and work wondrous shoots give…

This folk wisdom gives the exact answer to the question of how a person can achieve social recognition, respect, love, etc. It is purposefulness, perseverance and work that satisfy his natural and personal needs, as well as the need to transform the environment.

The social essence of human activity is that it is a way of his conscious reorganization of both the world and himself. It is motivated, purposeful, carried out with the help of means and certain actions, effective.

social essence of activity
social essence of activity

The motive that motivates a person to work isthe need to meet its material, cultural and spiritual needs. Goals and motives can change, be updated in the process of activity with a change in the interests, views, needs of the worker.

Along with constructive and creative types, there are also destructive types of activity: wars, terrorism, drug trafficking, sectarianism, theft, etc. The work of an unscrupulous or inept leader, worker, driver, doctor can be destructive.

Social functions of a person

A person always acts not only in the name of his own well-being and profit. In various life situations, he contributes to meeting the needs of other people: a fireman puts out fires and saves victims of fire, a doctor heals, a hairdresser serves clients, teachers and parents educate children and prepare them for a decent life in society.

Thus, everyone performs the activities needed by other people, which are called social functions. They are carried out within the framework of the rights and obligations imposed by the norms of law and morality.

social entity
social entity

The concept of "social essence of human functions" is determined by the roles that a person plays in the family, in professional, social activities. So the same person, being a father, performs the function of an educator, and at work he also performs the functions of a leader or performer.

Social roles can be long-term (father, worker, housewife, citizen) and short-lived and are determined by his immediate needs. Often a personenters into the brief role of buyer, passenger, spectator, observer, patient, and others.

Each of these social functions has its own implementation rules, which a person gets acquainted with and exercises in their performance in the process of family and social education and training.

Sailing through life in the same boat…

Even the most lonely and reclusive person sooner or later discovers that he has a need to turn to other people for something. That is, the satisfaction of his needs directly or indirectly depends on their actions (or inaction) and attitude towards him.

A person's life can be compared to a long journey by sea in the same boat with its other passengers. Lack of coordination and disregard for the needs of neighbors can be disastrous.

Each member of society, unwittingly or deliberately, can improve or significantly worsen the material, physical, psychological, social situation of another person. The realization of this imposes the duty of rejecting destructive desires and actions that can bring misfortune, grief into the life of another person or society. The social essence of the individual lies in the fact that, realizing the inviolability of her own rights and freedoms, she strictly fulfills her duties in relation to other members of society and lives by the rule “my rights end where yours begin.”
