Social management system: concept, organization, purpose and tasks

Social management system: concept, organization, purpose and tasks
Social management system: concept, organization, purpose and tasks

To maintain order in society and its proper functioning, it is necessary to introduce certain elements of control from the leadership. The totality of all elements forms a system for managing society.

The social management system is a conscious, organized and constant interaction of the subject and object of the management process. Such regulation is carried out with the aim of streamlining and further development.

Regulation of society

Social management is one of the most important types of leadership and regulation. With its help, the state achieves the following goals:

  • realization of the needs necessary for the development of society and its elements;
  • formation of the most priority indicators of the development of the society in question at the moment;
  • development and implementation of solutionsproblems that appear when achieving a plan for the development of social processes and relationships between members of society.
social management system
social management system

Thus, the main goal of managing the social system is to ensure the development of society and maintain a given positive trend.


Community development management can be divided into three areas:

  • management of socio-economic systems - ensuring social control over the implementation of management programs, creating motivation for people's economic activity, as well as regulating human behavior in the field of economic relations;
  • management of the political processes of society - the definition of a leading political strategy and the development of a plan for its implementation;
  • management of the processes of the spiritual sphere of society - education and upbringing, the development of ways to actively involve future generations in public life.
development management
development management

Item of Social Guidance

The management system of the society is carried out by regulating relations between its members. It is carried out in accordance with the main tasks of the development of society.

One of the theoretical functions of the social sphere management system can be called the definition of the content of methods and means to achieve the main development goals. This task is to reduce the number of development contradictions and harmonize the interests of certain groups from different communities.

Plannedregulation of the life of society is the process of bringing human activity to such a form that satisfies the basic needs of development. But such an achievement of unity occurs only with the introduction of state administration into the system of social administration.

Thus, the entire management system functions at various levels of social processes (state, community, individual).

System elements

The company management system consists of several components:

  1. Management methods. These are control, analysis, planning, accounting, stimulation.
  2. Means of influence. These are incentives, sanctions, management decisions, orders, norms, production tasks.
  3. Structures are the internal organization of the system of the community in question.

The core of the management system of a social organization is employees occupying various positions: managers, narrow specialists and workers. Their purpose of activity is the most complete use of all the possibilities of the management structure for solving problems related to social processes.

System objects

In the considered scheme of the social development management system, society is both the subject and the object of management at the same time. Therefore, the subject and the object must be considered as two components that are in constant dependence. Let's describe it easier. The subject in the form of a control mechanism is part of an object - a controlled element. In mutual connection are also its shape and size. Thus,the way the governance system functions is determined by the characteristics of the facility itself.

goal of managing the social system
goal of managing the social system

There are three types of system objects:

  1. Production, which includes all elements of the organization of production processes.
  2. Structural, which are elements of the control structure.
  3. Functional, set by a special control mechanism as functions.

Based on this, an object can be called all the activities of people that enter the social environment either as an element of the social management system, or as a special function with a special management mechanism.

Objects are formed by highlighting them as the main elements of the social structure within the organization in question. For example, such an element is an economic enterprise, from which the levels begin in the macro-system of financial management, as well as in the micro-system within the company itself. One enterprise can be called the basis for the formation of objects of any scale - from the industry to the state.

The selection of production objects is the main one for creating a structure in the control system, each element of which also becomes an object of control within the mechanism under consideration. All of them are divided into subgroups according to the functions performed and the necessary labor costs. The formation and modernization of each of the objects of management is necessary to improve the operation of the entire system of social management.

Great importance in the process of developing objectshave financial, technological, organizational and socio-psychological factors. They are all connected.

The development of objects is also determined by the forms of coordination of the sectoral and general territorial organization, levels of centralization of management. The formation of objects, in turn, affects their internal structure, position in social and economic systems, general status and scale.

Control mechanism

Solving problems in the field of social development and the implementation of strategic policy require the formation of a mechanism for a unified management of the development of socio-economic systems. It should become a form of use and implementation of existing laws and obligations. The management system is created and modernized by people who streamline the methodology, properties, forms and levers of influence on society. This is necessary in order to achieve a highly efficient society in the current historical and cultural conditions.

The quality of a specific management mechanism, its objective assessment and compliance with the requirements of laws depend on the qualifications of management members. They should be able to identify the priority elements and relationships of the leadership structure, the signs of their manifestation and the possible consequences in the development of current trends.

The governance structure consists of such important elements as general principles, objectives, methodology and functions. A complex, multi-component system in the form of a society requires that the process of its regulation provides for the constant interaction of all its participants and solves the existing problems andproblems.

Proceeding from this, the structure of management of society and public relations is a set of techniques and methods of influence. Their interconnection provides society with the opportunity for the most effective continuous development and modernization.

System upgrade

For the correct functioning of any social device, it is necessary to constantly improve the management system, excluding bureaucracy and formalism. They tend to slow this process down.

Developing a plan to modernize the social process management system begins with the collection of available information. With its help, you can make a rationale for the goal, tasks and ways to implement them.

Today, production management is experiencing a lack of social information. As a rule, management pays more attention to technical and economic information. Employees have an idea about the technical characteristics of the company, about economic indicators. And in organizational culture and in the factors of the mechanism of labor behavior, they understand much worse. An effective method of leading an organization requires knowledge in both areas of work.

Great importance should be given to trends - priority areas in the development of any processes, the predominance of a certain point of view in the opinion of community members.

At the end of the 20th century, the economy made a sharp transition from planned to market, and the social structure from totalitarian to democratic. In this regard, the modern system of management of socialeconomic processes requires reorganization. There is a need for a radical reorientation of the activities of the governing bodies in accordance with the standards adopted at the international level. Economic criteria should act as resource opportunities or factors limiting the implementation of some projects. They should not be seen as the only target. This was true during the period of the planned economy, when the priority was set on the gross volume of production, and not on its quality.

goal of managing the social system
goal of managing the social system

Based on social information, the following functions can also be performed:

  • predicting the situation;
  • activity planning;
  • organization of control objects;
  • regulation to maintain and modernize the management system;
  • impact on the consciousness and behavior of people.

Modernization of the management of the development of socio-economic systems is completed by taking into account and monitoring the compliance of these results and the strategy drawn up at the first stage of planning.

Means of influence

Functions are carried out with the help of a management decision - a way of organized influence on the control object. Such solutions are classified according to the following properties:

  • object structure: republican, regional, city;
  • subject structure: collective, public, collegial;
  • character of impact implementation: social, managerial, economic.

Contentthe process of drawing up and implementing management decisions depends on social specifics. To make any management decision, it is necessary to establish the main problem and ways to solve it. One of the methods for finding the right solution can be called "brainstorming" - a discussion between all participants in the process.

After finding ways to eliminate the problem, the implementation of the plan is organized using economic or administrative regulations. A regulation is a set of rules and laws that govern the activities of public institutions at different levels.

The process of public administration in the system of social administration is continuous. After the implementation of the developed measures, new information is collected about the specifics of the same object. At the same time, the information collected should reflect its other parties, not previously affected.

Socio-psychological methods

An important place in the social protection management system is occupied by the development of socio-psychological ways of influencing relations in society. The peculiarity of these methods is to focus on the object of informal relations. With their help, you can manage the needs and interests of certain groups of people.

social organization management system
social organization management system

Socio-psychological methods of management are carried out using the following processes:

  1. The choice of employees of the organization, taking into account their mutual compatibility. This creates conditions for the effective development of teams and, as a result, the entire organization.
  2. Setting social norms in the team based on the preservation of the traditions of previous generations.
  3. Implementing social regulation through contracts.
  4. Motivate employees to work more efficiently, achieve company goals and achieve high performance.
  5. Assist with the basic needs of employees through leisure and non-work activities.

Thus, the social system of personnel management is to use psychological methods. Nevertheless, such an organization of activity is no less effective than the use of economic or administrative methods of influence.


The social self-determination of an employee strongly depends on how actively he takes part in the processes that are important for the company. Therefore, the introduction of self-government is an important condition for the successful operation of any organization.

The main element of self-management is the formation of the structure of the team - the election of the leaders of some positions, the possibility of moving up the career ladder. Public organizations are of great importance in this process.

management of the social protection system
management of the social protection system

In addition, employees can be given the opportunity to take part in solving organizational issues that directly affect the interests of the team. For example, in the process of organizing labor, time, or technological discipline. At the same time, in the process of self-managementall employees of the organization should be involved to one degree or another.

The essence of self-government can be realized through all of the above functions of the social management system. An example would be the participation of company employees in solving some organizational issues, activity in making other important decisions regarding the enterprise.

Social work

Management in social work is a flexible system of social management aimed at regulating the social status and relationships between its representatives. With its help, it is possible to ensure the development of members of society as subjects of all types of social relationships.

The social work management system consists of the subject and object of management, as well as the relationships between them.

The objects of management in public work are employees of social protection services, social workers, as well as the whole set of relationships between people in the process of providing assistance to society. The subjects are the social protection authorities with all the organizations and institutions that are part of it.

social sphere management system
social sphere management system

Thus, the social management system is an important element of social relationships. It ensures the constant development of communities, the successful solution of existing problems, the regulation of the most important processes, as well as the efficient allocation of available resources.
