The Pedagogical Council is a collective self-management body of employees of educational institutions, which operates on an ongoing basis. Such councils are needed in order to consider and solve important issues of educational and extracurricular work in the educational institution. The activities of the teachers' council are regulated by the Regulations on the teachers' council.
Such councils function in all educational organizations where there are more than three teachers. Its leader is the principal of the school. In addition, the pedagogical council includes educators, ordinary teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities, a physician, a school librarian, and the head of the parent committee. Other members of parent committees, for example, from different classes, as well as representatives of colleague organizations, leaders of children's clubs, can also take part in the expanded composition.

Goals of the Council
The purpose of the pedagogical council depends on the subject of the meeting:
- drawing up a plan for the activities of the school team;
- definition of ways, forms of change in school education;
- introducing innovationpedagogy, the introduction of new education standards by teachers of an educational institution;
- analysis of work for the half year, year;
- assessment of the state of the educational and educational process;
- moral education of schoolchildren, the level of culture, observance of the Charter of the school;
- analysis of the teaching of certain academic disciplines.
The Pedagogical Council at the school allows you to acquaint colleagues with the experience of not only teachers of the educational institution, but also teachers from other lyceums, schools, gymnasiums. It is during such events that teachers have the opportunity to improve their skills, analyze the results achieved, and set new tasks for their activities.
Council Tasks
The main tasks of the pedagogical council are to unite the efforts of the whole team to increase educational motivation, as well as to introduce advanced pedagogical experience into the work of a particular school.
Variety of activities of the teachers' council
According to the Regulations on the OS, the following types of council functioning are implied:
- thematic (scientific and pedagogical, psychological);
- production business;
- selection of programs, curricula, methods, forms of the educational and educational process, as well as the development of ways to solve the tasks;
- creation of conditions for professional development of teachers, dissemination of their advanced pedagogical experience, work to unlock the creative potential of teachers of educational institutions;
- development of issues related to extracurricular education: organization of circles, clubs, studios;
- teaching advice onadmission of graduates to exams, transfer, about leaving for re-training, about collecting or encouraging;
- development of recommendations on the use of experimental activities;
The Pedagogical Council at the school has the right to determine the direction of the school's interaction with other public and state institutions and organizations.

School Board Functions
Given the activities of the council, it can be argued that it performs several different functions at once. The Pedagogical Council is a multifunctional body. It solves managerial, educational, methodological, social and pedagogical problems that exist in the educational institution. Depending on the specific situation, one of the tasks is set as a priority by the head of the school, or his deputies, when preparations for the pedagogical council begin.
Management functions have varieties: diagnostic, advisory, expert, legislative, controlling, predictive.
Legislative consists of collective decisions that are made in the course of an open vote, are binding on every employee of the school. For example, these can be decisions regarding the application of certain curricula and methods, the certification procedure for employees of the educational institution, and the implementation of quality control of training.
Advisory functions involve a collective discussion of certain information about the educational and educational process, the search for recommendations for changing the existingsituation.
Generalizing and diagnostic functions involve such forms of pedagogical advice, during which experimental work, psychological and medical examinations are carried out.
Planning and prognostic functions involve the selection of a school development plan, the selection of curricula, textbooks, methodological plans.
Expert-supervising functions involve not only holding pedagogical councils, but also preparing reports on the work of the school, teachers, on compliance by employees and students with the Charter of the educational institution.
Corrective functions are related to making amendments and adjustments to the finished school work plan, taking into account changes in the country, the world.

The pedagogical council in kindergarten has the same activities as in schools. There are differences only in the methodological part of the work of this self-government body. There are several directions in the methodological function of the council: developing, analytical, teaching, informational, activating.
Organization of a pedagogical council of information orientation involves the preparation of an information message about the situation in the educational process, ways to improve it. Within the framework of such meetings, advanced pedagogical experience is promoted, the main achievements of modern pedagogy are analyzed.
Generalizing-analytical direction involves a detailed analysis of the level of teaching of individual academic disciplines, a report onchanging the quality of knowledge.
Pedagogical Council in a developmental kindergarten involves studying the experience of innovative teachers, selecting new educational methods.
Teaching direction ped. advice implies an increase in pedagogical qualifications. To do this, educators and teachers do not just analyze the development of pedagogical advice offered by colleagues, but they themselves demonstrate their skills, interesting methodological findings, and transfer knowledge.
The activating direction is to intensify the efforts of the entire team of teachers, all methodological structures regarding work on methodological topics.
Each member of the team chooses their own topic for methodological activities, works on it for 2-3 years, then shares the results of their work with colleagues.

Preparing for pedagogical advice
In order for the meeting to be productive and informative, serious preliminary preparations are being made for it. In any educational institution there are methodological associations of teachers, including teachers in various areas: humanitarian, natural science, labor. From each association, 1-2 people are selected into the creative group, which is preparing the future pedagogical council. Members of the creative group develop a meeting plan, choose topics for reports, determine speakers, and resolve all organizational and methodological issues. If necessary, members of the creative team involve others in the preparationteachers, additional specialists. Such collective activity brings up internal discipline, forms responsibility, organization.
Socio-pedagogical functions of OS councils
Such functions are communication, uniting teachers with students, parents, and other educational institutions. In addition, it is this self-government body that coordinates and integrates work with public organizations, families, and schools.
Contents of the teachers' council
The specific content of the council depends on the subject, it is possible to cover the main problems of modern pedagogy. Most often, the problem of the educational or upbringing process is framed in a specific thesis (short thought). For each school, such a thesis is chosen independently; a creative group works for this.
We will present a meaningful thesis in modern pedagogical councils in the form of separate modules.
Knowledge, skills, abilities of students
This block deals with issues related to standards, programs, continuity, interdisciplinary links. This section also includes questions related to the methods and forms of control of ZUN, as well as diagnostics, options for working with lagging students.
Educational Pedagogical Technologies
Issues related to the individualization and differentiation of learning, as well as a variety of teaching and developing technologies are considered. Both classical technologies and alternative options for teaching and educating schoolchildren can be considered as the topic of the teachers' council.
A similar block of pedagogical advice is devoted to modern requirements for the lesson, ways to enhance the cognitive activity of children, alternative types of education.
During the teachers' council, they consider the goals and essence of education in modern realities, the role of extracurricular work and extracurricular activities, as well as the socialization of a student in an educational institution.

Modules to consider
Modern issues of pedagogical councils can be divided into the following modules:
- Module A. ZUN students.
- Module B. Consideration of educational pedagogical technologies.
- Module C. Lesson, its components, features.
- Module D. Educational process, its specificity, purpose.
- Module E. Activities of the class teacher.
- Module E. Issues related to the development of an educational institution.
- Module G. Student.
- Module N. Educator.
- Module J. Society, family in the learning process.
The first three modules characterize the educational process, D and E are related to education, G, H, J are related to objects and subjects. The educational process involves the interconnection of all modules, identifying the most complex ones, and discussing them during methodological councils. This process is controlled by the administration, the methodological school service, and the pedagogical council deals with the settlement and resolution of all emerging problems. The art of OS management is manifested in the prevention of various problems and conflicts,finding ways to eliminate them at an early stage.
The topic that is put before the teachers is analyzed and included in the agenda of the council.
How to make teachers' council effective
To begin with, a clear direction (topic) of the pedagogical council is highlighted. Then a theory is selected, the best experience of teachers, psychologists, concerning the issue under consideration. Further, a psychologist, a social pedagogue, class teachers, teachers carry out a questionnaire, diagnostics, and the state in the educational institution in this area is revealed. Based on the results of the survey, educational and methodological support is selected, speakers are selected.

Types of teachers' councils
Depending on the methodology, advice can be traditional and non-traditional. Classical teachers' councils can be presented in the form of reports, work of problem groups, workshops, reports followed by discussion. Non-traditional teachers' councils are held outside of educational activities, in the form of creative reports, auctions, competitions, business games, pedagogical councils, presentations.
Among the shortcomings of traditional pedagogical councils, let's single out the minimal activity of the teachers themselves. In order to solve this problem, you can organize several creative groups of teachers. At the first stage, the topic is divided into several separate sub-themes, each proposed to a separate group of teachers. A general plan of the pedagogical council is being formed, issues that will be discussed during the work are being written down.
At the second stageeach creative group is offered an individual task. Problem groups, together with the administration of the educational institution, think over additional activities: subject decades, seminars, methodological days, attending lessons. At the same stage, the documentation of the educational institution is being studied, an announcement about the planned teachers' council is being prepared, a draft decision is being developed, and recommendations are being thought out.
At the third stage, the teachers' council itself is held. Its duration does not exceed 2.5 hours. A chairman and a secretary are elected, minutes of the meeting are kept. The chairman explains the rules for holding the teachers' council, announces the agenda, and conducts a vote. The draft decision of the pedagogical council itself is prepared in advance, after the end of the meeting it is put to a vote. During an open discussion, amendments, clarifications, additions are made to the proposed version of the project, and only after that they vote for the final version of the decision.

Traditional teachers' councils are gradually leaving educational institutions, as they involve only a superficial study of the problems posed. Such meetings are more like briefings with abstract reports that do not link theory and practice. Such meetings have little impact, teachers cannot show their creative abilities during such events.
Teachers' councils, held in an unconventional form, allow you to create real creative workshops. Teachers show each other their innovative developments andoriginal finds, bring out the best practices during a joint debate.