Pedagogical analysis is aimed at studying the productivity of teaching in different aspects. It helps to identify the positive and negative aspects that arise in the learning process. During the study of the teacher's work, individual components or parts of them can be identified in order to study them in turn. In this article, we will look at all aspects of pedagogical analysis.

Thus, the main structural elements stand out:
- the nature of the behavior of teachers and students;
- forms of education;
- parenting methods;
- conditions and goals of the pedagogical process.
By combining these and other components into a single system, you can determine in what style the teacher conducted his lesson.
Pedagogical analysis of the lesson

There are five main types of analysis. Among them, an important place is occupied by:
- Blitz analysis. This stage begins immediately after the end of the lesson. Here is a brief assessment of the implementation of the goals, whether they were implemented or not. In order for the teacher to understand how effectively he presented the material, he asks the students short questions or gives a small test task.
- Structural analysis. Conducted at the end of the blitz analysis. Here the teacher sets different didactic tasks, during which a problem situation is formed.
- Aspect analysis. Aimed at analyzing a separate component of the lesson.
- Full analysis. All components of the lesson are analyzed in as much detail as possible.
- Complex. The forms and methods of conducting the lesson are fully analyzed.
Methods of pedagogical analysis

The main goal for the teacher is to study the state and trends in the development of the pedagogical process. He must give an objective assessment of the results of his work. It seems that the pedagogical process is of a latent nature, and outwardly it is invisible. But at the same time, it requires maximum intellectual effort. He helps:
- synthesize pedagogical facts and phenomena;
- organize;
- compare;
- to summarize;
- form analytical thinking.
As a result, the following types of analysis play a particularly important role:
- Operational. Aimed at daily monitoring of current results, wherethe main indicators of the educational process.
- Thematic. Includes an analysis of the conditions created for the life of children in a group, the interaction of students with parents, the level of professional knowledge of teachers and the level of assimilation of program material by children.
- Final. Analysis of work over a long period of time (quarter, semester, year).
- Fundamental. Self-analysis of activities is carried out in all directions (educational process, educational work, thematic events, open lessons, etc.).
- Operational. It evaluates how effective the daily educational work was throughout the year.
- Parametric. It is aimed at studying daily information about the progress and results of the educational process. At the end, the reasons for the failure in the educational process are clarified.
Analysis of the main methods used by the teacher
Everything that surrounds the teacher in the classroom is subject to pedagogical analysis. These aspects include:
- learning outcomes;
- peculiarities of an individual student;
- features of the team;
- pedagogical problem;
- pedagogical situation;
- efficiency of the training system.
In each case, the result will be different. But in order for the work to be effective, a single algorithm was created, including a list of rules and techniques. Some of them are described below.
The essence of the theoretical and methodological approach

If referring to the methodology andtheory of teaching activity, it is possible to determine how effective pedagogical analysis will be. First, a hypothetical problem is developed, as well as ways to solve it. Anyone who tries to solve a supposed problem first tries to guess what exactly causes it to be provoked. It can be caused by:
- inefficiency of pedagogical technologies;
- mistakes in the use of pedagogical methods and techniques;
- poor teacher training;
- poor education of the students themselves (or other factors).
To find out the true cause of the problems in the analysis of pedagogical experience, you only need to rely on knowledge of the methodology. After the assumptions made, this hypothesis is tested in practice, and if the assumptions are not confirmed, then the search for the causes of the failure continues.
At the end, a plan of pedagogical analysis is drawn up, which describes in detail:
- sequence of mechanical actions;
- what factual material to collect;
- set clear questions: what, where and when to study.
System-structural analysis

First of all, the micro- and macrostructure of the analysis is determined. In the first case, separate elements of the pedagogical problem are revealed. In the second, the problem is analyzed in a complex way, together with all the conditions and factors. As an example, this problem may include increasing the efficiency of the student's independent work with the help ofpedagogical techniques.
During the system-structural analysis, everything is worked out in detail in order to analyze the skill of the specialist himself or to check the knowledge and skills that the students have learned from him.
Pedagogical decision

This technique is used in order to successfully conduct a psychological and pedagogical analysis. Thanks to various methods, the desired result of teaching activity is achieved. It is formed from several techniques.
First of all, a certain pedagogical problem is highlighted, where its components are studied in detail, as well as how it can be solved. For example, a teacher notices that his activity at a certain stage is ineffective. After that, he begins to analyze his situations, thus identifying the reasons for the low results of his activities. In the overwhelming majority of cases, such an analysis of pedagogical work is scientific in nature and requires a serious approach.
Criteria for evaluating the educational process
To successfully conduct an analysis of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to study three criteria that are closely interconnected.
The first involves identifying specific features that will help determine the compliance of school work with generally accepted standards. These include:
- civilization of the school;
- morality;
- a phenomenon of spirituality.
The last sign is the most important. If there is spirituality in pedagogical analysis, then we can safely say that the schoolturns into a temple of life. If it is not there, then the student may feel discomfort, and the teacher will cope with his duties worse.
The second criterion is the upbringing of children. To fulfill this parameter, a professional teacher must build his lessons on bringing the idea of goodness, truth and beauty to children. But do not forget that children of different strata of the population study at school, and they can see various unpleasant moments at home, life's difficulties in all its manifestations. First of all, they are associated with poor social status or financial situation. Therefore, not all children will be perfect, even if the teacher treats everyone with love.
The third criterion is the dynamics of the result. The process and result that was obtained earlier is displayed here.