Republic of Crimea: population of the Russian peninsula and statistics of 2015

Republic of Crimea: population of the Russian peninsula and statistics of 2015
Republic of Crimea: population of the Russian peninsula and statistics of 2015

The Crimean peninsula is still one of the most topical and discussed topics all over the world. The population of the already Russian republic continues to experience a transitional period associated with the accession of the former autonomy to the Russian Federation. Well, oddly enough, not everyone is happy with what happened. Crimea has undergone a lot. The population has changed, a new currency has appeared, prices and wages have changed. Well, then it is worth talking about all this in more detail in order to delve into the course of the problem.

Crimea population
Crimea population


Everyone knows that one of the most multinational peninsulas is Crimea. The population in this place is downright replete with diversity. Russians, Belarusians, Germans, Greeks, Jews, Armenians, Ukrainians, Crimean and Kazakh Tatars - who doesn't live here! Indeed, as you can see, a very multinational population of the Republic of Crimea. But it is worth noting one interesting nuance. After the well-known referendum on March 16, when the inhabitants of the republic finally accepteddecision regarding their return to the Russian Federation, the number of Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians living on the peninsula has significantly decreased. Compare the statistics of 2001 with 2014! Then Ukrainians were 24.4%, Crimean Tatars - 12.1%. After the referendum - 16% and 10% respectively. There were 58.5% of Russians, and now there are 65.2%! You can see how the scores have changed. The number of representatives of other nationalities has not decreased - as it was, it remains.

the population of Crimea is
the population of Crimea is

Change in statistics

Why did Crimea, whose population was so diverse, sharply “poorer” for Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars? The question is very serious, and it is difficult to answer it briefly. But real. Well, the Ukrainians decided to return to their "historical homeland", categorically refusing to accept what is clear as God's day. That is, that the peninsula, in fact, always belonged to Russia and was given to a neighboring country because it happened so. Everyone knows that situation. And the Crimean Tatars… that's a separate issue. Here it is not even really clear why the representatives of this nationality revere supposedly independent Ukraine so much. Most likely, the fear of deportation that occurred in May 1944 remained, and they can be understood. Well, so far, the hostile attitude has not completely passed and it will most likely last for more than one five years, but one can only hope for the appeasement and prudence of people.

population of the Republic of Crimea
population of the Republic of Crimea

Latest data

So, in 2015, at the beginning of June, a conference was held in Y alta,dedicated to issues related to what is now the population of the Crimea. It is 2.2 million people. This is the freshest, latest data. The population of Russia with the Crimea, respectively, according to the latest statistics, has increased to 146,300,000 people! It seems to some that two million from above is a drop in the ocean, but nevertheless the whole republic joined.

Everyone knows that the peninsula includes such a wonderful hero city as Sevastopol. A real legend. In addition, from now on - the city of federal significance! A white-stone handsome man, on the territory of which 400,000 people live. Thus, Crimea ranks 27th in Russia in the population ranking, and the hero city dropped to 77th place.


So, who and in what quantity lives on the territory of the Republic of Crimea? The population consists of 53.9% of women and, respectively, 46.1% of men. As in almost everywhere, the number of girls outnumbers the percentage of guys.

The largest cities recognized (with the exception of Sevastopol with a special status) Simferopol, Kerch, Y alta and Evpatoria with Feodosia. 350,600 people live in the Crimean capital, two times less in Kerch, that is, 147,000. Y alta, or, as it is also called, the Crimean Pearl, contains 133,600 people on its territory. And Evpatoria with Feodosia - 119,000 and 101,000. The statistics are very recent, the population census was conducted less than a year ago, so the data is the most reliable.

population of russia with crimea
population of russia with crimea

Results and conclusions

Well, how could you understandCrimea is a big republic. And now it is worth drawing some conclusions.

The most “Russian” city on the entire peninsula is Sevastopol. That's what they called him all the time. On its territory, about 99% of people are Russians. Now not only by nationality, but also by citizenship. In general, the national composition is quite large. The most numerous, in addition to Russians, Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians, are also Belarusians, Kazakhs and Armenians. Representatives of other nationalities live in an amount of less than 3%. Interestingly, about 4% of people did not indicate their belonging to one or another group during the census. The column “nationality” remained empty.

According to statistics, it was found that 99.8% of the inhabitants of the federal district speak Russian, that is, the state language. 84% of all said it was their mother tongue. 8% named Crimean Tatar as such. Only three percent speak Ukrainian as their mother tongue, and four percent use traditional Tatar.

And finally, the following data: 98% of all already have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, 2% have an identity card of other states, 0.2% have no citizenship at all.
