The essay “He althy lifestyle” was written by every student at least once in his life. This global theme will always remain relevant and in demand. Taking care of he alth from childhood is a wise decision on the part of parents, since it is in childhood that behavioral and eating habits are laid. Let's look at some essay writing tips and the basics of a he althy lifestyle.

The sooner the better
As the ancient Greeks said, a he althy mind in a he althy body, and they were absolutely right. Good habits and a certain way of life should be inculcated at a very early age. Learning about the importance of proper nutrition in childhood will help develop he althy eating habits and improve he alth in a significant way. But food alone does not guarantee good he alth.

Composition "He althy lifestyle" at schoolthey write starting from primary school, as the topic is relevant, especially for the smallest, since it is in childhood that the foundations of correct and he althy behavior are formed. He althy food choices during childhood and adolescence promote optimal he alth, growth, and intellectual development, prevent many he alth problems such as iron deficiency anemia, obesity, indigestion, and dental caries, and may prevent future cardiovascular disease.

Correct menu
An essay on the topic “He althy Eating” may include a certain range of he althy and unhe althy eating habits. He althy and nutritious food is an essential part of human well-being, as food can drastically improve physical fitness, make you feel better, and have miraculous effects on he alth.

He althy food provides the necessary nutrients for the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. Proper nutrition does not mean giving up your favorite foods forever and constantly infringing on yourself in some way. The transition process should not be abrupt. Harmful products should be gradually replaced with useful ones.
Menu for every day should include mostly foods that provide all the necessary nutrients. A great idea would be to limit yourself to eating fast food, pizza, mayonnaise, s alt, sugar, sweet soda, fatty meat, etc. Further. This does not mean that you need to follow a strict diet or forget about your favorite foods forever. You just need to reduce the consumption of those foods that can harm the body.

Get fit if you want to be he althy and go in for sports
Caring for your body involves having such a good habit as hardening. Cold douches and rubdowns will help improve well-being, improve skin tone and give an excellent boost of energy for a long time. Temper if you want to be he althy, as the old song says.
A balanced diet should be combined with moderate physical activity. This could be swimming, jogging, dancing, yoga, aerobics, or strength training at the gym. Giving sports at least thirty minutes a day 3-4 times a week, you can have a huge benefit to your body. Not only can physical activity increase life expectancy, but it can also help you avoid many he alth problems.

It is not necessary to go in for sports professionally, it is enough just to lead an active lifestyle, as it is useful not only for the body and soul, but also physical exercises stimulate the blood supply to the brain, improving mental activity. Therefore, before writing, for example, a test or passing an exam, it will be better and more useful to squat a little than eat a chocolate bar.

He althyrest
Adequate and high-quality sleep lasting 7-9 hours is very important for human he alth, as chronic sleep deprivation, night work and late sitting in front of the TV can lead to a number of unpleasant he alth problems. In a he althy body - a he althy mind, and this is actually so. During illness, one does not really want to think about something beautiful and sublime.

Composition ("He althy Lifestyle"): Writing Tips
William Shakespeare once said, "Sometimes the written word is more powerful than the sword." However, a pen alone is not enough to become a real writer. Inspiration alone is not the key to effective essay writing. You need to know some structural and compositional features of writing a text on a topic.
Traditionally, there are 3 parts of the essay: introduction, main part, conclusion. Despite the apparent simplicity and stereotype, such a structure helps to make it easier for the reader to understand the main idea and help to navigate the text more easily.

Composition structure: introduction
The principal purpose of the introduction is to present the author's position in the form of a thesis or argument on the problem. However, the introductory paragraph plays an important role, as its purpose is to hook and interest the reader so that a desire to read further arises. You can start your essay with an interesting quote or surprising statistics. After that, you can go tomain thesis. It should be clear, concise and directly reflect the position, point of view and attitude of the author to the chosen problem.
3-4 sentences will suffice for an introduction. The first paragraph of an essay is an opportunity to make the best first impression on the reader. The introductory paragraph not only gives the reader an overview of the content, but also shows them exactly how the issue will be addressed. The introduction should be approximately 20% of the entire text.

Composition: main body
The main purpose of the main body paragraph is to spell out in detail examples that reveal the main thesis and idea. According to the meaning, the main part of an essay or essay can consist of several paragraphs. For example, the essay “He althy Lifestyle” can highlight a number of points: proper nutrition, the role of physical activity, mode, and so on.

The sign of good writing is the use of the following words and expressions: "besides", "unlike", "on the other hand" and others. When choosing to write the topic “Take care of your he alth” (essay), in the main part you can reflect a number of situations that have a negative impact on human he alth, such as bad habits, an inactive lifestyle, improper eating behavior, and so on.

The final part of the composition
Conclusion, paradoxically, likesecond introduction, as it contains many of the same features. It also shouldn't be too long, four good sentences should be enough. Summing up what has been written, the following expressions can be used: "in conclusion", "at the end" and so on. You also need to link the conclusion to the original thesis, thus confirming the initial assessment of the problem.

The final element as the final verdict should be a "global statement" or "call to action" that signals to the reader that the discussion is over. Writing the last sentences can be even more difficult than writing the whole essay, as this is the last chance to win the reader over to your side and convince him of the correctness of his judgments and thoughts.

He althy and active lifestyle, adherence to the daily routine, proper nutrition and sports contribute to a feeling of lightness in the body, excellent mood and well-being. When the body is in order, bright thoughts visit the head more often, new ideas appear. Do not destroy your he alth and pollute your body with bad habits, because creating and restoring is always more difficult than destroying.