There are many foods that we are accustomed to consume daily. S alt is one of them. This product is associated not only with our nutrition, but also with life in general. Our article describes various types of s alt. In addition, you can find out its positive and negative qualities, as well as the daily rate of its use.
What is s alt? General information about the substance
S alt is a complex substance that decomposes in an aqueous solution into metal cations and anions of acidic residues. It is considered a natural preservative, a source of essential minerals, and a must-have spice in the kitchen. In ancient Rome, salaries were paid with s alt and used to create amulets. It was this substance that was used as a cure for certain diseases.
The greatest amount of s alt is found in sea water. It can also be found in the mineral halite. It is mined from sedimentary rocks. Such s alt is no less in demand than classical s alt.
In the food industry, s alt is a food product that is ground crystalssodium chloride used in cooking. It dissolves in water, but does not change its color. There are different types of edible s alt. All of them differ in taste, but nevertheless contain sodium chloride in their composition.
Each of us knows the expression that s alt is a white poison. However, it is believed that without it, life on Earth would not have arisen. Not everyone knows that s alt is contained in the blood.
In the chemical industry, sodium chloride (table s alt) is used to create chlorine and soda. It is also often used in cosmetics.
The positive qualities of s alt
Different types of s alt have both positive and negative properties. This substance contains in its composition a lot of trace elements. S alt has a positive effect on the digestive system and increases vitality. A small amount of s alt in the diet reduces the number of attacks in asthmatics. This substance contains selenium in its composition - this is a useful substance that is an antioxidant. It has a positive effect on cells and protects them from destruction.
All types of food s alt contribute to the removal of harmful and dangerous substances from the body. This compound is excellent for poisoning, as it blocks the absorption of toxic components from the intestinal mucosa. S alt also delays their entry into the blood. This supplement helps the body in the fight against radiation and other dangerous radiation. It perfectly kills microbes. Many types of s alt are used in cosmetology. It is added to creams and scrubs. Thanks to this component, the pores open and dead cells are exfoliated. The s alt procedure can be done both at home and in a beauty parlor with a specialist.

All types of table s alt were used during World War II. Then, in a solution with its addition, a napkin was abundantly wetted and applied to a wounded soldier for several days. Thanks to this, the damaged area became clean and had a he althy pink color. It is known that saline solution can also be used in the treatment of tumors.
Negative properties of s alt
Any product has both positive and negative qualities. Absolutely all types of s alt are no exception. At a medical symposium in 1979, scientists declared that table s alt, which we consume daily, is a poisonous substance. According to them, it suppresses our he alth.
It is important to know the norm. An excess of sodium in the body leads to the retention of excess fluid. As a result - bags under the eyes, swelling of the face and legs. Regular consumption of excessively s alty foods leads to obesity and high blood pressure. In this regard, a person quickly gets tired and feels headaches. Excess s alt leads to the formation of stones in the urinary tract.

The people themselves are to blame for all the harmful qualities of s alt. Attempts to make it whiter and better ended with the fact that today the product contains a huge amount of sodium chloride. Surprisingly, natural marines alt, evaporated in the sun, in its composition resembles the inorganic compounds of blood. The daily s alt intake should not exceed 15 grams. It is important to consider its content in finished products.
Main types of edible s alt
There are three types of s alt:
- stone;
- evaporator;
- marine.
They are the most basic. All three varieties differ in the way they are harvested and refined.
Rock s alt is gray in color and large in size. This is crushed halite. Surprisingly, this is the only edible mineral in the world. The substance was formed several million years ago on the territory of ancient seas. This type of s alt is mined in mines and caves. Then it is cleaned. Unfortunately, table s alt contains a large amount of insoluble substances. Over time, they accumulate in the body.
Vevaporating s alt is distinguished by its snow-white color and small size. For its extraction, a mine with a s alt layer is filled with water. After that, the so-called brine rises to the top, which is evaporated and cleaned under the influence of high temperatures. For example, "Extra" s alt is a product that consists of 99% sodium chloride. She is considered the most beautiful, snow-white and small. It does not contain solid impurities, but, unfortunately, there are also no useful trace elements such as iodine, magnesium and bromine. In "Extra" s alt, chemicals are often added that protect it from liquid absorption. Because of this, the product does not dissolve well in the blood and accumulates in the body.
It's no secret that the marines alt is extracted from the seas, lakes and evaporated under the influence of the sun and wind. Unlike other types, it can be fine, medium and coarse grinding. Sea s alt contains in its composition the most important trace elements for the body. It is she who is considered a truly natural and useful component. The composition of sea s alt includes iodine, magnesium, bromine, iron, zinc and silicon. It is she who is recommended by nutritionists to those people who monitor their he alth and weight.

Recently, sea s alt with unusual ingredients has been in extraordinary demand. Among them is a product with kelp. Dried seaweed is added to this s alt. It contains organic compounds of iodine. This component is stored in the product throughout the entire shelf life, as well as during the preparation of not only cold, but also hot dishes. As additional additives, spices, herbs and even bread are added to sea s alt with kelp. Surprisingly, it was from the last component that our ancestors prepared black s alt. She was illuminated in the church and used as a medicine or as a talisman.
Interesting facts about s alt
There are different types of s alt on store shelves. For each of us, it is a spice that we use daily. However, there are many interesting facts associated with this product, which not everyone knows about.
Surprisingly, the name of many dishes is associated with s alt. Many years ago, salad was a mixture of pickled vegetables. Thanks to this, its name arose, whichknown to us today.
The name of salami sausage is connected with s alt. It is made from s alted ham. A marinade is also associated with our daily product.
Scientists believe that the daily s alt intake may vary. They recommend first of all to pay attention to the time of year and the way of life of a person. In the summer, people sweat and lose a large amount of fluid, and that is why experts allow up to 20 grams of s alt to be consumed during this period. This norm can also be followed by athletes at any time of the year.
Another interesting fact is related to cooking. Surprisingly, coffee lovers can safely add a pinch of spice to the drink. This will give it a richer flavor. Good housewives know that it is s alt that will help beat the egg white to stable peaks. You can not do without it when preparing yeast dough.

S alt in the human body
Types of s alts in the body and their properties remain a mystery to many. They are involved in mineral metabolism, which is characterized by the entry of mineral components into the body. S alt enters our body with food and water. Then it enters the bloodstream and is transported to the cells of the whole body. The most vital species is s alt:
- sodium;
- magnesium;
- potassium;
- calcium.
S alts, which are contained in our body, perform a wide variety of functions. They participate in the formation of enzymes, ensure proper blood clotting and normalize alkaline levels in it.balance. S alts also play an important role in fluid regulation.
S alt in water
The types of s alts in water play an important role. It is on them that the rigidity of an important for the life of each liquid depends. Soft and hard water differ in a combination of chemical and physical properties, as well as the amount of alkaline earth metal s alts dissolved in it, namely calcium and magnesium.
Fresh water is water that contains no more than 0.1% s alts. This is the lowest rate. Sea water is considered the most s alty. The percentage of substance content in it ranges up to 35%. Brackish water is distinguished by the amount of s alt, which is more than in fresh water, but less than in sea water. There is also a liquid in which this substance is absent. Water that does not contain s alt and other components is called distilled water.

Aromatic s alts
Mineral s alts play an important role in our lives. The species that exist today are able to surprise everyone. Despite the fact that they are all quite similar in taste, experienced chefs not only distinguish between them, but also prefer the most exotic types.
One of the most popular is the Himalayan. She has a pink color. Its deposits were formed about 250 million years ago. The unique color was formed due to the interaction of s alt and magma. This spice is pure and natural. Due to its dense consistency, it is often used in construction. Another popular aromatic s alt is Svan s alt. It was formed thanks tocombination of spices and spices familiar to us. You can either cook it yourself or purchase a finished product.

Black Hawaiian s alt
Black Hawaiian s alt is considered one of the most exotic and expensive. It belongs to marine species and is produced only on the Hawaiian island of Molokai. It contains activated charcoal, turmeric and taro. S alt has a solid structure, mild taste with nutty notes and an unforgettable aroma. It is usually used at the end of cooking, and also decorates the finished dish with it.

Korean Fried Bamboo S alt
Table s alt we used to use in the form of small crystals of white color. However, every year more and more exotic species appear that amaze with their taste and color. Korean roasted bamboo s alt is a traditional spice in Southeast Asia. The method of its preparation was invented by the monks more than 1000 years ago. The collected s alt is dried in the sun and then placed in a bamboo stalk. It is covered with yellow clay and roasted on a fire. Thanks to this, all harmful components are removed from the s alt.
Persian blue s alt
Persian blue s alt is considered the rarest. It has a pleasant blue color, which arose due to the high content of minerals. It is extremely useful and in demand. Persian blue s alt is used in the preparation of the most exquisite and expensive dishes. Experienced chefs claim that her tasteis revealed in stages.
Summing up
S alt is a spice that almost every one of us consumes on a daily basis. It can affect the body both positively and negatively. Many types of s alt are significantly different from the product that we add to food. They differ not only in color, but also in taste. Exotic s alts are the most sought after by chefs.
Unfortunately, with regular use of excessively s alty foods, the general condition of the body can be disturbed. That is why it is important to know its daily intake, which you have read in our article.