What languages are spoken in Bulgaria? What else do you need to know about this country?

What languages are spoken in Bulgaria? What else do you need to know about this country?
What languages are spoken in Bulgaria? What else do you need to know about this country?

Most often we go abroad to have a good and calm rest, forget about everyday worries and problems, just enjoy life. The problem is that even on vacation there are problems that will be difficult to solve without contacting the local population. But sometimes we go to countries whose language we do not know, and English in this country is not at all popular among the population. These include Asian countries such as Japan and Korea. But even in Europe, not everyone speaks English well, mostly these are states in the east, for example, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania. In order not to get into an awkward situation, study in advance some phrases in the language of the country where you will go. In this article we will analyze what kind of country it is - Bulgaria, where it is located. What language is spoken in Bulgaria? You will learn all this and much more from this article.

Bulgaria - what kind of country?

Before you go to any country, you need to figure out where it isis, what kind of rest there will be, what to take with you. Bulgaria is located in South Eastern Europe and is part of the European Union, therefore, you will definitely need a Schengen visa to travel there.

Bulgaria has access to the Black Sea, so immediately decide whether you want to relax on the sea or travel for sightseeing. It is worth noting that this state borders on Romania, Greece, Turkey, Serbia and Macedonia. Traveling within the European Union is cheap, so don't waste your chance to see more than one country in one trip.

Despite the small size of Bulgaria, it is very diverse: mountains, sea and a wide variety of rivers. Just because of the mountains, the climate in the country varies greatly in certain areas. The north is usually colder and has more rainfall. The southern region is drier and warmer.

Bulgaria is suitable for everyone: tourists with children, sea lovers, conquerors of mountain peaks who want to go on a large number of excursions. Oddly enough, but this country has almost everything!

Sun in Bulgaria
Sun in Bulgaria

What is the state language in Bulgaria?

Of course, you need to learn a couple of basic phrases in the language spoken by the locals. This will only be a sign of respect and gratitude for the warm welcome.

In Bulgaria, the only official state language is Bulgarian. It uses the Cyrillic alphabet, as it is a Slavic language. For speakers of Russia and Ukraine it will not be difficult to understand the meaning of what has been said, but on their ownbuilding sentences will be difficult.

Memorize basic phrases in Bulgarian.

Bulgarian Russian language
Hello Hello
Hello Hi
See you later Goodbye
Thanks goodness Thank you, good
How are you? How are you?
How are you? What is your name?
Kazwam se… My name is…

As noted above, Bulgaria uses the Cyrillic alphabet, so there will be no problems with reading. Of course, you can buy a phrase book, which will make your life much easier.

And what is the correct way to say "Bulgaria" in Bulgarian? Everything is very simple: "Bulgaria"! Every resident will be pleased when his country is praised: “Bulgaria is beautiful.”

Landscapes of Bulgaria
Landscapes of Bulgaria

Do they speak Russian in Bulgaria or not?

As you can see, Russian and Bulgarian languages are very similar. But what language is spoken in Bulgaria besides the state language?

Bulgaria is a very popular country for tourists, especially Russians. The older generation studied Russian in schools, so they speak it well, and young people know it at a good level, because tourism is an important component of the country's income.

You don't have to worry that you will be understood in Russian (in restaurants and hotels for sure). But remember that in both Russian and Bulgarian there are words that are spelled and sound the same, but have completely different meanings, for example, "ruler" in Bulgarian means "ambulance" in Russian, and "to the right" in Russia means "straight" in Bulgaria.

Just warn the person with whom you will talk that you are from Russia, otherwise you can get into an awkward situation. The speaker will quickly reorganize or find another who knows Russian.

Landscapes of Bulgaria
Landscapes of Bulgaria


What other languages are there in Bulgaria? Most often, when visiting the countries of the European Union, tourists hope to improve their English by practicing it a little. In Bulgaria you will not get this opportunity.

What language is spoken in Bulgaria besides Russian and Bulgarian? In fact, other languages are not at all common, and the likelihood that you will be understood is very small. As for English, only young people in large tourist cities know it, because a large number of residents of the USA, Great Britain, Canada and other English-speaking countries also come to Bulgaria. In hotels, cafes and restaurants, employees know this language, but be prepared that not all locals will understand you if you speak English.

Landscapes of Bulgaria
Landscapes of Bulgaria

Interesting fact about Bulgaria

So far this country does not attract as many tourists as the USA, France or Germany, so the Bulgarians are ready to give theirattention to every traveler. If you ask the locals for something, they will definitely help and prompt. Bulgaria has some of the friendliest and most welcoming people on the planet. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

But do not think that the patience of the Bulgarians is endless. They will not tolerate rudeness and disrespect for long. If you want to have good relations with these people, do not forget the simplest courtesy. Say hello to people, thank them, smile, then they will reach out to you.

Landscapes of Bulgaria
Landscapes of Bulgaria


So, in this article we have analyzed some of the nuances when traveling to a country like Bulgaria. What does she represent? Who is suitable for a holiday in this country? What languages are spoken in Bulgaria? Will they understand Russian here? You will find answers to all these questions above.
