The world of orders and awards is multifaceted. It is full of varieties, variants, history, award conditions. Previously, people were not so important money, fame, their own interests. The motto for everyone was this - first the Motherland, then your personal life. This article will focus on the Order of Lenin.
Where does it originate?
Perhaps more than one person is interested in this. The Order of Lenin first appeared in 1926 (at that time there was already the highest award for military personnel - the Order of the Red Banner). The state adoption of such an order was in order to reward the commanders and soldiers of the Red Army and Navy. He was supposed to replace all the highest awards, as well as those that were lower in the hierarchy. Initially, they wanted to call such an order the "Order of Ilyich".
However, the government's idea came to life under the title of "Order of Lenin", and the official approval took place in 1930. A special statute recognized that such an order could be awarded not only to citizens (individuals), but also warships, legal entities (organizations, enterprises), even cities and republics. Just think how happy the person awarded this order was. It was decided to extradite him only for special military, labor and revolutionary services to the state. Since the appearance and existence of such state incentives, it has undergone many specific changes.
Order of the Banner of Lenin
So the order was sometimes called because it was approved and approved on a par with the Order of the Red Banner. For the first time, a citizen was awarded the Order of Lenin for special services to the state on May 23, 1930. Such information was published in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The next recipients, a year later, were servicemen who distinguished themselves after extinguishing the fire. In 1934, for the first time, foreign persons were awarded such an award. In the same year, a new title of Hero of the Soviet Union appeared, so citizens who were awarded such a title were also awarded the Order of Lenin.

He was also popularly called the Order of the Soviet Union. Subsequently, the appearance of this award, the Institute of Engineers, which still exists in the city of Moscow, was renamed in honor of her. And it became known as the Moscow Order of Lenin. Over the image depicted on the order, several artists and sculptors tried. The basis for its creation was a photograph taken during one of the congresses of the Comintern. In 1931, the first Decree was signed on the issuance of the Order of Lenin in the USSR to oil companies, as well as their individual employees.
Awarded Heroes
List of awardeesthe Order of Lenin for his exploits is quite large. I would like to highlight a few people who have received the award several times. Among these people are N. Patolichev, F. Ustinov. A soldier of the Red Army - R. Panchenko received the order in 1933. It can be said that the awarding of the order more than ten times was not the only case. The awarded were listed as holders of the Order of Lenin. The list also included: F. M. Abaev, V. F. Abramov, N. A. Babaev, I. A. Blinov, N. F. Bogatyrev, A. M. Bondarev. This list can go on and on. The list of those awarded the Order of Lenin is what remains in history so that the next generations know those who did real deeds for their Motherland. He deserves a place of honor in history so that growing children and young people know who to look up to.
Order of Lenin - Labor Order
The order was issued as a reward for long and selfless work, revolutionary movements. The award was even given to heroine mothers (but for them the title "Mother Heroine" was approved). Such an order was worn by happy owners on the left side of the chest. In the presence of other awards, he had to be in a prominent place in front of them. Sometimes other medals, insignia in front of the country, served as an advantage for obtaining it. Incentives for work were issued in order to motivate, to improve the quality of work.

Giving such a "gift" was very exciting. And even more so in the USSR, when the people had a different worldview, stereotypes, principles of life. The Soviet man was responsible, collected and hardworking. And receiving a medal or order is an important step towards further development, self-affirmation and respect from others. The history also preserved data on the awarding of plant directors, the President of the Academy of Sciences, well-known oil companies and organizations. The appointment indicated - "for technical re-equipment, achievements in the field of labor" and much more. And the name of A. Pugachev, it is worth noting, is due to the fact that he created the first test sample of the Order of Lenin. By the way, the aforementioned Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper also received such an award. What was written in herself.

Procedure for awarding military personnel
In this case, the soldiers had their own special order for awarding. It was also approved by the government authorities. And there were significant differences from the usual, general order. This issue was especially acute during the war years. Namely, when the award was issued, and the person at the end of hostilities was obliged to prove that the commander handed it to him. Although there was no Decree of the Presidium on her appointment. In the pre-war period, the situation was different - there were few awardees, so there were no special problems.
After a while, the right to award fell on the shoulders of the commanders. There was a hierarchy among the awardees, everything was listed in a special table. In addition to the Order of Lenin, military personnel were awarded "for the defense of Leningrad", "Partisan of the Great Patriotic War" and so on. Subsequently, the adopted legal acts were changed and supplemented, which is happening to this day.

First publications about the order
In the USSR there were a number of printed publications, which included lists of awarded persons. Such publications were "Komsomolskaya Pravda", or popularly nicknamed "Komsomolskaya Pravda", a collection of the Presidium of the USSR, called "Vedomosti of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR", decrees of the President, Resolutions of the Central Executive Committee of the Russian Federation. They indicated a list with surnames, names and patronymics. Information about the promotion, award, its name, date, reason for receiving.
Included with the order or medal was the so-called "crust", that is, a certificate confirming the receipt of the award by the person to whom it was issued. It indicated all the necessary data, and in some cases a photograph of the future owner was attached. The certificate had a small size, about the height of a hanging medal, in the form of a small cardboard postcard folded in half. One feature can be singled out, such a “crust” was important, therefore the cost of the order without it was significantly reduced.

Varieties of the Order
There were enough types of the order. Each was issued under its own identification number. So, under the number 170, a silver medallion was issued, and on top of it there was a gold rim. It depicted Lenin, as well as the inscription "USSR", a hammer and sickle. And of course the word "Goznak". In the thirties, a golden screw order with a bright red enamel banner was also issued. Such awards were in several versions. In the forties, until the nineties, hangingmodels. The medallion was fastened behind the ear to a special ribbon. Despite this, such orders were also issued by different mints. When making them, there was one interesting detail - the individual parts were then fastened together.
Various alloys were also used and applied: platinum, silver, gold. And the weight, of course, varied. And it was legislatively fixed how and in what way this order was to be made. Among the indicators: length, width, weight, material, height, diameter.

Price of the order
It's no secret that orders and medals, not only the Order of Lenin, but also others, are of interest to modern society at a price. Especially the "not clean hands" who want to fraudulently, so to speak criminally, steal awards. After all, the price of many awards among collectors is a decent amount. For example, the Order of Lenin for military services to our country reaches a little over one hundred thousand rubles. In addition, many buyers believe that such an activity helps to invest their money wisely and profitably (as the price of certain awards only grows every year).
From a selling point of view, for some, this was a way out of a difficult life situation, when you can get some money for urgent treatment, a trip, and so on. But still, it is worth noting that for some the orders of their relatives and friends are the memory that they keep and pass on by inheritance.

Meaning of the order
Speaking of the meaning of the order,Of course, I want to highlight the features. Its appearance is historical. There are several positions around it. Firstly, its significance and acceptance was determined only by the Presidium of the Supreme Council. A request for the appointment of a citizen with such an award could only come at the initiative of state or military bodies. The state also established a document that prescribed the procedure for wearing and rewarding. The Presidium could decide to deprive the award received by the citizen. There are about four hundred people awarded this order.
Memories of the awardees
People who deservedly received an award or order from the state, recalled that it was very honorable for them. Grandmothers especially with tears in their eyes mentioned the orders and medals they had earned with hard work. For them, it was a tribute. Now the younger generation is invited to history lessons, as a good example, by a person who can tell about his life situation, when and how he was awarded an honorary title. It is pleasant for a person to talk about the fact that he has received recognition, praise from the state itself. Elderly people are happy to tell how, when and why they received this medal, order, badge. But there are those who receive in very rare cases. This is correct. Even school museums keep authentic copies that you can touch, as well as learn about this or that award from the teacher. After all, knowing a piece of history, you begin to realize, think and reason.
At lectures in universities in historical disciplinesdemonstrate not only awards, orders and medals, but also certificates, certificates, historical documents, money. Schoolchildren and students begin to understand that with their efforts, sporting achievements, human attitude towards others and the world as a whole, one can earn an award to this day. A certificate of honor, a commemorative badge, a medal, and in the future, perhaps, a title and an order.