Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture: faculties

Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture: faculties
Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture: faculties

Athletes can also have higher education. In Voronezh, this opportunity is provided by the local Inphys. This place has its own history and entertaining past, the participants of the Olympic Games, worthy coaches and physical education teachers came from here. We will tell you more about VGIK in our article.


Where is it?

Address of the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture: st. Karl Marx, 59.

This educational institution is located in the historical center of the city at the intersection of the pedestrian Karl Marx Street and the highway passing along Friedrich Engels Street.

Institute of Physical Education
Institute of Physical Education

There is no public transport stop in the immediate vicinity, and those that are nearby are not the most convenient, as there are serious traffic jams on F. Engels Street, and public transport does not run very often. It is recommended to get to any central stop and walk a littleon foot.

As a guide, you can choose the monument to Vladimir Vysotsky or the State Treasury Institution "Management of Financial and Budgetary Relations of the Voronezh Region" (Karl Marx, 80). The building of the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Education (FGOU VPO VGIK) is located opposite the above-mentioned institution.

Another case

sports girl
sports girl

At the address: Sredne-Moskovskaya street, 72, there is a separate subdivision of the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture - Educational and Sports Complex named after. V. I. Sysoeva.

There are several gyms here, and students are forced to come here to participate in competitions, as well as to conduct forms of academic control. Among other things, there are several departments of the humanities and other secondary disciplines. This building is not a historical building. Its architecture is made in a modern style, and inside there is a rich material base for sports.

Appearance date


In Soviet times, there was no independent educational institution of higher professional education in the Voronezh region with the possibility of mastering sports competencies.

Only in 1979, the Moscow Institute of Physical Education opened a branch in the capital of the Chernozem Region, since then a school has appeared that produces many famous and strong athletes, famous coaches and simply future physical education teachers who chose such a difficult, but very honest and noble business of bearinghe althy lifestyle for the younger generation.

In 1992, with the collapse of the USSR, there was a rapid reorganization of the system of higher professional education. It was then that the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture appeared with a TIN, its own modern name, independence and independent status.


The official website of the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture has been under maintenance for more than a year, but the latest information that was approved is as follows - there are two faculties in this university:

  1. Coaching. This is the only faculty available for full-time study. A graduate of the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture receives a state diploma, in which "Coach" will be written. But the coach of which discipline depends on the specialization chosen by the student.
  2. In absentia. This faculty of the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture is available for those who do not need a deferral from the army or need free time to carry out work or sports activities.

Specializations available for training:

basketball, football, volleyball, handball and other sports games;

basketball hoop
basketball hoop
  • athletics specialization;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • rhythmic and artistic gymnastics;
  • shooting;
  • wrestling, including freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, as well as orientalmartial arts (judo, karate, taekwondo);
taekwondo specialization
taekwondo specialization
  • orienteering and tourism training;
  • management and business management in the sports field;
  • physical culture and its he alth-improving character.

The cost of studying at a paid department is surprising - its size ranges from 40 to 115 thousand rubles.


Those who fear being unemployed after graduation will have to take care of themselves. In the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture, there is no distribution of graduates by workplace, despite the fact that there is a graduate support center. Help will indeed be provided, but it will be more psychological and advisory.

But there is no point in worrying, in extreme cases there will always be the opportunity to find work in educational institutions of any size. Physical education teachers are in demand in absolutely all schools, and a young promising specialist will be torn off with his hands. A sad salary will be brightened up by a good bonus for the status of a novice specialist, especially if you manage to get a job at an educational institution located outside of large settlements.

Career prospects

The Voronezh State Institute of Physical Education is attended mainly by athletes. Those who are distinguished by increased ingenuity manage to develop their career as much as possible during their studies, achieve specific worthy results and complete it before receiving a diploma in order to secure themselvesa decent future and a strong financial existence. After graduation, you can in good conscience take up coaching or start your favorite business.

All the rest will have to be content with the work of a coach in children's sections or the position of a school physical education teacher.
