Basic requirements for the design of the thesis

Basic requirements for the design of the thesis
Basic requirements for the design of the thesis
Requirements for graduation papers
Requirements for graduation papers

When preparing a thesis, you must be guided by special requirements and recommendations. Each university sets them independently, based on generally recognized state standards. What are the requirements for the design of the thesis, we will tell in this article.

General design

  • When filling out the title page, you must specify the name of the educational institution (in full), faculty, job title, full name of the student and teacher-consultant.
  • Requirements for the design of the thesis. Standards for the design of margins: right - 10 mm., Top, as well as bottom - 20 mm., And left - 30 mm. (Please note that these figures are subject to change at the initiative of the university, however, the new values should not be less than the indicated figures.)
  • The thesis is written on white A4 paper.
  • Requirements for the design of the thesis (GOST) do not contain instructions on the type of font. However, Times New Roman is always used. Size - 14 (can also be 12,but not less), color - black.
  • The spacing used between lines is one and a half.
  • Page numbering must be done at the bottom of the sheet in the middle. Punctuation marks are not used in numbers, as well as in headings.

Requirements for the design of the thesis. Content, decoration of additional elements

Requirements for the design of theses GOST
Requirements for the design of theses GOST

On this sheet it is necessary to write the names of all the parts that make up the work, including subsections and paragraphs. Applications, a list of references and other sources are also indicated in the table of contents. Opposite each title, you need to put down the page numbers that are the initial ones. The word "Content" is written in the center in capital letters. All drawings included in the thesis must be signed. For example, "Figure 8: Microcircuit". The signature should be located under the object itself, in the center. Reference to the figure must be present in the text of the thesis. The tables contained in the text are signed at the top, on the left side. They are located strictly after the link to them (either on the page in which there is a mention of it, or on the next one). Name should be

Standards for graduation work
Standards for graduation work

the word "Table", its number and name (according to GOST, the name can be omitted, however, educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education indicate it in their requirements). If there is a need to move an objecton another sheet, then it is necessary to indicate on the new one that this is a continuation.

Requirements for the design of the thesis: notes, applications, sources

If necessary, use notes to clarify information. They are in the text either immediately after the main information, or at the bottom of the page as a footnote. They look like this: "Note: (text)". If there are several of them, then they should be arranged in a list, numbered with Arabic numerals. Applications are located at the very end of the thesis in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. All figures and tables located in them have a title, for example, "Figure A8". Standards for the design of a thesis also contain information on how to design sources of literature. Example: "Ivantsov, P. T. Operations with money / P. T. Ivantsov. - M.: Solntse 2014. - 521 p."