The richness of the Russian language comes from the immense folk soul, the desire of people not only to describe the world around them, but also to put their emotions into this description. Therefore, over time, original concepts arise that are relevant only in colloquial speech, but gain popularity and persist for centuries. One of them is "too much". A colorful word that captures a huge amount of something and at the same time tries to indicate the excess of the phenomenon. What exactly does it mean? How did it appear and develop?
An elementary morphemic construction consists of two parts. The first is the prefix re-, which makes sense in native speech:
- through;
- many.
The second is the independent word "excess". Together they form a definition of how people refer to excessive excess in everyday life:
- people, machines - physical objects;
- colors, melodies - elements of art;
- feelings, thoughts - psycho-emotional phenomena.
One of the most versatile terms!

More than superfluous
To better understand the meaning of the word "overabundance", you need to look at its original version without the prefix. Two equivalent interpretations are possible there:
- too many;
- more than necessary, surplus.
What's going on? There is a certain measure, it is filled and satisfies all the needs of a person. However, the items filling it are too large or there are so many of them that there is not enough storage capacity. It doesn't matter if it's about the cars in the parking lot or the thoughts in your head. And when there are a multiple of them, an order of magnitude, the term under study becomes relevant.
The word goes back to the Old Slavonic "to be" or "to be". Philologists call related concepts from many European languages, as well as from Indian. In particular, the meaning is revealed much better by analogy with the ancient Indian bhavati:
- happening;
- available;
- is.
When an incredible number of events happen in a short span of life.

Daily use
It's important to remember that "overabundance" is a colloquial form. In its essence, it is a tautology, since it enhances the characteristic, which is already in a superlative degree in relation to a certain measure, the limit of capacity. Do not use the word during dictations, essays, any language testsrecommended so as not to provoke the inspector into nit-picking and a possible decrease in the score.
Also, it has no place in official documents, where clearly structured information is needed. But if you want to share happiness with friends and relatives, try to convey to colleagues and management the extreme degree of any situation in a personal meeting, feel free to include it in the lexicon!