How to remember a large amount of information is a question that has never lost relevance. In our time, it is especially acute. In the modern information world, information memorization is helped by computer technologies, television, and the global virtual network. They contribute to the systematization of the material, its processing and, consequently, memorization. But there are "pitfalls" here. Often there is a memorization of information in an involuntary way, of course, in addition to our desire. Each of us has encountered the fact that some phrase from a program, an advertising slogan or just a verse from a popular hit suddenly got stuck in our heads.

Types of memory
To figure out how to remember a large amount of information while filtering out unnecessary layers, let's recall the main types of memory. These include visual, auditory, motor, emotional and logical. Visual or visual memory is the memorization of visual images. Auditory memory is the storage of information heard. Emotional - associated with experienced feelings, sensations. Motor or motor memory involves rememberinghuman body movements.

Memory, profession and personality traits
Having decided on your type of memory, it will become clear to you how to remember a large amount of information, based on your psycho-individual characteristics. Let's take a concrete example. Two medical students were preparing for an anatomy exam. Thinking about how to remember a lot of information, terms in Latin, one of the students made one word from the first letters of the names of the bones: ottofergnum. For all its meaninglessness, the word turned out to be sonorous and was an excellent cheat sheet for reminding the names of terms. As soon as he uttered a word, complex medical names “popped up” in memory along the chain. In this case, auditory memory was involved. By the way, the method did not help the second student: he had a poor auditory memory. In real life situations, a mixed type of memory is most often used. Representatives of the acting profession know how to remember a large amount of information when memorizing, for example, a new role. They activate an emotional memory that evokes images of an experienced feeling or sensation. They pronounce the text aloud, listening to their own intonation, expression, accompanying them with certain gestures. This helps to get used to the role and remember the words of the text. The visual form of memory is well developed among artists. A portrait painter can paint a portrait from memory. A landscape painter is able to remember dozens of color shades. The motor type of memory is well known to athletes, since sports, muscle training are associated with certain repetitivemovements.

Memory methods
How to remember a lot of information in a lesson, improve the efficiency of presenting material - a topical issue for teachers and teachers. Most often, they use a technique that allows you to use different types of memory. 4 actions help memorize English words in a foreign language lesson: writing a word (visual perception occurs), copying it into your notebook, pronunciation (reproduction). But this is only the first phase of memorization, when short-term memory is activated. To fix vocabulary in memory, it is necessary to beat it in context, situations, repeat. After all, no one has canceled the old golden rule: repetition is the mother of learning. To remember better, you need to concentrate on the process of memorization. Distraction is the enemy of memory. Make an association with a previously familiar image, it can be funny and unexpected. You can draw funny pictures. Preparing for the report, systematize the material. This can be done with cards. On each card, in the form of short abstracts, write down the main ideas. They will serve as reminder signs of the sequence of presentation. They involve both verbal-logical and visual memory.
Memory is not a luxury, but a vital necessity. And its effectiveness largely depends on us.