Insect names: species richness

Insect names: species richness
Insect names: species richness

Insects are the most numerous class of animals (invertebrates, arthropods). Here, the natural and evolutionary diversity is most represented: insects, the species and names of which are numerous. According to scientists, there are more than two million species on Earth. Researchers have only described over 1,000,000 of them. It is interesting that these arthropods occupy all possible ecological niches, meeting even in Antarctica. This allows us to say that you and I live on the planet of insects, ourselves unaware of their true number.


These are the most common insects (photos and names of some of them are below). These arthropods make up over 40% of all insects in the world. Every year, scientists discover species previously unknown to science. Coleoptera is another name for beetles (insects). These creatures go through a full cycle of transformations in their lives: from eggs and larvae to pupa and adult. Everywhere jumping, flying, crawling around us, these bugs of the most incredible colors andsizes. They can be definitely found under a snag, and on a flower, and in the ground, and in the air.

insect names
insect names

The smallest and biggest beetle

The smallest - only 0.2 mm is the featherfly beetle. In size, it is slightly larger than the ciliates-shoes. And the largest specimens are the titan lumberjack and the hercules beetle. Their length is up to 20 cm. And among European beetles, the stag beetle occupies a leading position. It is interesting that the largest representatives of the class can surpass their smallest counterparts in one and a half thousand times!

Stag Beetle

The names of insects often come from the appearance of animals. The name given to this beetle is beautiful and large horns, which are located in the upper part of the body of the male. Throughout life, this arthropod makes a complete transformation. And the length of its existence at the stage of the larva significantly exceeds the stay as an adult individual of the finally formed specimen. In the final image - only a few weeks. And before that, for 5-7 years, they can remain in the form of a larva - a fat, inactive worm that lives mainly in rotten trees and is larger than an adult beetle in size.

insect beetle name
insect beetle name


Many people have probably heard about the sad fate of the male praying mantis: after mating, he is eaten by his own wife. But, by the way, this information is not entirely correct. According to researchers, an insidious case occurs in about 50% of cases. Praying mantises have a very original look: they are often depicted as suchaliens from outer space. The head is in the shape of a triangle, huge compound eyes, long front limbs folded in a characteristic “prayer” pose (here, too, the names of insects exactly coincide with the appearance of outlandish creatures). By the way, in ancient times, Muslims were sure that this mystical-looking animal turns towards Mecca, performing namaz. Like it or not - the exact data is not presented. But the fact that the praying mantis is a master of camouflage and disguise is obvious. And possessing such mimicry, he turns, sitting in ambush and waiting for his prey, into various objects: a branch, a blade of grass, a stone or a flower. By the way, this creature, a truly unearthly species, is an awesome predator: beetles and spiders are its main food. And in females, even small lizards and snakes are used. The so-called praying mantis pose is widely known, exactly repeated in Chinese kung fu.


These insects (photos and names of some of them are below) spend most of their lives in the unsightly appearance of a caterpillar. Only a few days are given to them to amaze everyone with their unimaginable colors of wings and beauty. The peacock eye caterpillar, for example, does not look very aesthetically pleasing, and even disgusts many with its appearance. Whether it's an adult: a butterfly that lives and pleases the eye for only about seven days. And here the names of insects are often given according to their appearance. On the wings of a butterfly - stunningly beautiful "eyes", reminiscent of the colors of the tail of a peacock.

insects photos and names
insects photos and names

It is characteristic that butterflies can bevery small, and can be very, very large. So, the scoop of agrippina tizania reaches a wingspan of up to 28 centimeters!

insect species and names
insect species and names

Big insects

In fact, stick insects are considered to be the largest of the existing insects. Such specimens from Kalimantan reach a body length of more than 30 centimeters, and with elongated limbs - more than half a meter. Some beetles are also famous for their giant size - up to 20 centimeters.

large insects
large insects

Useful bees

The names of insects are different and varied. Among them, we have not yet mentioned flies and ants, grasshoppers, for example, the richness of forms and species of which is amazing. Many of them harm a person, some are neutral. But bees are insects that bring us great benefits. And it's not just honey, but even their poison and by-products are healing.

insect names
insect names

And the sounds (humming) emitted by a swarm of bees, according to modern insect researchers, have positive energy and heal the body from many diseases. It is no coincidence that a night spent next to the bees in the apiary gives strength and vigor, strengthens he alth and immunity. And in modern medicine, a whole industry has appeared that deals with treatment and rehabilitation with the help of bee products.

In order to produce just one kilogram of honey, these insects fly thousands of kilometers, moving from one flower to another, working from dawnbefore sunset. In addition, along the way, they pollinate many plants, which, thanks to bees, have the opportunity to reproduce.
