Ancient Slavic symbols and amulets

Ancient Slavic symbols and amulets
Ancient Slavic symbols and amulets

Recently, there has been a growing interest in Slavic symbols and amulets that our ancestors applied to clothes, their skin and materials that, in their opinion, have a soul. These Slavic magi included wood, bone and silver. It was this metal that had a sacred meaning for our ancestors, since, according to ancient beliefs, it protected, gave strength and cleansed a person at all three levels. Of course, our contemporaries for the most part treat such symbols superficially, acquiring them as an ordinary decoration. As a tribute to fashion, wedding rings with Slavic symbols appear on sale, it is printed on T-shirts and sweatshirts, and some even put ancient signs on the body in the form of a tattoo.

Experts treat such popularization extremely negatively. They recommend, first of all, to carefully study the Slavic symbolism and the meaning of all amulets, and only then make a decision about wearing one or another symbol. After all, each of them has great power,which will influence its owner regardless of his desire. So that you do not get into trouble, thoughtlessly using the amulets of our ancestors, we have collected information about them in the article. You will be able to learn about the meaning of Slavic symbols, and most importantly, you will figure out exactly how to choose for yourself the very only amulet that will be with you until the end of your life.

Slavic symbols
Slavic symbols

Pagan traditions of the Slavs and their symbols

Our ancestors adhered to pagan beliefs, which in their own way explained the universe and all the processes taking place in it. Today, historians look a little differently at the Slavs, their culture and knowledge. Archaeological excavations have given scientists a lot of new information about how these people lived and what ideas they had about the Universe.

In a more simplified version, adopted to explain the cultural traditions of the Slavs, they are spoken of as pagans. Consequently, they animated all the phenomena of nature and worshiped many gods. In addition to the main and powerful deities, it was customary to respect the lower spirits that lived in forests and houses. Many of them had the power to keep the whole family from generation to generation. To do this, it was only necessary to apply in the right places the ancient Slavic symbols, which have the meaning of a talisman.

As historians say today, the Slavs wore a large number of amulets. Some of them were made in the form of pendants and accompanied a person from birth to death, others were applied to clothes to save a person on the road or give strength to a warrior, and still others were necessary forhelp in certain difficult times.

Slavic amulets and symbols carried divine power, there was nothing dark or fabulous in them. After all, our ancestors, possessing truly incredible knowledge of the universe, owned ways to attract light forces to their side. In recent years, scientists have come to the conclusion that our ancestors not only developed their own symbols, which are absolutely not similar to those of other peoples of the world, but encrypted all their knowledge in it. Since most of the written sources of that era have not been preserved, it is the amulets and symbols that are the only way to learn more about the Slavs and their culture. Historians believe that in ancient times they perfectly understood how easy it is to destroy written sources, but patterns are not so easy to forget once you see them.

Today, clothes with Slavic symbols are sold everywhere, but be very careful before putting on something that you do not have a complete understanding of. Having become the carrier of an unsuitable sign for yourself, you are quite capable of attracting trouble into your life. However, if you choose responsibly, you can make adjustments to your destiny and protect yourself from low vibrations.

amulets on clothes
amulets on clothes

Features of Slavic amulets

Slavic symbolism, which is amulets, is not fully disclosed today. Historians and archaeologists have managed to collect disparate symbols into a single group, finding out their meaning and purpose. However, this knowledge is not enough to choose a talisman.

Wothe times of our ancestors, only wise men or elders of the clan could make amulets. Moreover, the wisest and oldest woman belonged to the elders. For the manufacture of protective symbols, she chose special days on which she was not disturbed by other family members. During the work, the woman remained silent. Silence should also reign around her, so that vain thoughts would not penetrate the amulet and deprive it of its strength.

The finished product had to be charged. This important task was entrusted to the magi. Today, charging the amulet seems to be something dark and connected with the other world. However, among the Slavs, this process took place quite differently. During the ceremony, the Magi called on their gods and all the forces of nature, their particle penetrated into the object and remained in it. Some amulets needed to be recharged during their lifetime, while others were so powerful that they retained their functions for many decades.

Lada star
Lada star

Types of charms

In one article it is very difficult to tell about all the Slavic symbols and amulets. Their meaning is all the more difficult to convey to modern people in its full meaning, because our worldview is so different from our ancestors. Therefore, you should not hope that you will be able to figure out such a complex issue on your own.

Everyone who wants to choose a Slavic amulet for himself should understand how many types there are:

  • Named amulets. They were made immediately after the birth of a child, focusing on his zodiac sign. The Slavs had their own zodiac circle, consisting ofsixteen characters. Some of them are similar in characteristics to the generally accepted signs of the zodiac, but still have certain differences. After charging, the nominal amulet was put on the child's neck and was no longer removed. It was intended to give him strength and endow him with those qualities, the lack of which was revealed by the date of birth.
  • Women's amulets. Women in Slavic culture carried a very important mission. They were the link between life and death, and were also the bearers of all the knowledge of the universe. Women fully possessed sacred knowledge and could feel the vibrations of all worlds. In order to save their family from troubles, to endure and give birth to he althy children, to give strength to their husbands and to attract prosperity to the house, they wore various amulets. Women could wear them arbitrarily, depending on the situation and needs. At the same time, it was possible to wear not one or two, but even ten amulets. The Slavs believed that this was the only way a woman could contact her family and use its power.
  • Men's Slavic symbols and amulets. This category of signs, first of all, was supposed to preserve masculine strength, attract good luck in military affairs and protect against injury and death. Unlike women, men did not have the right to wear several amulets at once. The warrior had to choose one amulet that would protect him throughout his life. The only addition to it was the symbolism applied to clothes (T-shirts with Slavic symbols today are called upon to perform the same function in the modern world) and weapons. It was applied mainly by women who also put their power of love into them. Therefore, inIn ancient times, the Slavs took the marriage union with great seriousness. The men were sure that the right wife could not only keep the house in order and give birth to he althy children, but also bring happiness to the family in every sense of the word.
  • General amulets. Such symbols could be worn by men and women at the same time. They mainly carried a protective function.
  • Symbols for a certain age. Our ancestors had an idea about such a concept as human energy. And accordingly, they understood that the baby, whose forces are directed to the knowledge of this world, needs much more energy. In addition, he simply needs additional protection from evil forces, since the baby does not yet know how to put it on his own. But an experienced and wise person of age does not feel the need for so many amulets and protective symbols. Therefore, the oldest Slavs in the family had a minimum number of amulets.

If you are really interested in Slavic symbols, there are several specialists in Moscow who can not only tell you about amulets, but also teach you how to pick them up. We will tell readers about this in the next section.

Overcome Grass
Overcome Grass

Choosing a Charm

Any amulet requires a serious approach to your choice. To an even greater extent, this applies to Slavic symbolism, which carries powerful energy in itself, which must be properly disposed of. We give the rules for choosing an amulet in the form of list items, so they are much easier to remember:

  • Be sure to take the time to study the symbolism. Notbe lazy and read all the available information about the meaning of certain signs. If you do everything right, then already at this stage you will be able to select several symbols that carry the energy and strength you need.
  • Don't discount your intuition. The Slavs believed that internally a person always knows exactly what he needs. Therefore, listen to yourself: at the sight of your amulet, pleasant vibrations spread through your body. This means that you are on the right track, and the sign you see will be your protector and assistant.
  • Consider the person you are choosing a charm for. We have already given their species classification. It should be used when choosing an amulet for yourself and any other person close to you. Also keep in mind that it is impossible to give amulets to strangers. This process is very intimate and is intended for people who are related or who love each other.
  • Building protection levels. Our ancestors wore jewelry for a reason, did embroidery and applied tattoos with Slavic symbols on their skin. Having this or that sign on themselves, they formed circles of protection. Women did it on three levels: the head was protected by temporal rings, headbands and earrings, the throat and chest - by pendants, hryvnias and necklaces, and the hands - by numerous bracelets. At the same time, protective signs were applied to clothes and a belt. This was quite enough to completely isolate himself from the creatures of the dark worlds. However, today it is extremely difficult to build such protection, so it is better to opt for one or two amulets. They will form a small circle of protectionwhich can be considered the maximum possible for a modern person.

After you started wearing the Slavic symbol as a talisman, carefully monitor all the changes that occur in life. If negative situations began to prevail in it, then the amulet was chosen incorrectly. It is also likely that it was not charged.

The Slavs believed that only those who themselves observe the laws of good can turn to the forces of light. Therefore, if you want to get help from Slavic amulets, then lead the right way of life, try to do good to other people and follow your thoughts, avoiding a negative attitude.

Charms for babies

If you want to pick up protective Slavic symbols for a baby, then you should not hang amulets around his neck. Our ancestors protected newborns with embroidery on clothes, inscribed signs on the cradle and toys, as well as on rugs. According to Slavic beliefs, the baby is, as it were, still between the worlds, so wearing a talisman can, on the contrary, attract him to another world. Therefore, until the moment of his growing up, it was possible to protect the child only through the surrounding objects.

Amulets for children

Children between the ages of seven and twelve were considered quite mature. However, some adult amulets were still inaccessible to them, so boys and girls wore pendants that performed a dual function - protection and help in strengthening their own energy.

In addition to the traditional Slavic symbols, the boys wore images of totem animals around their necks. Before the initiation into adulthood, which took placeat about twelve years of age, they were his only guardians. Girls were ordered to wear solar symbols and floral ornaments. However, the latter was not fully available to them, most often until the age of twelve they could only afford images of bells.

The most suitable characters for children of this age were considered the following:

  • Molvinets. This symbol is closely associated with Rod. This deity, according to beliefs, gave life to all Slavs and was a direct proof of their belonging to a great race. Molvinets protected all Slavs from any negativity generated by words. In addition, he turned the evil eye, damage and swear words to the one who uttered them. The reflecting power of the amulet was very much appreciated by our ancestors, so it was first of all hung around the neck of children, pregnant women and young beauties. It is known that Molvinets has another property - it several times increases the power of kind words spoken to its bearer.
  • Twelve-pointed cross. This amulet denotes the power of fire and is one of the hallmarks of the god Rod. It protects its owner from any external manifestations and the effects of evil.
  • Odolen-grass. In the common people, this amulet is known as the Fern Flower, and it is endowed with great power. An amulet with such a sign was considered universal, as it could be applied to almost any surface. He protected babies, being on clothes, and women - as a symbol on a pendant. Of all the possible options for a tattoo with Slavic symbols for men, he was considered the mostpopular. Children were almost always protected with grass, as such a talisman is able to protect against any illness and misfortune sent by dark forces.
tattoo of slavic symbols
tattoo of slavic symbols

Women's amulets

A woman in Slavic culture performs several important functions, so she must protect herself and her loved ones in every possible way. Everything related to the subtle world of spirits and otherworldly forces is under the control of a woman. The following symbols were considered the best charms for her:

  • Makosh. Only an adult and wise woman as the guardian of the clan could wear such a sign. It helps to keep family warmth, love and traditions. Thanks to Mokosh, well-being and happiness come to the house, young family members respect the traditions of their kind, and everyone else is he althy and active. Also, this symbol is able to bring abundance.
  • Ladinets. In general terms, the amulet can be described as a symbol of female harmony. Our ancestors believed that he was able to strengthen the feminine, which would lead to the restoration of balance at all levels of the individual. Slav women who wore Ladinets found peace, joy and happiness. This instantly affected the appearance of a woman who became more attractive, he althier and more active. Her hormonal balance normalized, which contributed to weight loss, improved skin and hair quality.
  • Star of Lada. This is the best amulet for married women and those who dream of starting a family. It symbolizes the divine principle, expressed in the confluence of the forces of nature and female harmony. Amuletcalls for harmony, love and prosperity in families, therefore it was not only worn on the body, but also depicted on the walls of the dwelling.

Men's amulets

seal of Veles
seal of Veles

The main distinguishing feature of Slavic talismans for men is strength. They are designed to increase it and give self-confidence:

  • Seal of Veles. This symbol represents the paw of a predatory beast (bear or wolf). It should bring good luck in business and prosperity, but subject to wearing it throughout life.
  • Ax of Perun. It belonged to the amulet of warriors who gave their all in the name of protecting their land and family from dark forces and infidels. This symbol is part of the cult of the God of Thunder. He belonged to those deities who were responsible for the transfer of traditions and power from father to son. Thus, the Genus is preserved in the most important sense for the Slavs.
  • Kolyadnik. Kolyada belongs to the category of main deities. He is the god of all things on Earth and in other worlds, responsible for changes for the better and renewal in the broadest sense of the word. A man wearing this amulet will always stand on the side of light and defeat darkness.
  • Bunny. This symbol is often worn by women, but it is reserved for men. The fact is that the Bunny helps to save the Family, contributing to the birth of his successor - a boy. Women who wish to give birth to an heir must embroider this amulet on their clothes. And men can wear it on the body, in which case they will be able to conceive a boy. Interestingly, many deities give strength to the Bunny. Most of them are responsible forfertility.

Universal amulets

There are a lot of such characters. The most famous is the Svadebnik, which was often applied to wedding rings with Slavic symbols. In another version, it could be given into the hands of the bride, so that she could begin her main functions - the guardian of the family. After the celebration, the amulet had to be removed and a place found for it within the house. Today, rings with Slavic symbols are very popular, therefore, out of the whole variety of signs, the bride and groom can be advised exactly the Wedding.

amulets for newlyweds
amulets for newlyweds

The symbol of the Race is considered a talisman for any person who belongs to the Slavs by blood. It is a complex amulet made up of several symbols.

The Tree of Life is a great family charm. According to Slavic beliefs, the three facets of the world - Rule, Yav and Nav - can be represented as a tree with powerful roots. It is designed to accumulate tribal energy and protect the family from everything negative, including illness, the evil eye and targeted damage.

Instead of a conclusion

Slavic symbols are very diverse. Therefore, we have not talked about all the signs that are protective symbols. However, it is worth remembering the main thing: any amulet that we inherited from our ancestors has incredible power that must be used only in the name of good.
