Siberian Federal University: faculties. Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)

Siberian Federal University: faculties. Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
Siberian Federal University: faculties. Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)

Siberian Federal University was founded not so long ago, but after a few years of its existence it has become one of the best in Russia. A well-organized system of leadership and student self-government helped to achieve such achievements. For the Russian Federation, this is a unique formation, since in addition to academic disciplines, each student can develop absolutely all their skills.

History of Siberian Federal University

The Siberian Federal University was founded on November 4, 2006 as a result of the reorganization of the KrasSU. This educational institution united the four largest universities in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Among them:

  • State Technical University;
  • University of Nonferrous Metals and Gold;
  • Krasnoyarsk State University;
  • Architectural and Construction Academy.

From February 15, 2012, two more institutions joined the university: the Trade and Economic Institute and the Kristall Association.

Siberian Federal University
Siberian Federal University

The institution is rapidlydevelops, many laboratories, innovative and scientific and educational centers are being formed. About seven thousand first-year students began their studies at the Siberian Federal University in 2014. In 2015, this figure could double.

Structure of the Siberian Federal University

Siberian Federal University (SFU) has a complex structure. The management department consists of the administration, headed by E. A. Vaganov, and the secretariat. They take care of all the issues of the establishment.

Siberian Federal University consists of institutes in the following areas:

  • military engineering;
  • humanitarian;
  • construction engineering;
  • jurisprudence;
  • polytechnic and others

The total number of institutes that make up the SFU is 19. Although each formation trains specialists in specific areas, it is not isolated. All students enjoy the same rights, opportunities and benefits as other students.

The university has three branches in Lesosibirsk, Abakan and Khakassia.

23 management and complex help management to cope with tasks such as:

  • settlement in hostels;
  • youth policy;
  • maintenance development;
  • publishing house of scientific journals;
  • planning the educational process;
  • social and international relations, etc.

There are 18 student associations on the basis of the university dealing with nutrition, volunteering, trade union, medical care, sports,education, design and information development. These organizations teach self-reliance and prepare young people for adulthood.

Besides the rector, there are nine vice-rectors who are responsible for:

  • economy and development;
  • study and scientific activities;
  • security and personnel changes;
  • youth policy;
  • international cooperation;
  • general questions;
  • universiade;
  • sport;
  • trade and economic relations.
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

The number of students in SibFU exceeds 35,000. On the basis of the university there are:

  • 28 dorms;
  • 82 sports fields;
  • more than 90 student collective associations.

There are two schools at the university: Correspondence natural science and Gymnasium No. 1.

Siberian University - faculties

Each institute, which is part of the Siberian University, recruits applicants for certain faculties, the total number of areas of study and speci alties is 171.

Siberian Federal University "Law Institute" allows you to get higher education in the speci alty "Customs", in the areas of "jurisprudence", "international relations" and "social work".

Among the general departments there are:

  • physical education and sports;
  • training.

If we talk about the Siberian Federaluniversity, faculties are presented in the following areas:

  • vehicles;
  • humanitarian;
  • engineering and pedagogy;
  • engineering and ecology;
  • mechanical and technological;
  • technological oil and gas;
  • thermal energy;
  • computational mathematical-informatic;
  • computer science and control processes;
  • business technology;
  • radio equipment;
  • informatization of social networks;
  • electromechanics;
  • mathematical-informatics;
  • physical education;
  • chemical;
  • biology;
  • history and philosophy;
  • psychology and pedagogy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • philological-journalistic;
  • foreign languages;
  • art history and cultural studies;
  • physical education, sports, tourism;
  • social law;
  • economy;
  • fundamental education;
  • management of economic systems;
  • intercultural communications;
  • metallurgy;
  • geology;
  • technological;
  • economic;
  • architecture;
  • construction;
  • road construction;
  • environmental engineering.

Study at the Siberian Federal University

Students have the opportunity to study both free of charge and on contract forms. The Siberian Federal University is one of the first places among Russian universities in terms of the number of state employees.

Siberian Federal Universitylegal institute
Siberian Federal Universitylegal institute

There are several types of scholarships in it:

  • academic;
  • main;
  • social;
  • additional;
  • increased;
  • trade union;
  • presidential.

The university uses a point-rating system. The main ECTS tools are used to assess students' progress. Full provision of teaching aids, textbooks, access to local and Internet resources is guaranteed by the university.

Each student is provided with a tutor - an assistant teacher who helps in solving educational and educational issues.

For modules and disciplines, grades are given on a 100-point scale. Students with a score below 50 are retaken.

The university website contains information about the schedule of classes at each institute, regulatory documents on demand and rules for attending classes.

Students have the right to use the library for free, attend public organizations, receive additional education.

For an applicant of the Siberian Federal University

Annually, the Siberian Federal University opens more than 5,000 state-funded places to admit applicants. Scholarships for talents are tripled. A large number of hostels solves the problem of living in other cities.

FSEI HPE Siberian Federal University accepts documents for the following forms of study:

  • full-time;
  • part-time;
  • part-time;
  • SPO;
  • second higher.
FGO VPO Siberian Federal University
FGO VPO Siberian Federal University

To enter an applied bachelor's degree, you need to pass a special competition. This involves passing an entrance exam. Russian language is a compulsory subject, the rest - depending on the chosen faculty. The number of tests varies from three to five.

Principles for admission to FSAEI HPE Siberian Federal University have:

  • winners and winners of Olympiads;
  • some social categories.

In this educational institution, everyone will find a department and discipline to their liking. Siberian Federal University provides the applicant with ample opportunities to choose the direction of study:

  • humanitarian;
  • engineering physics;
  • mathematics and computer science;
  • oil and gas industry;
  • pedagogy, sociology, psychology;
  • physical development, sports, tourism;
  • geology and geotechnology;
  • management and business;
  • engineering construction;
  • philology and language communication;
  • space;
  • computer science;
  • study of non-ferrous metals;
  • economic management;
  • jurisprudence;
  • military affairs;
  • fundamental biology;
  • trade and economic relations;
  • fundamental training.

Scientific activities of the university

Siberian Federal University has three scientific schools supported by grants from the President of the Russian Federation.

Academician studies environmental biophysicsI. I. Gitelzon, who heads another scientific school.

A. K. Tsikh deals with the study of mathematical sciences.

Siberian Federal University SFU
Siberian Federal University SFU

There are two scientific creative teams on the basis of the university:

  • Nemirovsky V. G.;
  • Shaidurova V. Ya.

Researchers are eligible for grants:

  • without funding;
  • for international programs;
  • for study and internships abroad;
  • youth grants;
  • innovative type;
  • group character;
  • individual purpose.

The Global Learning program encourages talented young people to enroll in 300 foreign universities. If a student is enrolled in one of these institutions, the SibFU pays for study and accommodation abroad. After completing the training, the specialist is given the opportunity to work in leading Russian companies.

The university has:

  • observatory;
  • one of the most powerful computers in the Russian Federation;
  • installation for research in the field of physics and chemistry;
  • clinical-biological, biotechnological laboratories.

Community activities at the university

Quality education is not the only thing Siberian Federal University can boast of. The city of Krasnoyarsk publishes the newspaper "New University Life", which covers the problems of students, talks about achievements and winnersuniversity competitions. Correspondents are both students and teachers.

A large number of cultural events adorn student life. All those who have certain skills, desire and perseverance can reveal their talents here.

FGAOU VPO Siberian Federal University
FGAOU VPO Siberian Federal University

Before the new year, contests of the best toys, author's songs, poems, dances are held. Language festivals provide an opportunity to practice international communication.

Students have the opportunity to work on university television.

Girls show themselves in beauty pageants. Volunteers arrange holidays for orphans, help animal shelters, visit veterans and pensioners every year.

KVN is held monthly, in which not only students, but also teachers take part.

About 100 creative teams of various directions delight the university with their performances. They perform at all-Russian and international competitions and win prizes there.

On the website of the university, the press service describes all past and upcoming events.

Contests and exhibitions of their work are held for artists and photography enthusiasts.

Each student will find something to their liking, the main thing is to focus not only on their studies, but are not afraid to reveal their talents.

Siberian Federal University: sports achievements

The university has a sports club that constantly arranges competitions and provides students with active recreation.

The sports club offers classes for:

  • women's and men's basketball;
  • biathlon;
  • boxing;
  • athletics;
  • women's and men's volleyball;
  • skiing;
  • judo;
  • sambo;
  • hockey;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • futsal;
  • table tennis;
  • swimming;
  • Greco-Roman wrestling;
  • rugby;
  • climbing;
  • snowboarding;
  • freestyle wrestling;
  • sports tourism;
  • chess.

Students have the opportunity to improve their he alth and relax in the student sanatorium, at two recreation centers. There is a special sports camp for athletes.

Siberian State Federal University
Siberian State Federal University

In 2019, the Universiade will be held on the basis of the university. A special village will be built for her. The organization will be handled by the student coordinating society.

Spartakiads are held annually between freshmen, teachers, hostels.

Students go hiking, rock climbing and extreme sports.

Facilities for the activity:

  • sports complex with football field;
  • pool;
  • ski lodge;
  • stadium;
  • athletics gym;
  • table tennis hall;
  • Physical Education House;
  • gym;
  • sports town;
  • laboratory complex;
  • football field.

The university provides the opportunity to study atmore than 80 sections. More than 300 sports competitions and events are held here every year.

Location of the Siberian Federal University

Siberian Federal University, whose address is Krasnoyarsk, Prospekt Svobodny, 79/10, consists of many buildings. Here is the reception of the rector, the clerical department, the press service, the selection committee.

In the city of Abakan on the street. Shchetinkina, 27 is one of the branches of the Siberian Federal University - the Khakass Technical Institute.

Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute is located in Lesosibirsk on the street. Victory, 42.

The Sayano-Shushensky branch is located at the address: Republic of Khakassia, town. Cheryomushki, 46.

Federal University ranks 1028th in the ranking of the best universities in the world and 10th among universities in the Russian Federation. The level of training of graduates corresponds to a high rating.

Relationship with foreign countries

Foreign citizens can also enter the Siberian Federal University. The city of Krasnoyarsk is loyal to guests from other countries. A special program for learning the Russian language has been developed for them with the possibility of further employment in Russia.

The International Relations Department provides employees who help in resolving any issues.

Siberian State Federal University organizes business trips abroad, which are paid for by the educational institution.

After receiving a diploma, a pan-European supplement is attached to it. The presence of this document allows:

  • continue to study abroad;
  • get a job in another country;
  • work in a foreign company that has a representative office in Russia.

One of the most famous universities in the world, Oxford, offers assistance to students to realize their talents. Since 2005, he has been providing gratuitous charitable assistance. Those who are interested in linguistics should also visit Krasnoyarsk. The Siberian Federal University promotes the study of many foreign languages. Students have the opportunity to study Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, German, English and more.

Heads of the centers organize meetings with native speakers, distribute literature, introduce the country's culture and issue international diplomas.

The University cooperates with educational institutions of Spain, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, USA. Exchanges experience with them and creates joint projects.

The number of foreign students exceeds 350, and there are more than 20 teachers from other countries.
