For scientists, Homo habilis is one of the most controversial representatives of the human species. This is due to the fact that, even with multiple paleontological findings, they could not finally determine its place on the evolutionary tree. Nevertheless, today his direct relationship with a person remains undeniable.

Amazing discovery of the Leakey spouses
Louis and Mary Leakey were anthropologists to the core. Their friends often joked about who they love more - science or each other. Indeed, the family of scientists spent all their time studying fossils and the numerous archaeological excavations they carried out in all corners of the planet.
And in November 1960, they stumbled upon what would later become one of the most controversial discoveries of the 20th century. While excavating in Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania), the couple unearthed a well-preserved skeleton of a saber-toothed tiger. It would seem that it could beinteresting in such a find? But no, there was something nearby that made their heart beat a hundred times faster.
A few steps away from the tiger, they saw the remains of an unknown hominid. Among them was a fragment of the skull, collarbone and part of the leg. After a thorough analysis of the bones, the Leakeys came to the conclusion that in front of them was a child of 10-12 years old, who died more than 2 million years ago, who, most likely, was the progenitor of the entire human race.

Homo habilis: characteristics of the species
Louis and Mary's discovery was the first, but not the last. Soon, other archaeologists also began to dig up the remains of Homo habilis. It is noteworthy that almost all the bones of the hominid were found in South and East Africa. In this regard, scientists came to the conclusion that this species appeared in these lands and only at the end of its existence migrated to other lands.
Given the age of the found remains, it becomes clear that the first Homo habilis appeared approximately 2.5 million years ago. Its further evolution took no less than 600 thousand years. But that's not what matters. More curiously, this species was already able to stand firmly on two legs, as evidenced by the toes brought together.
Otherwise, homo habilis looked more like primates than humans. On average, his height did not exceed 130 cm, and his weight should have fluctuated between 30-50 kg. Against the background of the body, long arms stood out strongly, which in the recent past helped higher primates climb trees. However, as the species developed, their upper limbs decreased, andthe lower ones, on the contrary, became more muscular.
Kinship ties
For almost half a century there has been a heated debate about the role assigned to Homo habilis in the general spectacle of evolution. It is only known for certain that he appeared at the sunset of the existence of Australopithecus. Given their many similarities, scientists have concluded that Homo habilis has become the next step in the extinct species. However, there are those who believe that these are two completely different hominids that have a common ancestor in the past.
No less controversial is the issue of the heritage of Homo habilis. According to the generally accepted version, Homo erectus, the first upright descendant of man, became his successor. The evidence for this theory is the similarity of the remains found, as well as the time frame in which both species existed.

What changed the world
Despite all the controversy, one fact has always remained the same. The day the first Homo habilis appeared, the world changed forever. The reason for this is a new skill that ex alted these hominids above other creatures, namely the ability to think logically.
Such changes occurred due to the fact that the brain of a skilled person has increased significantly in size compared to its ancestors. On average, it was about 500-700 cm³, which was quite impressive by those standards. In addition, its structure has also changed: the occipital part, which is responsible for instincts, has decreased, while the frontal, temporal and parietal, on the contrary, have increased in size.
But much more impressivethe discovery was that the brain of Homo habilis, it turns out, had the beginnings of Broca's center. And, as science knows, it is this appendage that is responsible for processing speech. And, most likely, it was these hominids who first began to use combinations of sounds, which later grew into a full-fledged language.

Lifestyle features
Unlike their ancestors, Homo habilis rarely climbed a tree. Now the former "home" served only as a source of food or a temporary haven for rest. The reason for this was the deformation of the hind limbs, which adapted to long transitions on the ground, but because of this they lost their former grip. But as a refuge, a skilled person more and more often began to use caves that can protect him from bad weather and wild animals.
However, a tribe of hominids rarely stayed in one place, especially if it consisted of many families. And all because our ancestors did not yet know how to grow food, and natural resources were depleted too quickly. Therefore, they led a predominantly nomadic lifestyle, moving from one place to another.
Social structure
Scientists are sure that in the Homo habilis tribe there was a hierarchy and distribution of responsibilities. In particular, men were engaged in hunting and fishing, and women gathered berries and mushrooms. At the same time, the tribe equally divided all the products obtained among themselves, thereby taking care of the offspring and disabled individuals.
Also, scientists are inclined to believe that there was one leader at the head of all men. Such a statement is morebased on logic rather than facts. But most experts adhere to it, since a similar behavior pattern is inherent in almost all higher primates.

Tools of Homo habilis
This species is not in vain called a skilled man. In truth, he was the first representative of the human race to learn how to use and make various tools. Naturally, their quality and variety are very meager, but the very fact of the existence of the craft is already a great achievement.
All tools were made from stone or bones ground on other objects. Most often, archaeologists came across scrapers and knives that were clearly used for butchering meat. The use of such objects led to the fact that over the next 500 thousand years of evolution, the hand of Homo habilis was completely transformed into a palm capable of holding objects firmly.