The task of the teacher is not only to teach the child the basics of his subject and how to apply the knowledge gained in practice, but also to instill in a person a sense of beauty. Teachers of music, visual arts, and technology are most successful in completing the latter task. Helps them in this application of various projects. Creative technology projects for girls are especially popular.
What is this
A creative project on technology is an independent work of a student on the creation of this or that thing. Often the process takes several lessons and is carefully supervised by the teacher. The teacher helps to decide on the topic, find or make a sketch, do the preparatory work to create the product.
Through the use of creative projects, girls can try themselves as designers or cooks, show their skills and abilities, andthe most important thing is to fulfill your potential.

When planning to use creative technology projects for girls in the course of teaching, the teacher should carefully consider their topics and their relationship with the curriculum. The main directions in which projects can be set:
- cooking;
- cross stitch;
- ribbon embroidery;
- stitch embroidery;
- patchwork techniques;
- knitting;
- tailoring;
- beading;
- making toys and dolls;
- production of products for interior decoration.
When to enter?
One of the most frequently asked questions is when to introduce creative tech projects for girls? 5th grade is the perfect time to introduce projects. Children will quickly grasp the essence of such tasks, learn how to quickly and efficiently perform them. This will all be a huge plus, especially if you plan to give such assignments throughout your studies.
One of the parts of the project is its advertisement. This includes the creation of the name of the finished product, its description, the development of a trademark and a small advertising slogan.
What does a technology project include
What is included in the project? Often, a technology project includes the choice of the direction and topic of work, the selection of materials and the manufacture of a particular product from them. Each of the stages of work is fixed and then drawn up by the student in the so-called explanatory note. A presentation is also required to protect the project.
KFor example, consider creative technology projects for girls (grade 5). The apron is one of the main topics studied. You can offer children not only to sew a standard thing according to a finished pattern, but to prepare a sketch of the product themselves, make patterns, choose the right fabric and sew it.

Further evaluation can be carried out on a competitive basis, taking into account when grading not only the type of product, but also the quality of the stitches, the correct construction of the drawings.
The best time to implement such creative technology projects for girls is grade 5. An apron sewn during their implementation can be a great gift for March 8 to mom or grandmother.
Sample project topics
Depending on the topic and its goals, you can select such tasks for creative projects.
When studying arts and crafts, the following topics can be suggested:
- a panel of cereals;
- making souvenirs from improvised material;
- s alt dough products;
- photo frames;
- papier-mache products.
At the beginning of the study of technology, such creative technology projects for girls will be very interesting. Grade 5 just implies simple simple tasks.
The second block of sample topics is related to the study of needlework. It implies the ability to sew simple things both with a machine and with a simple needle. This includes the following topics:
- making an author's doll;
-making a charm doll;
- do-it-yourself kitchen pot holder;
- sofa cushion;
- needle bed.
The age for which these creative technology projects for girls are suitable is 6th grade.

The next block of tasks is related to the topic "Weaving". In most cases, these tasks are related to work with beads and beads. Before starting work, it is advisable to explain to the children the features of working with beads - how to choose it correctly, how to choose a fishing line or wire for weaving, additional materials. These include the following sub-themes:
- beaded gift
- beaded decoration.
- making flowers from beads.
The age range for these creative technology projects for girls is 6th grade, graduating 5, starting 7.
Embroidery is one of the largest topics that is given a lot of time in technology lessons. The topic involves mastering several embroidery techniques - embroidery with ribbons, satin stitch, cross stitch, beads. For each of the types, the following task topics can be proposed:
- embroidery pattern;
- embroidered napkin;
- embroidered tablecloth;
- embroidered towel.
You can also give children the opportunity to choose the type of embroidery for their project.
The age for which these creative technology projects for girls are relevant is grade 7.
Another group of project topics is suitable for consolidating the knowledge and skills gained while studying the basicsknitting.
So, you can use the following types of creative tasks:
- creating a heating pad;
- knitting soft toys;
- macrame.

When it is best to use these topics when reinforcing crochet skills. For knitting needles, you can use:
- scarf;
- warm socks;
- knitted vest.
The age for which these creative technology projects for girls are relevant is grade 7.
Next, we move on to the most difficult group of topics. They are associated with sewing on a typewriter and involve the ability to take measurements and make patterns. Topics to start with:
- pillow cover;
- DIY apron;
- sew a skirt;
- sew shorts;
- summer top.
Note that the above creative technology projects for girls in grade 8 are best suited.
The older the child becomes, the more difficult the subject of his work becomes. After the 8th grade, it is important to set large projects, the implementation of which will take at least one quarter, a maximum of a semester. The main themes for such large-scale projects:
- creating a fancy dress;
- modeling and sewing a sundress;
- dress tailoring.
The age at which children can master such creative technology projects for girls is grade 10.

It is worth noting that another topicprojects related to cooking. This type of creative project can be given one or two lessons, during which children can find or make their own recipe and prepare a dish. This is best done at the end of the semester, academic year.
Main stages of work on the project
All stages of performing creative tasks are divided into:
- Search, when a child chooses a direction, searches or creates a sketch or drawing, selects material.
- Technological - during which the main work on the product or project is performed.
- Analytical, during which the child evaluates the result, its merits and benefits.
Working order
Mostly creative technology projects for girls are carried out according to the following plan:
1. Choosing a project theme.
2. Sketching.
3. Drawing up drawings or patterns.
4. Material selection.
5. Making a product.
6. Preparing an explanatory note.
7. Preparing a presentation.
8. Protection of the finished project.
Explanatory note

As already mentioned, ready-made creative projects on technology for girls must contain an explanatory note. It consists of the following elements:
- title page;
- introductions;
- rationale for choosing an idea;
- product sketch;
- list of materials used;
- drawings;
- in the case of tailoring the product -pattern layouts on fabric;
- samples of used seams or types of knitting, other techniques;
- fixture list;
- environmental soundness;
- economic calculations;
- conclusions;
- list of sources;
- safety application;
- product advertisement.
A big plus when defending a project is the presence of a presentation. When preparing it, you should use photographs of the finished product, the stages of its creation. You can use historical reference, which will indicate when and where this type of art originated.

Let's look at an example of how creative technology projects for girls are evaluated. Grade 8 provides for sewing any thing, for example, a skirt. When grading, consider:
- Correct measurements.
- Correct construction of drawings and patterns.
- Stitch quality.
- Appearance of the model.
It is important for the teacher to indicate in advance all the assessment criteria, to explain what exactly he will pay attention to. At the same time, it is important that projects end up with “excellent” or “good” ratings. Otherwise, students may be disappointed in their work.
To evaluate the received projects, you can also involve other students, for example, to vote - which products they liked the most.
One of the lessons that involves creativeproject is technology. Girls love needlework, especially if they are given freedom of choice when designating a topic or task. Thanks to the use of project technology, teenagers learn to apply the knowledge gained during training in practice, develop creatively. Projects are best used if the study of a topic lasts more than 8-10 lessons.