Recently, the theory of physics has significantly expanded its boundaries. If earlier within the framework of this subject everything that was recorded was reflected in practice, now the situation has changed radically. Modern physicists are talking about incredible things that turn the usual way of life and make us completely reassess reality. One of the most fascinating things is the five-dimensional space. We cannot visualize it, but we will try to explain it at least theoretically.
A little background
The most interesting thing is that neither mathematicians nor physicists find an exact definition of what the fifth dimension is. What can we say about the fifth, if the fourth was recognized only recently, and then theoretically, and even then it still does not fit in our heads.
So, our brain is sharpened to perceive purely three dimensions: height, width and length. Not so long ago, scientists came to the conclusion that time is another unit of measurement that can have the same properties as the previous three. OtherIn other words, a time segment is a straight line that has a starting point of 0, is measured and directed in a positive direction (at least this is how a person perceives this measurement).
But the five-dimensional space was a mystery to science for a long time, since it was not possible to find another straight line that would point to certain coordinates. It was on the basis of reflections on this topic that the famous theory of strings and the multidimensionality of the Universe was born, which somehow explained what this fifth axis is.

Explanation of the phenomenon
When we see a person or some object on our way, we automatically evaluate or estimate its parameters by eye - height (or height), width (or volumes), depth (the same volumes, but in a different direction). However, we see it at a specific moment in time, that is, at a certain point in the time line. If the human brain were adapted to see the past and the future, then we would see the entire history of the object of contemplation, from the moment of birth to death, as well as its growth. If you can imagine something like this, then you can proceed to explain how the entry into the five-dimensional space occurs.
In simple terms, it's an infinite number of options for the development of events. Choose any point on the time interval and at this particular moment perform this or that action. Depending on what it will be, you will be presented with options for being, or so-called alternativereality. This is the five-dimensional space created by the four that go in front of him.

Illustrative example
For the first time, physicists came to the conclusion that there is a fifth dimension with such seemingly unrealistic properties after the discovery of string theory. In accordance with it, one quantum particle can simultaneously be in an uncountable number of places, the coordinates of which are scattered throughout the space of our Universe. This discovery has found its reflection even in the cinema. The movie "Interstellar" showed how five-dimensional space looks like. The protagonist finds himself in a space-time corridor, where he contemplates himself at various stages of life. Moreover, he sees an infinite number of options for the development of this very life, which depend on his decisions. Remotely, this topic is also touched upon in the film "Mr. Nobody", which raises the most important issue - the issue of choice.

Penteract. Mysterious Geometry
Hypercube is a geometric definition that is not found in the school geometry course, but has long existed in official science. It is used to generically name all cubes with an arbitrary number of dimensions. The pentacube or penteract is directly a figure that is built into a cube in five-dimensional space, which has 80 edges, 32 vertices, 80 faces. it also consists of 40 three-dimensional cubes, which in this case are calledcells, and from 10 tesseracts (four-dimensional cell-cubes). A static image of a penteract is only its projection, which cannot reflect its true nature and properties. It is best to consider this figure in dynamics, although this spectacle also makes a person feel a complete sense of the unreality of what is happening.

Science and esotericism
Some 50 years ago, everyone in the world was sure that scientists have nothing to do with people with supernatural abilities, so to speak. From the side of the first, exact formulas, practical proofs and facts were given, describing all the phenomena in our world. The second category of people and their adherents saw the world through a kind of magical prism, explaining everything that happens in it by the influence of subtle worlds.
Today, that same quantum theory, as well as the theoretically existing five-dimensional space, has built a bridge between the previously warring camps. Scientists no longer deny that the human brain and consciousness play an important role in the universe and can even influence the behavior of the particles that make up atoms. It was from here that another incredible version came from, describing all these mysterious phenomena.

Exit to the subtle worlds
Meditators, lucid dreamers, and all sorts of mediums know where the tunnels or passages into fifth dimensional space are. In their opinion, this is nothing but the astral plane, which you can get separating the mind from the body. According to esotericists, the fifth dimension really has no boundaries, neither temporal nor spatial. In it, a person acquires completely different properties, he himself becomes different, acquires new needs.
Those who are not familiar with this industry can only hope that soon scientists will really be able to prove the connection between formulas and the mind and in practice open the door to this new and mysterious world.