For quite a long time, the literature has repeatedly expressed the idea that democracy will naturally and inevitably become a consequence of the development of statehood. The concept was interpreted as a natural state that will come immediately at a certain stage, regardless of the assistance or resistance of individuals or their associations. The very first to use the term were ancient Greek thinkers. Let us further consider in detail what democracy is (basic concepts).

Democracy is a concept introduced into practice by the ancient Greeks. Literally, it means "rule of the people". It is a form of government that involves the participation of citizens in it, their equality before the norms of the law, the provision of certain political freedoms and rights to the individual. In the classification proposed by Aristotle, this state of society expressed the "power of all", which differed from the aristocracy and the monarchy.
Democracy: concept, types and forms
This state of society is considered in several meanings. So, democracy is a concept that expresses the way of organizing and working of state bodies and non-state organizations. It is also called the established legal regime and type of state. When they say that a country is democratic, they mean the presence of all these values. At the same time, the state has a number of distinctive features. These include:
- Recognition of the people as the highest source of power.
- Election of key government agencies.
- Equality of citizens, first of all, in the process of exercising their voting rights.
- Subordination of the minority to the majority in decision making.
Democracy (the concept, types and forms of this institution) was studied by different scientists. As a result of the analysis of theoretical provisions and practical experience, thinkers came to the conclusion that this state of society cannot exist without the state. The concept of direct democracy is distinguished in the literature. It involves the exercise of the will of the people through elected bodies. They are, in particular, local power structures, parliaments, etc. The concept of direct democracy involves the implementation of the will of the population or specific social associations through elections, referendums, meetings. In this case, citizens independently decide certain issues. However, these are far from all the external manifestations that characterize democracy. The concept and types of institutions can be considered in the context of certain spheres of life: social, economic, cultural,
State character
Many authors, explaining what democracy is, the concept, the signs of this institution characterize according to a certain system. First of all, they indicate belonging to the state regime. This is manifested in the delegation by the population of their powers to government agencies. Citizens participate in the administration of affairs directly or through elected structures. The population cannot independently exercise all the power that belongs to it. Therefore, it transfers part of its powers to state bodies. Election of authorized structures is another manifestation of the state nature of democracy. In addition, it is expressed in the ability of the authorities to influence the activities and behavior of citizens, to subordinate them to manage the social sphere.

The concept of political democracy
This institution, like a market economy, cannot exist without competition. In this case, we are talking about a pluralistic system and opposition. This is manifested in the fact that democracy, the concept and forms of the institution, in particular, form the basis of the programs of parties in their struggle for state power. In this state of society, the diversity of existing opinions, ideological approaches to solving pressing issues is taken into account. Under democracy, state censorship and diktat are excluded. The legislation contains provisions guaranteeing pluralism. These include the right to choose, secret ballot, etc. The concept and principles of democracy are based, first of all, on the equality of voting rights of citizens. It gives the opportunity to choose between different options, directions of development.
Guaranteed implementation of rights
The concept of democracy in society is associated with the legal possibilities of each citizen enshrined at the legislative level in various spheres of life. In particular, we are talking about economic, social, civil, cultural and other rights. At the same time, obligations for citizens are also established. Legality acts as a mode of socio-political life. It manifests itself in the establishment of requirements for all subjects, primarily for government agencies. The latter should be created and act on the basis of the steady and strict implementation of existing norms. Each state body, official should have only the necessary amount of authority. Democracy is a concept that is associated with the mutual responsibility of citizens and the state. It involves the establishment of a requirement to refrain from actions that violate freedoms and rights, create obstacles to the performance of duties by participants in the system.
Explaining the concept of democracy, it is necessary to say separately about the tasks that this institution implements. The functions are the key directions of influence on social relations. Their goal is to increase the activity of the population in the management of public affairs. The concept of democracy is associated not with the static, but with the dynamic state of society. In this regard, the functions of the institute in certain periods of historical development underwent certain changes. Currently, researchers divide them intotwo groups. The former reveal the connection with social relations, the latter express the internal tasks of the state. Among the most significant functions of the Institute, the following should be highlighted:
- Organizational and political.
- Regulatory compromise.
- Public Incentive.
- Constituent.
- Control.
- Guardian.

Social relations
Communication with them reflects the first three functions mentioned above. Political power in the state is organized on a democratic basis. Within the framework of this activity, self-organization of the population (self-government) is envisaged. It acts as a source of state power and is expressed in the presence of appropriate links between subjects. The regulatory-compromise function is to ensure the pluralism of the activities of the participants in relations within the framework of cooperation, consolidation and concentration around the interests of the population and the state of different forces. The legal means of ensuring this function is the regulation of the legal statuses of subjects. In the process of developing and making decisions, only democracy can have a socially stimulating effect on the state. The concept and forms of this institution ensure the optimal service of the authorities to the population, the consideration and application of public opinion, the activity of citizens. This is manifested, in particular, in the ability of citizens to participate in referendums, send letters, statements, and so on.
State Tasks
The concept of "representativedemocracy" is associated with the ability of the population to form bodies of state power and territorial self-government. This is carried out by voting. Elections in a democratic state are secret, universal, equal and direct. Ensuring the work of state bodies within their competence in accordance with the provisions of the law is carried out through the implementation of the control function. It It also implies accountability of all parts of the country's administrative apparatus. One of the key functions is the protective function of democracy. It involves the provision of security, protection of dignity and honor, freedoms and rights of the individual, forms of property, suppression and prevention of violations of the law.
Initial requirements
They are the principles upon which the democratic regime is based. Their recognition by the international community is determined by the desire to strengthen the anti-totalitarian position. The key principles are:
- Freedom to choose the social system and method of government. The people have the right to change and determine the constitutional order. Freedom is of primary importance.
- Equality of citizens. It means that all people have obligations to respect the law and the rights and interests of others. Everyone is responsible for violations, they have the right to protection in court. The constitution guarantees equality. The norms prohibit privileges or restrictions based on race, gender, religion, political beliefs, social status, property status, place of residence, origin, language, and so on.
- The election of government agencies and their constant interaction with the population. This principle presupposes the formation of power structures and territorial self-government through the expression of the people's will. It ensures turnover, accountability, equal opportunity for each citizen to exercise their suffrage.
- Separation of powers. It implies mutual dependence and limitation of different directions: judicial, executive, legislative. This prevents power from becoming a tool for suppressing equality and freedom.
- Decision making by the will of the majority while respecting the rights of the minority.
- Pluralism. It means a variety of social phenomena. Pluralism contributes to the expansion of the range of political choice. It implies a plurality of parties, associations, opinions.

Ways to implement the will of the population
The functions of democracy are carried out through its institutions and forms. There are quite a few of the latter. Forms of democracy are seen as its outward expression. Key ones include:
- Participation of citizens in the management of social and state affairs. It is implemented through representative democracy. In this case, power is exercised by revealing the will of persons authorized by the people in elected bodies. Citizens can also participate in governance directly (through a referendum, for example).
- Creation and operation of a system of state bodies based on transparency, legality, turnover, election, separation of powers. Theseprinciples prevent abuse of social authority and official position.
- Legal, first of all, constitutional consolidation of the system of freedoms, duties and rights of a citizen and a person, ensuring their protection in accordance with established international standards.
They are legal and legitimate components of the system that directly form the democratic regime through the implementation of initial requirements. As a prerequisite for the legitimacy of any institution is its legal registration. Legitimacy is provided by public recognition and organizational structure. Institutions may differ in their original purpose in solving urgent state problems. In particular, allocate:
- Structural institutions. These include deputy commissions, parliamentary sessions, etc.
- Functional institutions. They are mandates of voters, public opinion, etc.
Depending on the legal significance, institutions are distinguished:
- Imperative. They have a binding, final value for officials, government agencies, citizens. Such institutions are legislative and constitutional referendums, electoral mandates, elections, and so on.
- Advisory. They have advisory value for political structures. Such institutions are a consultative referendum, popular discussion, questioning, rallies, etc.

It is based on independent regulation, organization and activities of participants in civil relations. The population establishes certain rules and norms of behavior, carries out organizational actions. The people have the right to make decisions and implement them. Within the framework of self-government, the subject and object of activity coincide. This means that the participants recognize the authority of their own association only. Self-government is based on the principles of equality, freedom, participation in administration. This term is usually used in relation to several levels of bringing people together:
- To the entire society as a whole. In this case, one speaks of public self-government.
- To separate territories. In this case, local and regional self-government takes place.
- To specific industries.
- To public associations.
Power of the people as a social value
Democracy has always been understood and interpreted in different ways. However, there is no doubt that, as a legal and political value, it has become an integral component of the organization of the world. Meanwhile, there is no such final stage at which all its subjects would be satisfied. A person who experiences limitations enters into a dispute with the state, not finding justice in the legislation. The conflict arises when the inequality of merit and natural abilities is not taken into account, there is no recognition depending on experience, skill, maturity, etc. The desire for justice cannot be fully satisfied. Society shouldthere is a constant awakening of the will, the development of the desire to express one's opinion, views, and be active.

The intrinsic value of democracy is expressed through its social significance. It, in turn, lies in the service for the benefit of the individual, the state, society. Democracy contributes to the establishment of conformity between the actually operating and formally proclaimed principles of equality, freedom, and justice. It ensures their implementation in state and social life. The system of democracy combines social and power principles. It contributes to the formation of an atmosphere of harmony between the interests of the state and the individual, the achievement of a compromise between the subjects. Under a democratic regime, the participants in the relationship realize the benefits of partnership and solidarity, harmony and peace. The instrumental value of an institution is manifested through its functional purpose. Democracy is a way of solving state and public affairs. It allows you to participate in the creation of state bodies and local power structures, independently organize movements, trade unions, parties, and ensure protection from illegal actions. Democracy involves control over the activities of elected institutions and other subjects of the system. The personal value of the institution is expressed through the recognition of individual rights. They are formally enshrined in normative acts, are actually provided through the formation of material, spiritual, legal and other guarantees.

Withindemocratic regime provides for liability for non-fulfillment of duties. Democracy does not act as a means of achieving personal ambitious goals at the expense of infringing on the freedoms, interests, and rights of others. For the people who are ready to recognize the autonomy of the individual and his responsibility, this institution forms the best opportunities for the realization of existing humanistic values: social creativity, justice, equality and freedom. At the same time, the participation of the state in the process of providing guarantees and protecting the interests of the population is of undoubted importance. This is its main function in a democratic society.