Electronics in the car is responsible for many systems and subsystems. Lighting, sound systems, cooling, whatever, you won't even start the engine if the power goes out. Unfortunately, many drivers “swim” in this area and are not always able to cope with problems in the electrical circuit, despite the fact that often problems are associated only with a blown fuse. This is a defense mechanism that often breaks down and disorients drivers. In the material below, we will discuss in more detail what a fuse is, how it works and how to replace it if one of them fails.

What is a fuse?
A fuse is a special switching electrical device, the task of which is to turn off the protected circuit by opening it or destroying (burning) the pre-designated conductive parts when an excessively high electric current passes through them. Roughly speaking, a fuse is a protective mechanism that self-destructs in the event of a threat to all electronics (in a car or electrical appliances). A kind of self-sacrifice, metaphorically speaking.
Fuse principle
Cars use fusiblefuses and are selected according to the rated load capacity. In the event of an emergency, when the voltage rises, the fuse link will break and open the electrical circuit.
The process of self-destruction starts in case of:
- Short circuit - occurs if the insulation of conductive parts has been broken or incorrect connection of devices. The problem of frayed insulation cables in a car is generally one of the most common causes of blown fuses.
- Incompatibility between the power of the consumer device and the rated current allowed for a particular electrical circuit. This problem is faced by those who decide to install additional electrical equipment in their car (lighting, radio tape recorders and others like them). Such powerful consumers of energy are powered by basic electrical wiring, which is not designed for such a high amount of current. Due to the excess current, the wires melt and lead to a short circuit, which disables the fuses.

Fuse Threshold
From the above, it becomes clear that the fuse in the car is destroyed in case of exceeding the nominal value of electricity. The fuse fuse overheats and burns out.
The rated current of the fuse is calculated by the formula: Inom=Pmax/U.
- Inom is the rated current measured in Amps;
- Pmax is the maximum load that can be handledone device or another. Power is indicated on the instruments and is measured in Watts;
- U is the mains voltage level. This indicator is measured in Volts. The voltage level in the car network is 12 Volts.
Fuse types
Fuses are categorized by power rating as well as fuse size.
Fuses are divided by size into:
- Micro - the most compact.
- Mini - slightly larger (16 millimeters).
- Normal - regular size (19 millimeters).
- Maxi is the largest (34 mm).

Where more important is the division by current strength. For convenience, they are all marked with certain colors, but you should not focus on color alone, since fuses in VAZ cars are marked with colors different from those in foreign cars, because there are no standards in this area.
Fuse location
The first thing a motorist will have to face when trying to check the condition of the fuses or replace them is the search for a safety block. The fact is that finding out where the fuse is located is not a trivial task. In different models of cars, the fuse box is located in different parts of the cabin or even under the hood. Sometimes the number of fuses increases greatly, and the auto manufacturer puts several blocks in different parts of the car. Because of this confusion, it is simply impossible to offer a universal circuit or instruction for finding a safety block. For example,in domestic-made cars, fuses are located under the hood (a classic location for a Zhiguli). In foreign cars, the situation is more complicated. The fuses in the Toyota Corolla are located to the right of the steering wheel on the dashboard. It would seem that manufacturers of one country should be similar in choosing the location of elements, but in reality everything is different. Fuses in the Nissan Almera are located to the left of the steering wheel, in a small pocket.

Check fuses
A working fuse is safety first. Therefore, it is necessary to keep them in working order. If any element of the electronics in the car is out of order, it is necessary to check the performance of the part. How to do it? Many drivers simply access the fuse box and remove the fuses one at a time to visually assess their condition. Car owners just look to see if the jumper in the fuse is damaged. Of course, this method works, but it is typical for amateurs, and besides, it is not always reliable, because the jumper can remain intact even if the fuse is blown. To check the condition of the parts, it is better to turn on the circuit that has ceased to function (it can be any electronics, be it headlights, a stove or a stereo system), and then use a multimeter to check the voltage level in the fuse responsible for this circuit. Such a check will take much less time and will give an accurate result.

If the fuse is broken, it must be replaced immediately. First, we find the fuse box (if the box is located under the hood, then the battery should be disconnected in advance). We remove the bolts from the cover of the safety block. With a 10 wrench, unscrew the nut that holds the clamp with wires. This is done in order to move them (they block access to the fuses). Also, for greater comfort, you can dismantle the fuse panel, but this is not necessary. Then we simply remove the non-working fuse and put a new one in its place (naturally, suitable in size and value).
Selecting and checking the fuse
When choosing which fuse you need, you need to keep in mind a number of conditions. When choosing a new part, you need to contact only trusted manufacturers who are responsible for the quality of their products. It is advisable to consult with other motorists who have an identical car and a load on the electrical circuit. This is very important, since most of the fuses are made in China, where no one controls this process. Due to poor-quality products, you can not only destroy the electronics, but the entire car. There were cases when the fuse box burned out, and the fuses themselves remained intact.

To check the quality of the part, it is necessary to provoke a short circuit outside the car, and if the fuse burns out, then it is of high quality and you can take the entire batch to replace the damaged ones in yourauto.
To create an artificial short circuit, you need to tie a wire to the ends of the fuse, and then connect one of them to the plus, and the second to the minus and let an electric current flow through them with a voltage higher than the nominal one.

Installation of accessories
If you plan to install additional equipment in the car, you need to find out if the regular wiring of your car can withstand such a load. If not, then the new equipment will need to be wired separately, and the fuse rating for it should be one and a half times higher than the rated current in the circuit. To calculate the load, you can use Ohm's law and special tables.