Let's reflect on the topic: "Conspiracy is…" Asking such a question, serious and covered with all sorts of secrets, the first thing that comes to mind is Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about the famous London detective. All this, of course, is far from what you want to write and talk about, but somewhere it echoes.
Conspiracy as it is
Different dictionaries interpret this concept in their own way, but in general, the meaning is reduced to one. A conspiracy is a kind of small adventure, a secret plan, which is aimed at encrypting traces, actions, thoughts, tasks in achieving the goal.
This concept can be viewed from both negative and positive points of view. In the first version, such terms as treachery, conspiracy, deceit, trick become synonymous with it. In the second - scheme, game, intrigue, practice. In any case, conspiracy is some kind of concealment, secret, secret.

The very word "conspiracy" became known to us back in the time of Peter I. And in Latin it means "secret agreement, conspiracy." In those days, it was quite often used for the purpose of secretassociations against something, someone.
Complete secrecy is rather inherent in actions at the state level and on an international scale, since a special kind of security is required here. In this regard, you should really take care of the complete concealment of your traces. The main task is not to be detected under any circumstances. This concept is associated, of course, with great responsibility, as well as impeccable training and excellent human abilities.
Lessons of conspiracy
Rules have not yet been canceled, and in terms of conspiracy, they exist in every word, in every gesture. A professional in his field will never allow himself to break a few postulates:
1. Before doing something, he will think well. Mistakes are unacceptable in his field, so a true professional in his field will follow the saying "measure seven times, cut once", but at the same time he will act clearly and without delay.
2. Keep track of everything that is happening around, do not lose sight of anything, including the smallest details, even pay special attention to them.
3. No alcohol. He must constantly be aware of what he is doing, be in a sober mind and bright memory. And only in exceptional cases, if the situation requires it, can he sip, but no more.
4. Keep a close eye on what's going on with your loved ones. Unfortunately, they can become those who instantly surrender or set up, without realizing it. Therefore, everyone needs an eye and an eye.
5. Hide your weaknesses. As a rule, these are children, relatives and relatives. Therefore, it is best to close all personal data, or rather, change and not confuse. Access to personal information should not be completely ruled out, this leads to suspicion, but it should be minimal.

The rules of conspiracy don't stop there, of course. Here are the most basic, but not unimportant.
Principles of conspiracy
As in any field of activity, this one also has its own principles of work. But the very concept of conspiracy can be considered as an independent principle of action. For example, the activity of any special service is directly related to secrecy. This is a fundamental postulate in their practice.
At the same time, the operation of such serious systems is impossible without strict rules, so in their work they are guided by some strict norms on which the entire system of interaction is built from the very moment of its inception. One of these principles is that you need to change your appearance as little as possible, but wisely so as not to draw attention to yourself. For example, a person is very clubfoot. In this case, his gait is changed by stuffing pebbles into his shoes. Or, in order to divert attention, the appearance of a specialist can be given some features that strongly attract attention to themselves: a scar, an ugly wart, etc. That is, an ordinary passer-by will notice this particular aspect of appearance first of all, which will distract him. And the goal is reached.
Despite the seriousness of the topic under discussion, the conspirators are not deprived of a sense of humor, and it often saves them in different situations, and also allowsstay professional. The most famous of the statements of such specialists are the following: "Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy"; "Two can always keep a secret if one of them is dead."

Conspiracy and privacy
It would seem that completely incomparable things, but if you think about it? Exactly. Conspiracy is a multifaceted concept. It can be attributed both to state affairs and intelligence of the highest rank, and to the notorious household level.
We are sure that at least one of you has come across the concept of mystery in your daily life, and more than once. Even a trifling lie, when you need to hide some fact in order to present a surprise later, requires a bit of conspiracy.
Of course, not everything is so rosy. Sometimes people resort to this method in order to cover up their sins. Sadly, it is a fact and must not be forgotten.
Conspiratorially and on business
About the works of art that come to mind when thinking about conspiracies, I still want to mention too.
So, the children's cartoon story "Koloboks are investigating." Surely the generation of the 80s with a sweet smile will remember every episode of this wonderful cartoon. How interesting it was to watch funny chubby heroes debugging incredible crimes!
Or you can remember the classics of all times and peoples, instructive stories about the famous Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. These well-known pathfinders still amaze us today with their resourcefulness, ingenuity andthe ability to think outside the box. The incomparable logic of the respected Holmes evokes only a feeling of boundless respect and admiration. It is interesting not only to watch the detectives, but also to participate with them in solving each task, because you like it or not, and the plot of fascinating stories is addictive, and in earnest.

Without a share of humor in this topic, too, has not done. The beauties Daphne and Josephine (Joe and Jerry) in the American film Only Girls in Jazz or the popular Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie, as well as the amazing acting work of Alexander Kalyagin in the eccentric comedy Hello, I'm Your Aunt! - Why are you not examples of conspiracy? The female image, perhaps, makes it possible to bring to life the most sophisticated kind of adventurous game of intrigue.
And how could we forget about the famous Stirlitz? A scout of all times and peoples, a unique and unsurpassed personality! The film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" is perhaps the best example showing how a person can perfectly cope with his duties in the most extreme circumstances and conditions, professionally and skillfully using all the skills of conspiracy. Vyacheslav Tikhonov, the actor who played the title role, flawlessly played a Russian intelligence officer and showed how the concept of conspiracy can work for the good of the motherland.