Examples of professionalism in literature and colloquial speech. Words-professionalism in various fields of activity

Examples of professionalism in literature and colloquial speech. Words-professionalism in various fields of activity
Examples of professionalism in literature and colloquial speech. Words-professionalism in various fields of activity

Each profession has its own specifics not only in the field of activity, but also in vocabulary. Terms, names of tools, work steps - all this has its own definitions, understandable only to specialists. Progress is sweeping the planet, and with the development of science, more and more new words appear. For example, it is worth noting that today there are almost 60 thousand items in the field of electronics, and in the well-known Ozhegov dictionary there are 3 thousand fewer of them. It cannot be called otherwise than a terminological explosion.

Professionalisms in Russian: place and meaning

professionalism word examples in medicine
professionalism word examples in medicine

First of all, let's define this phenomenon. Industrial vocabulary is an autonomous language system, which is a collection of all scientific and technical concepts and names. It has the most developed information function.

Special vocabulary penetrates into the literary language, which is completely inevitable, since highly specialized words are quitemay become common for objective reasons. This includes popularization of scientific knowledge, and raising the level of people's culture, and access to modern communication technologies. For example, today everyone knows what apogee and perigee are, you will not surprise anyone with the expression "soft landing" or the science of selenology.

Literary language and professional vocabulary have a common word-building basis, so the reverse cycle can also occur: an already known concept receives a new meaning that has a narrow specialization.

Communication of specialists, all kinds of scientific papers, reports and production reports contain examples of professionalism that have their own classification.

Linguistic concepts of special vocabulary

professionalism word examples in construction
professionalism word examples in construction

First of all, it is a term (from Latin - "border"). This is the name of a word or phrase (in other words, a linguistic sign), which corresponds to a special concept. It is the terms that are included in the vast majority of neologisms that have appeared recently. An example would be professionalism in medicine.

Terminological system: its components are, in fact, all the same linguistic signs, but have already evolved from functioning as disparate (single) definitions to being combined into a coherent scientific theory.

Nomen (Latin for “generic name”). This is an independent category of vocabulary, denoting a single, visible object. For example, when they show us a device and say that it is an oscilloscope, then weevery time we represent it, as soon as we hear this word. For non-specialists, it is impossible to imagine another device that visualizes electrical vibrations.

The most democratic concept of special vocabulary is professionalism. They are especially widespread in colloquial speech, since most of them are unofficial synonyms for scientific concepts. Examples of professionalism can be found in explanatory dictionaries, and in newspapers, magazines, and literary works, they often perform a figurative and expressive function in these texts.

Classification of occurrence

dictionary of professionalisms
dictionary of professionalisms

There are three ways to form special words:

– Actually lexical. This is the emergence of new special names. For example, fishermen from the verb "shkerit" (gut fish) formed the name of the profession - "shkershik".

– Lexico-semantic. The emergence of professionalisms by rethinking an already known word, that is, the emergence of a new meaning for it. For printers, a hat is not a headdress, but a heading that unites several publications. And the pipe for the hunter means nothing more than the tail of a fox.

– Lexical and derivational. Examples of professionalisms that have arisen in this way are easy to identify, since suffixes or word addition are used for this. Everyone knows what a reserve is (a reserve mechanism or a part for something) or an editor-in-chief - editor-in-chief.

Features of speech and special words

Despite the apparent limitation inuse, professionalisms are found in all styles of the Russian language. You will not surprise anyone with the dryness of the official business style, therefore professionalism in it has a simple function of conveying the meaning of the statement.

As for scientific speech, here professionalisms are used for several reasons:

- for better assimilation of information through the figurativeness of special vocabulary;

- make it possible to quickly memorize the text due to the capacity of concepts;

– avoid tautology by putting examples of professionalisms in place of terms.

For journalistic and artistic styles, the use of special words occurs with the same functions:

– informational;

– communicative (not only hero-hero communication, but also reader-author);

– saving speech efforts – professionalism always explains in a shorter term;

– cognitive, forming cognitive interest.

Where special words come from

professionalisms in Russian
professionalisms in Russian

The main source of professionalism, first of all, are native Russian words that have undergone semantic rethinking. They appear from common vocabulary: for example, for electricians, a hair becomes a thin wire. The colloquial vernacular layer of vocabulary gives the name of the hammer handle - killing, and the jargon suggested that the driver call the downtime "kimar". Even the local dialects have shared a definition for the big road - the highway.

Another source of special words is borrowing fromother languages. The most common of these professionalisms are examples of words in medicine. Whatever name you take, it's all Latin, except for the duck under the bed. Or, for example, a foreign printing press with a form called a cliche, from which we have only the designation of the drawing made by it.

Any branch of production has objects that make up a system in which classes can be distinguished. Both require certain names to be grouped into thematic groups.

About lexical-thematic groups

professionalism in medicine
professionalism in medicine

Professional names contain not only knowledge about the industry, but also the attitude of the speaker to the subject. From this point of view, they are objective (as a rule, these are nomens) and subjective:

– Expressing negativity or irony to the subject itself. So, a faulty car for motorists is a coffin.

– Relation directly to the title. This is how the bomber became the bomber in aviation.

– Even professionalism can indicate the quality of work. Examples of words in construction about brickwork say: wasteland (little mortar) or blockage (uneven wall).

All these thematic groups are in certain connections, and it is they who break up reality with the help of words.

About lexico-semantic groups

professionalism of programmers
professionalism of programmers

Professional words are combined not only by the presence of an emotional assessment of the subject or its name, but also, if possible, interact with each other. It concernssemantic relations: synonymy, homonymy, ambiguity, metaphor. In this regard, the following groups can be distinguished:

– Words that have an equivalent in common vocabulary. Their meaning can be found by opening the explanatory dictionary. There are a lot of professionalisms of this order in the Russian language: mine - large inter-column spaces on a newspaper page.

– Terminological synonyms. In different areas, professionalism means the same thing. For example, among motorists, builders and machine builders, scrap is called a "pencil".

– Polysemantic words. The word "Zhiguli", in addition to the well-known meaning of the car as a trademark, has an indication of a specific camshaft in engineering.

And finally, about jargon

examples of professionalism
examples of professionalism

Each profession has a number of words, phrases, expressions that contain a very vivid expression. These are usually informal synonyms for certain terms. They are used exclusively in oral speech when communicating with specialists and are called "professional jargon".

The specificity of this vocabulary makes speech incomprehensible to a third-party person who is outside this field of activity. Many programmer professions have a tinge of jargon: a teapot, a dog, or a crib. They are already more reminiscent of slang - a social dialect common in a highly professional or even asocial environment. The function of this language is conspiratorial, it is only for "their own".


Everything related to professionalvocabulary, jargon and even slang, must be constantly studied, as this is a fairly large lexical layer, which cannot be ignored, since it reflects historical processes and the development of society.
