Examples of speech errors. Speech errors in literature: examples

Examples of speech errors. Speech errors in literature: examples
Examples of speech errors. Speech errors in literature: examples

Word is an important element of our daily life and speech in particular. This unit can rightfully be called extremely diverse and voluminous. With its help, we not only give names to phenomena and objects, but also convey our thoughts and feelings. By remembering the main examples of speech errors, you can avoid them in the future and improve your communication style.

When we decide what word to say, there are several things to consider. These, first of all, include stylistic coloring, appropriateness of use and the level of compatibility with other components of the sentence. If you break even one of these rules, your chances of saying something wrong will greatly increase.

Watching the value

Examples of speech errors are often associated with the fact that the speaker does not understand the meaning of the word and uses it in a situation that is not suitable for this. So, in the phrase "the fire grew stronger and stronger," the verb was used incorrectly. It has two meanings.

examples of speech errors
examples of speech errors

The first of them is “get hot, warm up to a high temperature”, and the second is “excited”. In this situation, it would be much more logical to use the word "flare up." It just conveys the meaning that the author was trying to put into the phrase.


Speakers often use significant and functional words without considering their semantics. Often there are such speech errors in the media. Examples of them can be from the category "thanks to the tornado, several thousand people died." The preposition with which this phrase begins should be used only in those situations when we want to say what caused the desired, and not destructive, result.

The nature of this error is hidden in the semantic abstraction of the word from the verb, which gave impetus to its appearance. In the above case, instead of "thanks" you need to say "due to", "because of" or "as a result."

Similar but different

Speech errors are inevitable in any field of activity. Examples from life are often associated with the choice of words-concepts that have different bases for division. That is, we are talking about a combination of concrete and abstract vocabulary in one context. So, often there are phrases in the style of "we will provide a complete cure for drug addicts and other diseases." If we are talking about an illness, we need to use its name, and not talk about the people who suffer from it. In this situation, it would be correct to use the word "addiction".

speech errors in the media examples
speech errors in the media examples

At every step, speech andgrammatical errors. Examples of them can become so ingrained in our lives that we may not even notice that we are speaking incorrectly. Such cases include the incorrect use of paronyms. Many people are confused about the concepts of "addressee" (the one to whom we write a letter) and "addresser" (sender, author). To avoid embarrassment, you just need to remember the meaning of such problematic words.


Another eternal problem of many people is that they do not follow the lexical compatibility of the phrases they pronounce. After all, when we choose a suitable word, it is necessary to monitor not only its literary meaning. Not all designs can harmoniously combine with each other. To maintain speech balance, it is necessary to take into account semantics, style, grammatical features of words and more.

You can meet a variety of sentences with speech errors. Examples might be something like, "A good father should set an example for his children." In this case, the word “example” must be used.

Synonyms, homonyms, paronyms

Speech errors on television are often associated with the misuse of synonyms. Examples are often associated with the wrong choice of the emotional coloring of the word and the scope of its use: "The CEO made a mistake and immediately set about correcting it." The neutral word "mistake" would be much better for this situation, instead of the chosen jargon.

Homonyms also often cause incorrect statements. If not taken out of context, the meaningsuch words would be quite understandable. But there are times when they are used in an absolutely inappropriate situation for this. Having heard the sentence “Now the carriage is in excellent condition”, we will not be able to understand who or what it is about: the team or the wagon. In this situation, additional context is indispensable.

types of speech errors with examples
types of speech errors with examples

Types of speech errors (we will deal with examples a little later) are often associated with the fact that speakers incorrectly use ambiguous words. To avoid such oversights, it is necessary to monitor how appropriate a particular word is for a particular situation.

Context plays a big role in this. It is with its help that you can understand the meaning of many words. An example is “she was so sung”. Without additional explanation, it is difficult to understand whether the heroine was carried away by the action performed or simply gained momentum.

Too much or too little

speech errors examples from life
speech errors examples from life

A separate category of sentence formulation is the use of verbosity. Types of speech errors with examples are discussed below:

  1. Pleonasms (the use of words that are close in meaning and at the same time unnecessary in this situation): “Each guest received a souvenir.”
  2. Unnecessary words (not because of lexical similarity, but simply because they should not be used in this sentence): "Then, so that you can enjoy life, our gift shop will take care of it on January 10."
  3. Tautologies (several concepts that have the same roots or othermorphemes): "Our company is in the festive mood."
  4. Split predicates (where one word can be said, several are said that convey the same meaning). Often there are such speech errors in the media. Examples might be: "fight" instead of "fight", "eat" instead of "eat", etc.
  5. Parasites (usually particles or nouns that people use to fill in awkward pauses in their statements): "damn", "well", "uh", as well as various obscene language.
sentences with speech errors examples
sentences with speech errors examples

Examples of speech errors are also often associated with lexical incompleteness of the statement. This is a gap in the sentence of a word that logically should be there. Such a blunder is present in the proposal "not to publish on the pages of newspapers and television statements that could cause an aggressive reaction." One gets the impression that the author says “on the pages of television.”

New and old

Many types of speech errors with examples are associated with the use of inappropriate new and obsolete words. Often, the authors unsuccessfully fit them into the context or come up with their own, inappropriate forms. Thus, in the sentence “More than twenty thousand rubles have been allocated for patching this year,” the author’s neologism “patching” means “pit repair,” which is impossible to understand without additional context.

speech errors on television examples
speech errors on television examples

Archaisms are words that have gone out of use. You also need to be careful with their use. Someinsert them into texts that require the use of neutral vocabulary, not obsolete ones. “Now there is a subbotnik at school” – this is the case when it would be better to say “now” to make the text more logical in style.

Foreign words

Examples of speech errors also often appear due to the incorrect use of words that came to our country from abroad. Many people manage to throw beautiful phrases of this origin without even fully understanding their meaning and sematic connotations.

"My buying plan is limited because I don't make enough money." This is the case when a simpler wording like "runs slower" should have been used.

Problems with vocabulary

Speech errors in literature, examples of which can be found in many books, are often associated with the wrong choice of vocabulary. These may be dialectisms, vernacular, jargon and phraseological units that are not quite suitable for a particular text. When choosing words from these groups, it is necessary to monitor how harmoniously they fit into the general context. You also need to adhere to one specific style of presentation in the narrative. If we want to say “I met a neighbor at the entrance”, you don’t need to call her “scrapper” (dialectical).

In the sentence “I bought a thin TV”, it is better to use the neutral word “thin” or “bad” instead of colloquial speech, depending on what meaning you put into the text. Otherwise, the addressee of your speech may misunderstand what exactly you are saying.

typesspeech errors with examples
typesspeech errors with examples

Professional jargon "steering wheel" is appropriate in the dialogue of drivers, but in no way in the description of the interior of a new car model by the seller: "The seats and steering wheel are upholstered in genuine leather." Phraseologisms also cause a lot of difficulties in their correct use: "This person constantly casts pearls in front of pigs." This expression means "to invent, lie", but without additional context it can be interpreted literally.
