Studying the Central Siberian Plateau, geologists became interested in the high ground in its southwestern part. What is unusual in the area called the Yenisei Ridge? Why is this place getting so much attention?
Short description
The ridge occupies the right bank of the Yenisei, located between the rivers Podkamennaya Tunguska and Kan. The length of the Yenisei Ridge does not exceed 750 km. The width of the mountain height is 200 km. The highest point of the ridge is the Enashimsky Polkan hill, its height is 1104 m.

The area where the Yenisei Ridge is located is conditionally divided into two mountain systems:
- South Yenisei low-mountain ridge.
- Zangarie.
The division of mountain systems runs along the Angara River.
Geological reference
The geology of the ridge is not fully understood. Scientists have yet to determine the age of the Precambrian deposits that make up the mountain base. This ridge is one of the parts of the Yenisei-Sayan fold-cover region, which formed the southwestern edge of the Siberian platform.

Yenisei Ridge consists of ancient dense rocks. Limestones, sandstones, conglomerates, shales, traps are distinguished here. The mountain system has stable newest Quaternary uplifts on an older Proterozoic crystalline basis. The geodynamic period of the formation of the Yenisei Ridge is considered Proterozoic. This is called the Baikal folding. At least six hundred million years ago, the tectonic structure of southern Siberia underwent numerous fluctuations. She went up and down. Mountains collapsed, then renewed and rose again. Sedimentary strata accumulated during the period when there was a warm sea in the south of Siberia. Therefore, they contain sand, clay and limestone deposits (waste products of the inhabitants of the sea).
Granitoids of the Yenisei Ridge are considered as the main indicators of the geodynamic setting of the formation of the continental crust. This is a generic name for rocks of igneous origin, which contain oxides of silicon and quartz. During the study and research of the ridge, many scientific papers were written on the composition of granitoids and several doctoral dissertations were defended.

The complex structure of geological layers and the metamorphosis of rock deposits over time led to the formation of rare minerals, marbles, dolomites and other fossils. This makes the Yenisei Ridge a zone of increased human attention.
Yenisei Ridge consists of various types of relief. Interfluves are flattened or dome-shaped, river valleys are steeply sloping, with great depth. The highest point is onthe awn part of the ridge. The lowest is located in the north, in the area of the Yenisei River, its height is 30 m. At the intersection of the ridge by the Yenisei (below the mouth of the Stone Tunguska), the riverbed forms the Osinovsky threshold. Another rapid called Kazachinsky is located in the Kamenny Cape area, a little over 220 km from Krasnoyarsk.
Mineral resources
Main attention to this area is attracted by the huge deposits of minerals. It is with them that human economic activity in the Yenisei Ridge is mainly connected. Deposits of iron ore, bauxites (aluminum ore), magnesites, talc, titanite were found here. Rich deposits of gold were found in the depths of the 19th century.

It is believed that the presence of gold in the bowels of the ridge was explored by Yegor Ivanovich Zhmaev. He was an employee of the merchant Zotov. Zhmaev collected information from the Evenks (local natives) and in 1839 applied for 5 gold mines on behalf of his employer. And since 1840, a real “gold rush” began on the Yenisei Ridge. In the 19th century, about 69% of the extraction of this precious metal in Russia came from the gold of the Yenisei Ridge.
At present, the development of gold deposits is successfully continued by the state. The largest deposit for today is Olimpiada (Severo-Yenisei region). According to geological exploration, the total gold reserve of the ridge is about 1,570 tons.
A little about nature. Vegetation
Yenisei Ridge is located in the Siberian taiga zone. Two species are observed here: southern larchtaiga and Siberian pine with dense undergrowth. Pine dark coniferous taiga is the western slopes of the hills. The highest elevations are treeless and covered with shrubs. As an undergrowth of the larch taiga, alder, wild rose, wild raspberry, currant, rhododendron are often found. Pine taiga has reed and hellebore undergrowth.
In the mountains of the Yenisei Ridge there is a brown bear, a wolf, an elk, a lynx, a wolverine. There are different types of foxes, badger, polecat, ermine, weasel, sable, deer, ram and other animals here. Fur-bearing animals have been harvested in these places for a long time.

Different birds live in the crowns of trees. Their list is very large: there is a crossbill, and a nutcracker, and a thrush, and a woodpecker. The abundance of birds of prey is associated with a large number of birds: owls, hawks and other species. There is also a huge number of capercaillie and hazel grouse. The abundance of birds is associated with a powerful food supply, since there are many insects in the taiga.