Zhytomyr region… It would seem, what could be special here? Yes, the brilliant designer Sergei Korolev and the great writer Lesya Ukrainka were born in these parts. Zhytomyr region is also famous for its agriculture and granites. Someone heard about Berdichev, about his famous church of Barefoot Carmelites. However, those who have visited these parts will not let you lie: the Zhytomyr region is special. One has only to open the inconspicuous door…

This region is located in the central part of the East European Plain, in the north-west of Ukraine. It borders in the south with Vinnitsa, in the west - with Khmelnitsky and Rivne, in the east - with the Kyiv regions, and in the north - with the Republic of Belarus. The map of the Zhytomyr region given in the article clearly demonstrates this. This region is an ancient Slavic land, which is commonly called Polissya. According to its areait ranks fifth in Ukraine - 29.9 thousand square kilometers. Its length from north to south is 320, and from west to east - 170 kilometers. The climate here is temperate continental: warm, humid summers and mild, cloudy winters with frequent thaws. The average temperature in summer is plus 18.5 degrees Celsius, in winter - minus 5.5 degrees. The average annual rainfall is 753 millimeters. More than 220 rivers flow on the territory of the Zhytomyr region, all of them belong to the Dnieper basin. The largest of them are Irsha, Irpen, Sluch and Teterev. In addition, there are a lot of lakes here. The territory of the region is characterized by zones of forest-steppe and mixed forests. Chernozem soils predominate in the southern part of the region, while gray forest, marsh and sod-podzolic soils prevail in Polesie. The region is considered the second in the country in terms of reserves of forest plantations, forests (mainly coniferous species) occupy 30 percent of the territory here.

Zhytomyr region: districts, cities
The administrative center is the city of Zhitomir. The region is represented by 23 districts: Andrushevsky, Baranovsky, Berdichevsky, Brusilovsky, Volodarsko-Volynsky, Emilchinsky, Zhytomyr, Korostensky, Korostyshevsky, Luginsky, Lyubarsky, Malinsky, Narodichsky, Novograd-Volynsky, Ovruchsky, Olevsky, Popelnyansky, Radomyshlsky, Romanovsky, Ruzhinsky, Chervonoarmeisky, Chernyakhovsky, Chudnovsky. Zhitomir, Berdichev, Korosten, Malich, Novograd-Volynsky, Andrushevka, Baranovka, Korostyshev, Radomyshl, Ovruch, Olevsk - cities of the Zhytomyr region. GenerallyThere are 1667 settlements in the region. Of these, five are cities of regional significance, six are districts, and 43 are urban-type settlements. The number of village councils is 579. This is the administrative division of the Zhytomyr region. Villages make up most of the settlements in this region - 1613.

Since the Zhytomyr region is rich in forest and land resources, this determined its specialization - agrarian raw materials. The economy of this region is based on agriculture and processing of agricultural products. In addition, a significant contribution is made by the construction industry, which is based on local raw materials. In terms of the growth rate of the main social and economic indicators, the Zhytomyr region ranks fifth in Ukraine.
The main role in the economy of the region is played by enterprises of the food industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking, light, woodworking and building materials industries. The main products of metalworking and mechanical engineering are woodworking and metal-cutting machines, equipment for the chemical industry, for fodder production and animal husbandry, road equipment and machines, spare parts for tractors, cryogenic equipment, automation tools and devices, electrical products, as well as equipment intended for processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. The light industry is mainly represented by clothing, footwear, knitwear factories and the production of linen fabric. foodThe industry is represented by more than 120 bakery, confectionery, non-alcoholic beer, meat and dairy, sugar, flour-grinding, distillery enterprises. Zhytomyr region has more than 60 factories for the production of building materials.

Zhytomyr region is one of the three regions in Ukraine (together with Chernihiv and Transcarpathian regions), in which, during the period of independence in the 90s of the last century, there was practically no reduction in agricultural production. The agro-industrial complex of the region employs 721 enterprises and 638 farms, as well as seven thousand individual peasant and more than 340 thousand personal subsidiary farms. Among agricultural production, there is a slight preponderance towards crop production - 53 percent, respectively, the share of animal husbandry is 47 percent. Crop growing is represented by grain and beet growing in the forest-steppe zone and grain and potato in Polissya. Sugar beet, hops and fiber flax took a significant share of industrial crops. Animal husbandry specializes in the meat and dairy direction, in addition, poultry farming, pig breeding, sheep breeding and beekeeping are quite developed.

More than 1 million 266 thousand people live in the region. The urban population of the region is 56 percent, while the rural population is 44 percent. Its greatest density falls on the southern regions of the region, as well as Berdichev and Zhytomyr. On the territory of the region85 nationalities live. The share of Ukrainians is 85 percent, Russians are about 8 percent.
Ukraine, Zhytomyr region: famous people
The following famous people were born in the area:
- Korolenko Vladimir Galaktionovich - Ukrainian and Russian writer.
- Lesya Ukrainka is the great poetess of Ukraine.
- Lyatoshinsky Boris Nikolaevich - teacher, composer, conductor. He is one of the founders of the modern direction of Ukrainian music.
- Olena Pchilka - Ukrainian writer, publicist, playwright.
- Richter Svyatoslav Teofilovich - famous pianist.
- Joseph Conrad is a world famous English writer.
- Miklukho-Maklay Nikolai Nikolaevich - writer, anthropologist, ethnographer, philosopher, geographer.
- Ogienko Ivan Ivanovich - Metropolitan, culturologist, linguist.
- Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - designer, academician.

It's interesting to know
1. On March 14, 1860, Honore de Balzac and Evelina Ganskaya were married in the city of Berdichev in the Church of St. Barbara.
2. In the city of Berdychiv, in the Church of Barefoot Carmelites, there is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which healed Pope John Paul II.
3. In Berdichev, according to many, a mystical city that froze at the crossroads of times, there is an important Jewish shrine - the tomb of the leader of Hasidism, the tzadik Levi Yitzhak Ben Meyer, who was called Levi-Yitzhak Berdichny. Up to three thousand Jewish pilgrims from all over the world come here every year.
4. On the territory of the region, near the village of Rudnya Zamyslovetskaya, there is a geological reserve, which is called "Stone Village". It is a heap of huge boulders (glacial origin) among the forest, which resemble petrified rural houses. The stones are lined up like streets. This lost corner in Polissya is included in the Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine.