Red is a word that has several meanings. It is found in the description of the relief of a particular area. Often used in texts devoted to gardening. The ridge is, moreover, a toponym. In Russia, there are three settlements with this name, and one river.
A ridge is a small hill that has an elongated shape, or a series of low hills. Such relief phenomena occur as a result of strong winds or as a result of deposits of melt water.
A ridge is also a long strip of plowed land. It is in this meaning that the word is most often used. True, as a rule, in a diminutive form. Example: "onions and carrots are often grown in the same garden."

Other values
Among the archaisms in the Russian language there is such a word as "dirty". This verb is sometimes found in modern fiction. What does dirty mean? It is to walk, to march, to approach, to attack. Example: "The guardsmen are coming for the king."
The adjective "future" is formed from the verb, that is, "future", "that,what will happen soon". And the noun whose meaning we are considering has a common etymology with these words.
"The ridge" is a word that can be found in poetic works. For example, in Bunin's poem "Loneliness". Describing the gloomy autumn landscape, the author says "clouds are coming ridge after ridge." In the poem, this word, of course, is not used in the sense of a plowed strip of land or a relief phenomenon. The synonym for the noun "ridge" here is "sequence". This word has a third meaning - a series of slowly moving objects. Example: cloud bank.
Red Sands
Even those who have never been in the desert, of course, saw huge masses of sand in the photograph, on which, as if on purpose, someone applied a strict, amazingly even pattern. These are ridge sands. They are parallel long hills that can stretch for several kilometers. Ridge sands are found in Australia, Africa, Central Asia.

A small river called the Ridge flows in the Moscow region and flows into the Lake. There is a village in the Vologda Oblast, in which, according to the inventory of 2002, only 25 people live. Probably, the name "Gryada" arose due to the relief features characteristic of the area where the village is located.
This toponym is found twice more on the map of Russia. Two villages with the same name are located in the Novgorod region. The first in Solovetskydistrict, the second - in Krestets.