In 1909, Stalin's first wife, Ekaterina Svanidze, died. This death was a great loss for him. Not inclined to express emotions, and even more so to colorful turns of speech, the no longer young revolutionary spoke about the cold stone that entered his heart. Who knows how world history would have developed if this icy and hard object had not crushed the chest of the future leader of the largest country in the world? However, the subjunctive moods are alien to this science.

From his beloved wife was the son of Jacob, just a baby. My father had no time to take care of his upbringing, he had other things to do. The boy grew up with his grandmother, mother Ekaterina (Kato) in Tbilisi, then studied in Moscow - first at school, and then at a college, in electrical engineering. It is difficult to describe the relationship between the son and the father, and there are very few materials that testify to them. The facts speak of an unsuccessful suicide attempt due to unhappy love. The shot in the chest was angrily condemned by Yakov's father, he was actually denied the house.
Whether the Soviet dictator loved his eldest son is hard to say. The whole country admired the courage of Stalin, who refused to save Senior Lieutenant Dzhugashvili, who was captured near Vitebsk, and practically doomed him to death. On the other hand, everythingyears after the death of his son, the leader of the world communist movement wore a black T-shirt under his tunic as a sign of mourning, hidden, like so much in his life.

Stalin's second wife, Nadezhda Sergeevna Alliluyeva, was fifteen years younger than her husband. The daughter of a professional revolutionary, she was captivated by the image of a romantic fighter who returned from exile after the February Revolution. She was only sixteen then, and the future General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was thirty-eight.
Active life position, inexperience, naivety and a penchant for revolutionary romanticism annoyed her husband, striving for power and might.
Her personal modesty reached the extreme - many colleagues and heads of organizations in which Nadezhda Alliluyeva worked did not even know that she was Stalin's wife. They even wanted to expel her from the party in 1921, accusing her of passivity and anarcho-syndicalism (then it was fashionable to hang all sorts of “isms” on a person), but her husband stood up. And Nadyusha worked not just anywhere, but in the secretariat of Lenin, Pravda and the editorial office of Revolution and Culture, and even studied at the Industrial Academy. There, too, neither teachers nor students knew that Stalin's wife was next to them.

They had two children, son Vasily in 1921, and daughter Svetlana in 1926. Much more is known about the life of the second family of Joseph Vissarionovich than about the first. This became possible thanks to the book "Twenty Letters to a Friend", published in 1967 in the West. The daughter of the Kremlin dictator revealed many secrets and in detaildescribed her life.
Stalin's second wife committed suicide under mysterious circumstances after a banquet at the Voroshilovs on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution. At the table, the husband behaved rudely, and this may have provoked suicide. There were several versions of the events, from the involvement of Nadezhda Alliluyeva in an anti-government conspiracy, to constant painful migraines, but the truth is no longer known.
A monument was erected on the grave of Stalin's wife, very beautiful and expressive. In addition to the name, surname and dates, the party affiliation is indicated on it: “member of the CPSU (b)”.