Modern universities offer a wide range of different speci alties - engineering, teaching, medical, and creative. Not all programs are popular, because school graduates, when making a choice, are guided by the demand for professions, their prestige.
Every young man and every girl wants to occupy some highly paid position in the future, to work in the office. Dreams like these are achievable with a financial education. That is why the speci alties related to it are very popular today.
Features of studying on financial programs
Several years ago, the universities of our country produced specialists for specific areas of life. Programs offered in the past have provided people with in-depth knowledge of selected areas. However, since then the education sector has undergone dramatic changes. Universities, academies and institutes of Russia have switched to the system that was used in the United States and European countries - graduated higher education. With the transition to a new education in financial universities, bachelor's and master's programs appeared.
Bachelor's degree in finance, as well as in other programs,designed for 4 years. Studying on it does not allow you to get a narrow qualification. Students receive general information related to economics and finance. After graduation, graduates are employed in the company in low-level positions. If this situation does not suit you, you can enter the master's program. It will be able to get deeper knowledge from the area of interest.

Choosing a higher education institution
If you want to get a quality higher financial education, it is very important to choose the right educational institution. Not in all universities the training of highly qualified specialists is in the first place. Take, for example, non-state educational organizations. Those universities that have been recognized as inefficient in the past few years have always invited applicants for financial speci alties and lured them with loud advertisements. However, in reality, these educational institutions did not give their students full-fledged knowledge. Graduates of such universities could not find employment even in low-level positions that are available for bachelors.
It is best to choose educational institutions from state options. There are educational organizations that are included in the list of the best financial universities in our country. Among them, for example, there are:
- Higher School of Economics.
- Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov.
- St. Petersburg State University of Economics, etc.

Introduction to the Higher School of Economics
To provide quality education and form highly qualified specialists from inexperienced schoolchildren, it is not necessary to be a university with a 50- or 100-year history. State University Higher School of Economics was opened in 1992. Today it is already one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Russia.
The Higher School of Economics takes a very responsible approach to training personnel for the Russian labor market. High-class teaching staff is engaged in teaching students here. Among the staff of the university there are scientists with a worldwide reputation. Attention at the Higher School of Economics is also paid to the training of specialists for the world stage. As part of all educational programs, English is studied throughout the entire period of study. With high academic results, students are offered free study of another foreign language.

Programs at the Higher School of Economics
From the educational programs of the economic, financial profile, it is worth highlighting the "world economy", "economics", "economics and statistics". All of these areas are undergraduate. They provide serious training in professional disciplines. Attention is also paid to the basic disciplines that form the foundation for all knowledge.
Additionally, it is worth noting that the State University Higher School of Economics offers a double degree program. When studying on it, you can get a world-class economic education. There are several distinctive features of this program in comparison with other undergraduate areas. First, the training is conducted in English. Secondly, students not only take courses provided by the Higher School of Economics, but also study courses at a partner university, the University of London.

About Russian University of Economics
PRUE them. Plekhanov has been conducting educational activities in our country for a very long time. It all started in 1907 with the appearance of a commercial institute in Moscow. It was the first economic institution of higher education in Russia. It quickly gained a positive reputation. In 1917, more than 6.5 thousand people were already studying here. In 1919, the university became known as the Moscow Institute of National Economy, and in 1991 it was already the Russian Economic Academy of Moscow. University status was acquired in 2010.
If you look at PRUE now, it can be noted that this is a very large university. Associations with several educational institutions made it possible to form an effective and modern educational organization. Its unique feature is the high practical orientation of training. This makes it possible to produce well-trained specialists with economic, managerial and legal knowledge and who are able to use information technology in their work.

Studying at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Now let's talk about studying. If you want to get a financial education, you canapply for a bachelor's degree in economics. In this program, each student is further determined with a specific profile, i.e., chooses the most interesting economic, financial area. There are a lot of options. You can, for example, select:
- "Finance and Credit";
- Corporate Finance;
- "Securities and derivative financial instruments", etc.
A very important nuance - upon admission to Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, documents can be submitted not for a bachelor's degree, but for a specialist. The duration of training will be 1 year longer, but after graduation from the university there will definitely not be any problems with employment. Employers always make a choice in favor of specialists, not bachelors. After completing a bachelor's degree and a specialist's degree, access to master's programs is opened. There are many of them at the university. For example, here are some of them - "Financial and Management Business Analytics", "Financial Economics - Investments", "International Economics and Business".
St. Petersburg State University of Economics
This university is no less famous than the HSE and REU. Its name evokes memories of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance in many people. It was under this name that the modern St. Petersburg State University of Economics worked from 1991 to 2012. Analyzing earlier history, it is impossible not to note the fact that this educational institution appeared in 1930. The Institute of Financial and Economic Profile was formed on the basis of one faculty of a polytechnic university.
Over the years of its existence, the university has gained a positive reputation. Today, St. Petersburg State University of Economics is a leader in economic education. The university has preserved some traditions of Soviet and Russian education. With them, he confidently moves into the future, strengthening his personnel, scientific, educational potential and applying modern technologies in his activities.

Education at St. Petersburg State University of Economics
At St. Petersburg State University of Economics, you can start your financial education with one mid-level training program - "Economics and Accounting". On it, students receive the basics of knowledge that will be useful in the future not only at work, but also in their studies when entering higher education programs.
If you wish, you can go straight to the bachelor's degree, unless, of course, there is a secondary general education. Applicants are offered economics with various profiles. The university also has international double degree programs - Economics and Management, Corporate Finance, Control and Risks, Organizational Economics and Economic Development. They are taught in English or French. Partners are leading French universities.

Other options
When considering educational institutions with economic education, one cannot fail to mention the Financial University under the Government of Russia (the former Financial Academy of Moscow). The management claims that the educational institution is the best on the planet. In real rankings, the university does not takefirst places, but its positions are still high. For example, in the ranking of the faculties of the largest universities in the Russian Federation most in demand among employers, the Financial University under the Government of Russia ranks 5th.
Getting into the Higher School of Economics, the Russian University of Economics, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and the former Financial Academy of Moscow under the Government of Russia is not easy. Hundreds of applicants apply to these educational institutions for prestigious speci alties. But how to get a financial education if the scores for the Unified State Examination do not allow you to apply for places in these universities? In such cases, it is worth looking at other educational institutions, but it is best to choose state universities. Diplomas from non-state educational organizations are often not taken seriously by employers.