What are managers? This question is increasingly being asked by teenagers entering universities, choosing between the many bright booklets of educational institutions.
Today, managers are called almost every specialist who has received higher education. It comes to managers of floor rags and light bulbs in the porches… It's time to figure out who can be called a manager? What are the speci alties of managers? What every manager should know?
Who is a manager?
One of the largest online libraries defines a manager as a manager: "Is this a profession?" you ask, "Not really." - I will answer.
Let's understand the terminology. To do this, we turn to the All-Russian classifier. According to this document, only workers have professions, and the manager is not a worker. Employees are divided into positions, one of which is the manager. This position belongs to the category of managers, like, for example, the master.
In connection with the above, the question “What are the types of profession managers?” quite relevant, although slightly linguistically incorrect.

So the manager is one ofleadership positions for an employee.
Responsibilities of a manager
The main responsibilities of a manager include a range of decision-making activities in the area and at the level at which the employee is located. It should be mentioned here that there is an unspoken division of managers into 3 levels:
- Top management - top management of the company.
- Middle-level managers - heads of departments and departments, heads of departments.
- Senior managers - the largest share in the total volume of the company's management, which includes managers in their subordination, who have direct executors, workers, specialists.

The main personal qualities of a manager
The main personal qualities of any leader are:
- Leadership. Only a charismatic and self-confident person who can inspire the team with confidence in the correctness and success of their joint work can manage people.
- Social activity. The ability to communicate with people, praise, motivate, criticize and argue with arguments is indispensable for a leader of any level.
- Stress resistance. The mental, psychological and moral he alth of a manager is also a prerequisite for his productive work.

This list can be continued with other criteria for the "ideal" leader, however, all subsequent requirements for his personality will bedepend on the line of business. So what are managers?
Training areas
Under the direction he understands the aspect of the manager's activity, that is, what part of the company's business he is called upon to manage. The directions are very different: from finance and investment to logistics and procurement. At the same time, do not confuse the areas of training with profiles (speci alties). The former, as a rule, allow answering the frequently asked questions of students entering universities: “What are the positions of a manager?” The latter determine the industry in which the manager specializes (tourism, construction, environmental protection, etc.).
Let's consider some areas of managerial training.
Marketing Managers
Marketing, or promotion of goods on the market, is a growing area of activity for companies. Producing a service or product. Recently, special agencies have been created that, through a system of outsourcing, provide organizations with services in this area. As a result, the demand for marketing managers has increased significantly.
What are marketing managers?

They, as a rule, are divided by industry, as managers are required to have a good knowledge of the market to which the product / service is to be introduced. The versatility here is almost zero. There is also a division of managers according to their functions:
- Marketing analysis.
- Market forecasting.
- Marketing budgeting.
- PR managers, etc.
It is worth noting that marketers are engaged in a strategic level of management, that is, in general, they set the course for the company's movement, without working out emergency situations and specific solutions to possible minor problems.
Sales managers
It is no coincidence that we placed the material about "salespeople" next to marketers. Undoubtedly, their areas of work overlap in many respects. However, it is worth noting the essential features of production managers.
So what are sales managers like?

The desire to work for the result is the main requirement for all product managers. Selling products face-to-face, by phone, via the Internet and by any other means is the main job of a sales manager. Calling sellers leaders began in the West. Subsequently, this fashion came to us. However, it is worth mentioning that in this area there are real leaders who perform managerial functions in relation to such important processes as:
- Search for clients.
- Identifying sales opportunities.
- Developing a product promotion strategy.
At first glance, these functions are duplicated with marketing, but in reality they are not. Sales managers work at a tactical level, solving pressing problems, urgent tasks and topical issues. Such employees must have special qualities: communication, stress resistance (to the highest degree), resourcefulness.
HR managers
Human resource management is perhaps the mostancient direction of managers. They perform a very wide range of work, providing the company with its fixed assets - employees.
What are HR managers?
Different areas of work:
- Selection of personnel (search for personnel, introduction of new employees to the team).
- Training of company employees (development of programs, organizational support).
- Office management in the field of personnel (registration of vacations, sick leave, business trips).
- Ensuring corporate culture (development of business communication regulations, control of compliance with corporate ethics requirements).
- Prevention and resolution of conflict situations in the team, much more.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that, unfortunately, today many applicants do not have an understanding of what management is, what managers are, what kind of profession it is and what positions a specialist with a diploma "manager" can take.

One can only advise future students on the verge of an important choice to be more attentive to their desires and try to find a "golden mean" between the vastness of training managers "in its purest form" and the need to obtain a basic set of knowledge in a particular sector of the national economy. After all, managing what you don’t understand is not only difficult, but also ineffective.