Championship is a competition for the title of champion

Championship is a competition for the title of champion
Championship is a competition for the title of champion

Humanity strives for development and movement, reaching peaks and self-improvement. This is especially true among young people. You can give this movement the right direction with the help of olympiads, championships and other competitions.

The championship is a wonderful spectacle where the performers demonstrate their skills. It is enough just to recall the world championships in rhythmic gymnastics to see wonderful pictures of performances before your eyes.

Terms and definitions

The term "championship" is more often used in the case of sports competitions, but can also be used in other cases to determine the winner in some kind of competition. For example, such competitions are held in the game “What? Where? When?" or among some breeds of animals.

Russian team in rhythmic gymnastics
Russian team in rhythmic gymnastics

Spanish has contributed to the terminology of the World Cup. "Mundial" in Spanish means "world". They began to call them the football championship.

What are the championships?

You can name the following:

  • National championship when representatives of onestates, for example, the Russian Football Championship.
  • Open championship, in which foreign athletes can also participate.
  • Olympic system. With this form of competition, the loser is eliminated from the game, these are the so-called knockout competitions.
  • League - a competitive system in which all competitors are first divided into groups, and through competitions within each group, the strongest participants are determined. All winners are credited to the major league, in which the second stage of the competition takes place. And the winner of this stage receives the title of champion. This championship is a team competition.
World Figure Skating Championship
World Figure Skating Championship

Football World Cup

Football is one of the most beloved sports for all countries and peoples. Therefore, the attention of the population of the entire Earth is usually riveted to all competitions in this sport. The FIFA World Cup takes place according to the following rules:

  • The number of teams participating in the championship is 32.
  • The country that is given the right to host the championship is selected in advance.
  • The championship lasts one month.
  • The whole championship can be divided into two parts. The first part is competitions within subgroups "in a circle". The winners in each of the groups are admitted to the second part.
  • The second part of the competition is held according to the Olympic system. The main thing is that every game should be effective. For this, if necessary, both extra time and a series of free kicks are used.

The World Cup is a spectacle that allows viewers toexperience wonderful emotions, and all those present have vivid memories.
