Matrimony is the union of two loving hearts (a woman and a man), which makes it possible to create a family. It obliges to fulfill the marital duty, to observe mutual fidelity and responsibility. If it is based on love, it leads to mutual respect, moral support for each other, cooperation in solving problems. Further, the meaning of the word "marriage", its etymology and synonyms will be discussed in detail.
Word in dictionary

There, his interpretation, as a rule, is as follows. Marriage is married life, marriage.
Regarding “marriage”, the dictionary says that this term means a marriage union, which is regulated by society and registered with special bodies. In this case, it is necessary to reach marriageable age. As a result, a number of corresponding rights and obligations arise.
Thus, the words "matrimony" and "marriage" are synonymous. Below will beother words are given that are close in meaning to the one being studied.

These include:
- marriage union;
- burden;
- marriage;
- family union;
- neck loop;
- marriage life;
- collar;
- yoke;
- marriage;
- spouse;
- marriage;
- wedding;
- ringing;
- marriage;
- bonds of Hymen;
- marriage bonds;
- marriage;
- husband and wife;
- married couple;
- pair team.
Further, for a better understanding that this is a marriage, it would be appropriate to consider examples of the use of the word.
Sample sentences

You can imagine the following:
- In the first years of marriage, this couple was calm, harmonious, and then, as they say, African passions began.
- In ancient Rome, family laws were very strict. So, the father had the right to accept or not a child who was born in a legal marriage, he could order that he be thrown out or even killed.
- Anna doubted very much whether Alexei would love her as strongly and passionately as he had during the first time of their happy marriage.
- The Sergeevs loved talking with friends, especially since during their marriage they acquired a lot of them.
- According to astrologers, stones such as aquamarine, carnelian, turquoise, amazonite, and alsopearl. But is it really worth trusting them in such a difficult case?
The origin of the word "marriage"
According to linguists, the studied lexeme is formed from the noun "spouse", which comes from the Old Russian "sporug" together with "sprug", meaning "spouse". Also related are the Old Slavonic “suprug” - “husband” and “spruzhnitsa” - “wife”.
The word "matrimony" has a common root with the word "harness". The latter is collective and denotes a set of various devices and items intended for harnessing a horse or other live traction.
The same root is also present in such verbs as “to harness”, “to strain”, “to conjugate”. The general meaning of this root can be interpreted as "pull" or "attach with force".
In this regard, folk etymology tends to ascribe a figurative-romantic character to the origin of the word, associating it with "conjugation". That is, a woman and a man, having become husband and wife, having tied their fate, undertook to jointly bear the burden of solving the difficult task of creating a family, giving birth and raising children. In fact, this is nothing more than an allegorical interpretation, which is based on the consonance of words.
In reality, everything is much simpler. Despite the similarity of the roots, the noun “matrimony” goes back to the Old Russian verb “to conjugate”, which looked like “to conjugate”, and it meant nothing more than “to have sexual intercourse”. Thus, both the noun "husband" and the now obsolete "wife" previously meant sexual partners.
Union of two people

It is created by two people who love each other and want to live together. They share a home, a bed, joys and sorrows, hopes and worries.
Matrimony is a complex system in which women and men interact. They form their family from two different cultures, creating a joint, single way of life in the house. The first years of married life are especially difficult.
Relationships in marriage are regulated by many factors, which include: cultural traditions, legal norms, church regulations (when a marriage is consecrated by a wedding ceremony). And you should also take into account the socio-economic situation of each side and the characteristics of the characters.
Matrimonial unions can be both successful and not very, or completely unsuccessful. In the first case, people are provided with love, respect, support, the joint joys of fatherhood and motherhood. In the second, marriage can turn into a heavy burden, seem like a real prison.
Fortunately, divorce is not such a big problem nowadays as it used to be. The exception is when the marriage is consecrated by a wedding ceremony. Nevertheless, today in the Orthodox Church the list of reasons for which a divorce is possible has been significantly expanded. In addition to adultery, we are talking, for example, about (about):
- falling away of the wife or spouse from Orthodoxy;
- unnatural vices;
- conviction to punishment;
- malicious abandonment of one of the spouses by the other;
- encroachment on life and he althchildren, spouses.