As part of the knowledge of the surrounding reality, scientific tools offer many means of empirical, that is, experimental research. The experiment is one of the most effective, because it is based on the principles of repetition and evidentiary facts. More importantly, the experimental method makes it possible to study individual phenomena independently of random factors, which distinguishes it from traditional observation.

Technology of method as a means of research
Compared to practical knowledge through observations, an experiment is organized as a prepared study, before which a specific task is set with pre-set parameters for interpreting the result. An important feature is the participation of the researcher in the process of such knowledge. In addition, the method of a scientific experiment, precisely because of the possibilities of organizing its repetition under the same conditions, is distinguished by accuracy and more reliable information. Thus, it is possible to establish causal relationships between individual elements of the experiment, revealing other properties with patterns in a particular phenomenon.
In the organization of experiments, measuring instruments and technical equipment are often used,to ensure the correctness of the data. The classical description of the experimental method can be presented as a laboratory research process, since it is completely controlled by the author, but there are other concepts of this way of knowing reality, which will be discussed below.
Experimental Models

Usually there are flawless and random experiments. The first group includes a model of organization that, for one reason or another, cannot be implemented in practice, that is, under conditions of scientific observation. This technique not only helps to fulfill the set task regarding the study of the object, but also contributes to the improvement of the experimental method by identifying individual errors. As for the random experiment model, it is based on the concept of random experience, which can correspond to a real test, but its result will be unpredictable. The random method of experiment requires compliance with a wide range of requirements. For example, the prepared mathematical model of research in it should adequately describe the experiment. Also, when setting a problem, researchers accurately determine the model within which the initial mathematical data for the experiment and the results obtained will be compared.
What types of experimental method is divided into?

In practice, physical, computer, mental and critical experiments are most often used. The most common physical experiment, whichis the knowledge of nature. Thanks to such experiments, in particular, erroneous hypotheses of physics, which were studied in the framework of theoretical research, are revealed. Computer experiments are connected to the computer process. During the tests, specialists process the initial data on a specific object, as a result, providing information about the identified properties and characteristics. The thought method of the experiment can affect different areas of research, including physics and philosophy. Its fundamental difference is the reproduction of the conditions of reality not in practice, but in the imagination. In turn, critical experiments are focused not on the study of specific objects or phenomena, but on the confirmation or refutation of a certain hypothesis or theory.
Features of psychological experiments

A separate group of experiments is the psychological sphere, which determines its specificity. The main subject of study in this direction is the psyche. Accordingly, the conditions for conducting research will directly determine the vital activity of the subject. And here we can note some contradiction with the basic principles of the method under consideration as such. Compared with other types of research, one cannot count on complete control and creation of test conditions. You can proceed only from biased data that a psychological experiment will provide. The method of psychological research also does not allow one of the processes of mental activity to be singled out, sinceexperimental influences affect the organism as a whole. Similar studies can be carried out on both humans and animals. In the first case, the conditions of the test sometimes provide for the initial briefing of the test subject.
Natural and laboratory experiments
This division is also included in the concept of a psychological experiment. Natural research can be correlated to a certain extent with scientific observation, since in this case minimal interference in the course of the mental activity of the subject is assumed. By the way, this is where the significant advantage of the natural method comes from. The subject, due to the absence of interference in his life during the experiment, can remain in the dark. That is, the very fact of the study will not affect it in any way. On the other hand, due to the lack of control, this method of scientific experiment in psychology is considered ineffective. Opposite characteristics also determine the advantages of a laboratory experiment. In such studies, the tester can, if possible, artificially organize the study process, focusing on specific facts of interest to him. But even in this case, the need for close interaction between the researcher and the subject determines the subjectivity of the result.

Advantages of the experimental method
The advantages of this approach in research are, first of all, the controllability of conditions. The researcher organizesprocess in accordance with its capabilities and resources, which greatly facilitates the work. Also, the advantages of the experimental method are determined by the possibility of its repetitions, which makes it possible to clarify the data without adjustments for changes in the test conditions. And vice versa, the flexible possibilities of process correction allow you to track the dynamics of changes in certain qualities and properties of the object.
Of course, the main advantage of this technique is the accuracy of the data. This parameter will depend on how correctly the process conditions were prepared, but within the given limits and parameters, a high degree of reliability can be expected. Especially the advantage of such tests in terms of accuracy reveals the method of observation. The experiment against its background is more controllable, which makes it possible to exclude third-party factors of interference in the research process.
Disadvantages of the method
Most of the weaknesses of the experimental methods relate to organizational errors. Here it is also worth making a comparison with the observation, which, precisely in terms of conditions, will be extremely correct. Another question is that, unlike observation, an experiment in all parameters is a fixed process. In addition, the shortcomings of the experimental method are associated with the impossibility of artificial repetition of phenomena and processes. Not to mention the fact that certain areas of application of technology require significant material investments in the organization.

Examples of using experiments
One of the earliest experiments was carried outEratosthenes of Kirensky, who studied physical phenomena. The essence of his research was to calculate the radius of the Earth in a natural way. He used the degree of deviation of the Sun from the Earth during the summer solstice, which made it possible, by correlating the parameters with the distance to the point at which there was no deviation at all, to conclude that the radius is 6300 km. The difference with the actual figure is only 5%, which indicates the high accuracy with which the method was performed. An experiment, examples of which are reflected in psychology, cannot claim to be mathematically accurate, but they deserve attention.
Thus, in 1951, a group of researchers conducted a group experiment, the purpose of which was to study conformity. Participants were asked to answer simple questions about the number and location of sticks that supposedly tested their eyesight. At the same time, all but one participant were given the command to give false results - the method was based on identifying this difference. The experiment, examples of which have been reproduced many times, eventually gave disappointing results. Participants who were left face to face with a deliberately wrong, but dominant opinion, in most cases also agreed with it.

Experimental research undoubtedly expands and makes a person's understanding of the surrounding world deeper. However, not all areas can use this method. Observations, experiment and experiments in combination give much moreinformation complementing each other. There are areas in which the study is possible using different methods separately, but in the interests of rationalization, research centers are increasingly using combined approaches. At the same time, it must be recognized that experimental research still has a fundamental role in the context of the development of theories and hypotheses.